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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. I'll be looking for some casual 10th Ed 40k - ie please no El Lion, Guilliman, Wraithknights, etc. 🙂 Also happy to play End Of 8th/9th Ed 40k for those of us who still like those versions!
  2. Interested in the all the mechanicus stuff, PM'd
  3. Anyone played Oathmark with a more terrain-heavy board and a bit forgiving of the unit lines like the scenario photos in the books?
  4. Are you selling the leviathan mission cards or just the paperweight? 😉
  5. Looking for the deck of mission cards from the leviathan set. Anyone who bought two leviathan boxes have a spare set they’d offload? I can swing by the clubhouse/guardian pretty much any day to meet up. Thanks, appreciate it!
  6. @SixCoal sounds good, I'll get there early & set up a board.
  7. Funny to finally have our showdown now that we're both firing bean-bag rounds. And sounds great - I haven't seen turn 4 & 5 for two editions !!!
  8. I'll be looking for some casual 10th Ed 40k - ie please no El Lion, Guilliman, Wraithknights, etc. 🙂 Also happy to play End Of 8th/9th Ed 40k for those of us who still like those versions!
  9. GW doing their best to maintain our late-empire society of pacified monotony. I for one can't wait to cut out the box art, discard the sprues, and participate in this cookie-cutter edition!
  10. I'm just happy to see with the points release this morning that this will continue on the great balance they achieved end of 9th; and not an insultingly obvious reset intended to boost GW's sales of their newest and most expensive models from 2022-23 . . .
  11. Five datasheets from Grey Knights have been leaked - which is basically 75% of their army. Also banned.
  12. Heya All, The greatest ever Least-Lethal, Fewest-Reroll, Simplified-But-Not-For-Simpletons version of the game is upon us this weekend! Absolutely everyone who wanted one and doesn't happen to work Saturdays picked up a copy during the 4 hours they were available! Points will be released this Friday the 16th so lets all get together for a massive battle royale (the custard, not the movie) !!! Just a few quick house rules to keep everyone on the same page: No penalty for unpainted minis - be honest half your models will still be glued to your fingers / dripping toxic resin. Games will be scheduled for 37mins apart - more games & who needs to play past turn 2 anyway? Currently Eldar, Deathwatch, reanimation protocols are banned - more updates to 11:59:59 July 16th as each index is released. Anyone who purchased a 2023 model character in a $200+ boxed set (or $99+ individually on ebay) automatically wins !!!
  13. Looking for some 40k, preferably 2k of casual Tempest of War but could do more competitive matched play if folks prefer.
  14. @KyleM Running a little late this morning, can we shoot for 11am? Sorry for the late notice, gotta replace an inner tube
  15. Awesome, what time you want to meet? I'm really free anytime and I have keys, so we can stay past when Blustorm leaves if we end up starting later or going longer.
  16. @Kevin the Wizard All my armies are thematically built around subfactions which are going away with the very-limited indexes so I'm prioritizing 40k until 10th ed drops.
  17. I'm looking for some 40k and can be there pretty much anytime! Preferably 2k of casual Tempest of War but could do matched play if folks insist.
  18. FOMO HERE !!! The weather is much cooler this week and someone is looking for a compatriot to play 40k this Thursday !!! 🤪 Seriously, who else wants to shoot/smash other models in the face a few more times before we have to drop $200 to learn all the new keywords ?!?
  19. I'll be there looking for some 40k! Preferably 2k of casual Tempest of War but could do matched play if folks insist.
  20. There's a reason they call those Bored Games . . .
  21. @ImperialTrooper will there be a game night this Thursday the 25th?
  22. You'll probably want to pick up the Pocket Guide version - they're reprinted more regularly and contain more current errata. Imagine if all game companies did such considerate things for their players . . .
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