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Ork Mek Gunz


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They literally have no rules whatsoever in the data slate other than to say ignore them. 

I also scratch built some and only have the actual grot on the cannon.

The only arguement that can be made to have them with the cannon is those models actually take up space and you have to deploy each cannon within 6" of each cannon. So 6 cannons is an extra 30 28mm bases you have to have space for.

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52 minutes ago, SPaceORK said:

They literally have no rules whatsoever in the data slate other than to say ignore them. 

I also scratch built some and only have the actual grot on the cannon.

The only arguement that can be made to have them with the cannon is those models actually take up space and you have to deploy each cannon within 6" of each cannon. So 6 cannons is an extra 30 28mm bases you have to have space for.

A little lost how you could deploy something without a profile. If the unit entry truly says to ignore them for game purposes, does seem like a contradiction to have rules regarding their deployment. Are you sure you are reading it right?

Any chance you could post the unit entry?

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In the TAU codex, the Tactical Drones are given their own entry which, in the area describing models included in the unit, includes the following note:


Note that this datasheet is also used for Tactical Drones that accompany many T'au Empire units (See Drone Support below.)

Is it possible there's a similar note in the Gretchin/Grot Unit Entry?

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54 minutes ago, Lyraeus said:

They have no entry. 

In the unit composition it says that it has 6 Krew, 1 manning the gun and 5 that have to be within an 1" but do not count for any measurements or line of sight....... 

It's rather annoying 

So....5 have to be within 1 inch, but don't have to be on separate bases...Totem Pole!

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6 hours ago, paxmiles said:

A little lost how you could deploy something without a profile. If the unit entry truly says to ignore them for game purposes, does seem like a contradiction to have rules regarding their deployment. Are you sure you are reading it right?

Any chance you could post the unit entry?

I am quite certain I have read the "rule" correctly. What allows you to deploy anything at all? I'm sure along the way there is some sort of vague rule or incorrect definition of something along the way.

Dont worry about this rule. You either have grots or you dont. They dont serve a purpose. 

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12 minutes ago, SPaceORK said:

I am quite certain I have read the "rule" correctly. What allows you to deploy anything at all? I'm sure along the way there is some sort of vague rule or incorrect definition of something along the way.

Dont worry about this rule. You either have grots or you dont. They dont serve a purpose. 

Just will be annoyed by that WAAC player that insists I have them.... They are some great looking meatshields! 


As for deployment, they are apart of the models composition so it's like having wysiwyg... But.... They don't do a dang thing

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41 minutes ago, Ish said:

Here’s the relevant bit. I don’t want to post the whole unit entry.

The only thing I can see the Grots affecting is where you can physically place the model, since the Grots all have to be within 1” of it... But that seems like a very niche circumstance.


Hmm...sounds like GW forgot to include a single big base for the model and now they are compensating with a screwy rule.

I recommend getting a larger base, one big enough to include the gun and all the gots with 1". Then just playing it as a single model with a single base.

Regarding the original question, yeah, sounds like you don't need any grots at all. You'd need space for the grots, but if you want to model the gun on a big base that includes space for everything and then just not include grot models on said base, sounds legit.

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1 minute ago, Kelharis said:

nothing wrong with putting them on the gun either. On is within 1" of...

Normally, you aren't allowed to put models on top of other models. That said, with this model and those other models all counting as one model, definitely makes that vague.

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