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Tyranids are here!


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I would have thought Silent Death. But it's been almost 20 years since I took Spanish, so I'm mostly just working off cognates.


Honestly, other than big Fex Broods, and the Exocrine, I'm not really seeing much of anything in here that I'm looking forward to and didn't already use.


Another thing I notice is that this would probably actually have looked pretty good if it had been one of the first Dexes out of the gate, when everyone was still fanboying over Foot Hordes and before Tau and Eldar cranked the shooting game through the roof.

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OK, I think crushing claws add armorbane (anteblindage translates to anti armor) and the second word appears to be  specialist (aparatoso: spectacular).   


So you'd have base 3 attacks at S10 with Armorbane.  Don't think it is worth it on the carnifex since it can get to S10 on the charge with adrenal glands (and, seriously, why WOULDN'T you do a screamer killer with fleet?).  


There are a lot of rules that would be in the bestiary like living battering ram and I can't read the page with lictors.  :/


AGH, I want to see this codex SO bad.  

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Looking at these posts makes me want to cry.  It is going to be an interesting battle to see how the new Bugs fit into the overall scheme.  Warriors with flesh hooks and boneswords look like a viable assault unit.  The T4 4+ SV still makes me sad, but with a few big bugs scattered around the warriors should be able to make combat.

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Another thing I notice is that this would probably actually have looked pretty good if it had been one of the first Dexes out of the gate, when everyone was still fanboying over Foot Hordes and before Tau and Eldar cranked the shooting game through the roof.

Very true.  I can't help but think that the hordes of little guys are going to be completely useless in this dex.  I'm wondering if there's some rule about models that already have fleet getting an additional buff if they get AD.  


ATM, horms still are pretty worthless, terms are still pretty much just tervigon unlockers, genestealers appear to still be overpriced, warriors got better with having access to 'nades, but they are still not that thrilling.  I can't believe pyrovores are essentially the same after basically being one of the consensus worst units ever.  


Just a lot of stuff I'm really bummed about, and the only stuff that looks worthwhile are the MCs still.  :(  


I just can't figure out why GW can't balance hordes right.  


Then again, we'll see...  

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Looking at these posts makes me want to cry.  It is going to be an interesting battle to see how the new Bugs fit into the overall scheme.  Warriors with flesh hooks and boneswords look like a viable assault unit.  The T4 4+ SV still makes me sad, but with a few big bugs scattered around the warriors should be able to make combat.

Yeah, I'm waiting to see the book and see how all the moving parts fit, but I'm really un-enthused about a lot of this and I tend to be optimistic about most new dexes.  


It really seems like they want us to do what the bat rep in WD did, spam MCs with regen.  



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The issue is going to become balancing synapse and your MCs.

Not really, Tervigons double as both.  90 termagants is only 360 pts.  Three tervigons with crushing claws and regeneration are 705 pts.  You have all your bases covered there at 1065 pts and now you can get a Hive Tyrant on the cheap for funsies at about 200 and then you have about 700 pts to spam carnifexes and exocrines if you want.  You could easily get 5 carnifexes with fleet and nothing else.  


That's a pretty nasty force at 2k vs most armies, since you are flooding the board with bodies and have answers in melee for most anything.  

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I'm pretty sure their special rules are just their Instinctive Behaviour, Fearless, and Swarm. Then the options are to add extra bases, buy Spinefists, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands, and Deep Strike.


That's based more on my recollection of the English version that leaked, but it matches up well with what's in the Spanish version there.


So basically no real change, they still pretty much suck.

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