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Infinity Escalation League


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I am stoked!  I am using the league as motivation to finish painting my Haqqislam stuff.  As such, my list is constrained by what I don't have painted. So we are going to see some goofy lists out of me! For instance, week 1 I will be an object lesson in the Fury: Characteristic, and why you probably want to have more regular than irregular orders. 😄  

Also, if we do run out of space, I have some 2 x 4 plywood that could be used to turn card tables into infinity ones...

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Hey guys - not sure how many of you use the Facebooks, but I went ahead and created a group for the Bellingham Infinity community.  If you're interested - it's a closed group (for those of you who prefer not to advertise your nerd-dom on social media), and I'd love to have you there.  Joey, myself, and Nathan are admins.



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Since most of you guys seem reluctant to join the FB group, I'll put a sample of the content I post there on here.  Here's a quick rundown of the upcoming week 3 mission:


Escalation League Discussion for Week 3!

Week 3 Mission: Frontline. 250 point lists, Limited Insertion, No Hacking (clarified with Joey - Hackers are allowed in order to enable taking Remotes, but no hacking actions are allowed).

Link to the scenario: https://sites.google.com/view/infinityconnected/its-season-9/frontline

Things you should know about Frontline - this is a fairly simple Zone control mission, with the area between the two (12") deployment zones divided into three 8" strips.  Controlling the strip farthest from your DZ is worth the most Objective Points, middle is worth a good chunk, and nearest is worth just 1 Objective Point.  Everything is scored at the end of the game.  Controlling means having the most points worth of troops (including camo markers) in the zone.

There is a Data Tracker, and if he is helping you dominate the central zone at the end of the game, you get an extra point.

There's also one Classified Objective.  The wrinkle here is that instead of scoring your Classified Objective normally, you *may* use it for Intelcom: Support and Control.  The decision on how you want to use it is made before the game (before you even know who's going first).  Roll off before the Lt. roll, high roll has to choose first.

What Intelcom: Support and Control does is let you use your Classified to add points to one of the 8" zones you have at least one model in.  How many points are added is determined by the number on the bottom of the Classified card, ranging from 1-40.  When choosing which zone to add points to, you make the decision in turn order, so the player who went first has to choose first.

Really there's not much more to Frontline - you want survivable units, keep your datatracker alive until the final turn and then get him into the center zone.  Going second is my preferred option as it the most control over who's standing in each zone at the end of the game.


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Remember it is still limited insertion this week as well so keep it to 1 combat group. Do some solid research on Fire teams and Command tokens. Command tokens have a ton of uses such as using them for coordinated orders and re forming fireteams. You can also use them strategically if you are going second to limit your opponents coordinated orders and reduce an order pool. Now this week we can't reduce order pools because we have limited insertion lists, and if a player has only 1 combat group you can't reduce their order pool. Keep it in mind for weeks 5 and 6 though.

Fireteams are a bit of a different animal. Remember that while you need to remain near to your other fireteam members, you don't need to clump up super close. Often I have seen people stack up in a row behind a building with their fireteam only to see everyone wiped out with a well placed flamethrower, missile launcher or shotgun. Also everyone tends to get excited about the 3 and 5 member benefits and forget all about the fact that a fireteam of 4+ members gets sixth sense L2. This is a very important rule as it helps when dealing with smoke and people sneaking up behind you. Read up on it.

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7 hours ago, Khail said:

Check the first post for info.  Hype (as well as mission breakdowns and handy dandy links) is mostly on Facebook in the Bellingham Infinity group 😉


I mean, I'm not gonna sign up for Facebook just for this league.


Status of Sherbert still a mystery, I see.  I hear he got Machu'd right in The Picchu.

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That's totally fair Fix - similarly, given that my objective is to build the community, I think that asking people to sign up for the Ordo forums is a bit of a stretch.  Especially with the difficulty I had gaining access to the Warhamster area.

FB is a pretty common platform for organizing both Infinity events and the Infinity community as a whole, so not having a page for us seemed like a missed opportunity.  That's how the various Seattle groups stay in touch, as well as the Vancouver BC group, the Vancouver WA/Portland groups, and the Vancouver Island group.  So I created a page.  It's ticking along nicely.  If you don't have FB and don't want to, more power to you.  But there are good resources there, and there are people excited to expand the community putting effort into it there 😉

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I will tell you where the hype is. Its in the fact that the Aleph Operations and Russian sectorials just got launched on infinity army today. You Ariadna players can now use sweet sweet Russian fireteams. And Brad, you can use 2 Maruts at a time now. Its an insane list and probably not very good which means it's perfect for you.

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23 minutes ago, Wiccus said:

I will tell you where the hype is. Its in the fact that the Aleph Operations and Russian sectorials just got launched on infinity army today. You Ariadna players can now use sweet sweet Russian fireteams. And Brad, you can use 2 Maruts at a time now. Its an insane list and probably not very good which means it's perfect for you.

PsBattle: A Russian soldier with waaaayyyy too many guns

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