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Everything posted by scotthartman

  1. Wednesday or Thursday evening should work. You tell me what time is good, I'm flexible.
  2. I'm planning on playing some more Bolt Action. Will have army list sorted for 800, 900, or 1000 pt games. Bring on the big guns!
  3. I'll be there with my Bolt Action. Can likely also show up a bit early.
  4. Good game last night between @Burk and myself. Lots of good turns, back and forth momentum throughout. Burk, your question on calculating cover I got wrong. Cover is applied to all shots based on if at least 50% of target unit is obscured to at least 50% of firing unit. So the modifier applies to all shots of the unit rather than individual models, unlike range which is by model.
  5. I don't know why that posted several times and can't delete on my own.
  6. Get yourself some silicon tipped hobby sculpting tools. They don't stick to GS and allow way more control shaping and smoothing. Also work with small amounts of GS at a time and build up to final layer. Adds strength to areas that may need support. Good luck. These look like great start!
  7. Get yourself some silicon tipped hobby sculpting tools. They don't stick to GS and allow way more control shaping and smoothing. Also work with small amounts of GS at a time and build up to final layer. Adds strength to areas that may need support. Good luck. These look like great start!
  8. Get yourself some silicon tipped hobby sculpting tools. They don't stick to GS and allow way more control shaping and smoothing. Also work with small amounts of GS at a time and build up to final layer. Adds strength to areas that may need support. Good luck. These look like great start!
  9. Thanks for the game. It was a close one. Unfortunate for that death to end the game, sorry.
  10. K, let's try for Sunday morning. If that falls through then we can do Monday morning. 9am good?
  11. Let's try for Saturday evening, ? I'll be home just doing some work so should be able to play.
  12. @SigurdBC when would you like to play our game? I am often available, though this weekend during the days I won't be (evening/night is fine still).
  13. Yikes! Mine usually just sends me to the couch! 🙂
  14. Burk and I managed to get a game today (Sunday). Was great for both sides, several new situations came up that we muddled through, which was fine for learning the game. Take away was a fun game and an agreement that the rulebook is poorly laid out. Everything seems to be covered in it but in hard to find places. I would call it unintuitive. Still fun though! Remember those order tests are key!
  15. @Burk and/or myself may be there tomorrow for Bolt Action. We talked about it today but didn't make definite plans yet.
  16. Hi everyone, I want to put this out there to the group, if it pertains to you or the company you work at then please feel free to reach out to me either here or by email at itographics@gmail.com. I am a graphic designer with nearly 20 years experience, having worked in marketing, advertising, and product/packaging design, and am searching for new clients. I can help your company develop marketing strategies, create content, deliver production ready files, and even help with sourcing print or web production. Happy to speak more directly about what I have done and can do for your company.
  17. scotthartman


    This can't be right. I am pretty sure its called the Official Bob Bifford League for a reason!
  18. Forgot there was a meeting this Saturday. I could probably play after that, let's plan for that and talk at the meeting to see if it still works.
  19. Let's try for this weekend, probably Saturday, maybe earlier in day Sunday?
  20. I'll be there with my Bolt Action starting army for the beginning of the escalation league. I'll also bring some Necromunda as a backup plan.
  21. In response to the original question, the Star Wars Rebellion board game is quite good and easy to learn. A few quirks because there is secret information, not sure if your son would be ok playing with that, but good fun and star Wars themed. A more abstract war game but simple and fast is War Chest. Very unique area control with wargame units on a hex board. Variable unit choices per game keep it interesting. Memoir and Battlelore are both fantastic though. Can't go wrong with either.
  22. I'll likely put my gangs in my army case for ability to play as a random ringer. Also happy to help arbitrate, @ninefinger just let me know what and when you may need help with. Happy to be the unbiased trade post regulator as well.
  23. Can we keep the debate to another thread and use this for match pairings?
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