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No magic, say what?

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What armies, other then Dwarves, Can get by without a caster?

I am going to be experimenting with a few armies to see what happens. I like magic to add a bit of punch to my list, but I also keep seeing people building lists around avoiding all contact with the enemy, and blasting them away with magic.


What are the thoughts from the community on this?

Note that I am not making a dig at people that like magic heavy armies, I am just looking to see what people think.

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That just seems wasteful to me. Spending the points on the level 4 just to counter your opponent seems like the tail chasing the dog. I want to know who has been successful with no casters. It's one thing to say you can easily build a list with no caster, but I want to know who has tried it and been successful with it.

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I've run Mono Khorne no magic WoC with great success.

I have thought about this a lot. I feel like the answer is pressure. Force combat, fast of often and you should be able to stop alot of the direct damage stuff from getting through. People are still going to six dice stuff like mind razor, pit, and purple sun, but if you can bring the pressure fast and hard I feel like you can getgt them on the back foot.

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It's one thing to say you can easily build a list with no caster, but I want to know who has tried it and been successful with it.


I didn't say that, I said it was easy to build a list that doesn't rely on magic.  My ogres are not magic dependent.  Whatever augments I get on them are a bonus, but not themselves critical to success.  However, I definitely need a caster to prevent against Purple Sun, which has wiped my entire army in one go before.


Obviously, certain armies have to have a caster, i.e. Tomb Kings, VC.  So they're out.  Others rely too much on magic, i.e. high elves.  So that's out.


WoC, Khorne, Bretonnia, Empire, and Orcs could all run without casters.  Have I tried it?  No. But I wonder why you would.  Why cut off an entire phase of the game?  There is a balanced medium.

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I have thought about this a lot. I feel like the answer is pressure. Force combat, fast of often and you should be able to stop alot of the direct damage stuff from getting through. People are still going to six dice stuff like mind razor, pit, and purple sun, but if you can bring the pressure fast and hard I feel like you can getgt them on the back foot.

Which was essentially what I was going to post anyway. Early pressure and minimize turns. The longer the game goes the less likely victory


Fyi it was similar to the following

Khorne lord on horse

Exalted hero on horse BSB

4x 5 khorne flail horsemen

4x Khorne chariots

4x 5 warhounds

10 chaos knights of khorne

2x4 blood crushers

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I have mixed success with beastmen without using any magic. The pain really does come during the opponent's magic phase, but on your turns it's not a big deal. Just frees up more points of face-smashing.

I completely agree.

My main army is ogres. Most builds center around a slaughter master in a gut star. That is just too many points in one place for my play style. It also makes spells like purple sun or any hex way more effective by making a massive target to scoop up points. I think by spreading points around, playing pressure and really taking advantage the movement and combat phases can help counter that lack of magic.

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How does one "minimize turns"?

What munkie said.

If you can engage on t2, overwhelm a portion, roll up on 3 your usually only fighting a quarter of an army, and its usually at that point one player in either direction has lost.

Also you can limit turns by only engaging in 1/2 or less of the phases. If your turn only consists of combat you can do all your.moving on their turn (its called over-run for a reason... Go faster) if all your moves are in their turn you are effectively shortening the amount of relevant turns.

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WoC can make effective non magic lists. They have these cool things called daemon princes and you can get them in someones grill extremely fast.

I'm still waiting to see the dual Nurgle prince list.   At 2500 you can take 2 with the mark or Nurgle and a little bit of kit to make them survivable.   

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