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New WFB Player looking for help tweaking my "Khorney Tzeench" 2500

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Hi - New to WFB and working with what I have. I have a few more models and can get some if needed, so please feel free to engage me in suggestions criticism and commentary - How can this be better:

Total Roster Cost: 2495


Lord of Change (#1)

1 Lord of Change (Level 4)

1 Exalted Gift

1 Lesser Gift



1 Soulgrinder of Tzeentch, (Daemon of Tzeentch + Phlegm Bombardment)


Skull Cannon of Khorne (#1)

1 Skull Cannon of Khorne

2 Bloodletter Crew


Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (30#)

30 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, + Musician + Standard Bearer Std


Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (30#)

30 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, + Musician + Standard Bearer Std


Herald of Tzeentch (1#)

1 Herald of Tzeentch (Battle Standard Bearer)

1 Banner of Eternal Flame


Flamers of Tzeentch (3#)

2 Flamers of Tzeentch,

1 Pyrocaster,


Flamers of Tzeentch (3)

2 Flamers of Tzeentch,

1 Pyrocaster,

Herald of Khorne (1#)

1 Herald of Khorne,(Exalted Locus of Wrath)

1 Juggernaut of Khorne

1 Greater Gift

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It looks like, between the Soulgrinder, Cannon, Flamers and Horrors, and LoC you went really shooting and magic heavy. Magic can be somewhat unreliable in this game - it can be powerful, but with Tzeentch you're looking at mostly direct damage spells. That makes your army mostly about dealing ranged damage, which generally isn't the most effective way to play the game. With that said, when your magic is on during a game, you will wipe off entire units without your opponent seeing combat. The problem is, that's not very fun for your opponent. Plus, you'll learn the game better if you have a balanced army.


So, in general, it's not an OP army, but I don't think you and you're opponent would have as much fun as you could playing with/against it.


Do you want to stick with Khorne and Tzeentch? If so, I'd suggest switching out one (or, honestly, both) units of Horrors for Bloodletters. Heralds with magic are cheaper sorcerers than big units of Horrors. Maybe drop a unit of Flamers for either some Fleshhounds or Blood Crushers (where your Khorne Herald would fit nicely). Getting some furies in their would be nice, as well. 


EDIT: Also, take everything I say with a grain of salt! I used to know Fantasy really well, but not really anymore.

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Lord of Change (#1)

1 Lord of Change (Level 4)

1 Exalted Gift

1 Lesser Gift



1 Soulgrinder of Tzeentch, (Daemon of Tzeentch + Phlegm Bombardment)


Skull Cannon of Khorne (#1)

1 Skull Cannon of Khorne

2 Bloodletter Crew


Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (30#)

30 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, + Musician + Standard Bearer Std



This is a great start to a list. The rest lacks the diversity and balance for list to handle most threats. As Jim pointed out, it is magic and shooting heavy. It combat and movement I think you will find it lacking.


The list lacks chaff, combat, and long ranged charged threats.


Herald of Khorne (1#)

1 Herald of Khorne,(Exalted Locus of Wrath)

1 Juggernaut of Khorne

1 Greater Gift



This guy needs friends to help him out. A Standard BC and a Musician should help provide another threat, or drop him for a unit of Crushers and spend his points elsewhere.

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