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Rules Clarification, PLS no flame wars

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5 hours ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

Only half your army can be in reserve. He's talking about the half that gets deployed on table.  He's asking if a Ded Trans, deployed with 5 sternguard and 5 librarians counts as deploying 11 units ( meaning you can have 11 in Tac Res) or if it counts as a single deployment resulting in a single unit getting to benefit from Tact Reserve special rule.

Does tactical reserves count by the unit or the deployment? If by the unit then it would count them all. By deployment, then just the transport 

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That's part of the discussion you see. The rules say that units embarked upon transports are removed from the battlefield (partial sentence). So some people are saying they are no longer counted for anything including against units in tactical reserve and they can't shoot out of open topped vehicles or fortifications with firing ports. Some people are saying they fall into this shadow realm of non-existence in a 3rd category of deployment/non-tactical reserve where they can no longer effect anything or be counted for anything including against tactical reserve. They essentially disappear into the warp.

Thing is, I can't field any list under those conditions.

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Look, ultimately it doesn't matter. Either they are wrong and your units in transports count towards half of your army on the table (they do count) or they are right and it still won't matter because it will FAQed in a month.

However it sounds like to me, you need to get some new people to play with.

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Frontline gaming (the guys writing the faction focuses with GW, also the ones who play tested extensively) have 8th edition battle reports up indicating that units embarked in vehicles do not count toward the unit restriction totals for reserves.


Given their involvement with the roll out of 8th I'd tend to lean toward their interpretation for the rule.

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I found it. Units in transports are not "set up" until they disembark.

"When a unit disembarks, set it up on the battlefield so that all of it's models are within 3" of the transport and not within 1" of any enemy models..."


"When setting up your army during deployment... at least half of your units must be set up on the battlefield"

So because a unit in a transport is not "set up" on the battlefield until it disembarks it doesn't count as being set up during deployment.

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The really frustrating thing is that that means that a Transport and Embarked Unit(s) only count as one for Units set up on the battlefield, but will still count as the full number of Units when being held in Tactical Reserves. Looks like Mech and Reserves-heavy are not going to play well together at all in 8th.

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(8) total units




5man tac 

5man tac

5man tac

5man tac




•Cap and 1 tac (not set up) start in a pod = (1) unit (pod) set up in tactical reserve

•Lib and 1 tac (not set up) start in a pod = (1) unit (pod) set up in tactical reserve.


= (2) units set up in tactical reserve.


•2 tacs start on the board = (2) units set up on the table.

2 on the table and 2 in tactical reserves satisfies the 1/2 half set up requirements for deployment.

So, technically, in an (8) unit army (6) could be kept "off the board".  I think mech reserves will be fine, just more expensive with new vehicle costs.


Of corse all of this is from watching a FLG bat rep, soooooo, I could be totally wrong.  :)



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The requirement isn't that no more than half can be held in Tactical Reserves. The requirement is that "at least half the total number of Units in your Army must be set up on the Battlefield". If your Army has 8 Units, you need to have 4 "set up on the Battlefield".

Actually, if the RAW is correct, and Units in Transports don't count, it's even worse than I thought. Consider an Army like the following:

2 Characters
8 Units
8 Transports, including at least one with room for the Characters.

You can't actually legally fully Deploy that whole Army with everyone mounted up. That would only be 8 Units out of 20 "set up on the Battlefield", which isn't enough.

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3 hours ago, Psilence said:

The total 20 would change to total 8, and be legally deployable.

Still guessing though.

I'm just going by the RAW. Since we have no other official sources available right now. What you describe is the way I think it should be, but it's not what's actually written in the book.

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The requirement for half set up on the battlefield is only compared to tactical reserves. Units embarked in transports that are set up on the battlefield don't count as tactical reserves. So if everything you have is in transports that are set up on the battlefield then you don't have any tactical reserves. So it would be fine.

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