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What should I play?

Sgt. Rock

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Fyi dream forge has stopped most plastic production so accessibility of sculpts and weapons will prove difficult. Going to a kick starter model even though he has molds due to storage and scaling of production runs. He as a smaller entity has a hard time getting into queue to fill the molds at reasonable rates and time frames. His blog outlined it really well. 

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4 minutes ago, VonVilkee said:

Fyi dream forge has stopped most plastic production so accessibility of sculpts and weapons will prove difficult. Going to a kick starter model when he has molds due to storage and scaling of production runs. He as a smaller entity has a hard time getting into queue to fill the molds at reasonable rates and time frames. His blog outlined it really well. 

That's sad. I liked their sculpts.

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36 minutes ago, pretre said:

The stuff I have seen has not been the best cases (mold lines and rough bits) (daemons and sisters) and has been crazy thin, to the point where I would be afraid to put it on a table (this is for daemons stuff).

I'd rather work with old metal than their resin.


And this is not even addressing their questionable aesthetic choices. 🙂

I have mold lines but not much shifting or issues with the resin. It's definitely not old Hawk Wargames quality but it is not anywhere near the FW horror 

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I wanted to go Sisters; honestly, the fact that they're FINALLY getting plastics is one of the things that drew me back into 40k. But everybody and their damn dog is going to be running Sisters when those models drop, and for one thing, I don't like being a bandwagon player, and I also don't like running into a ton of mirror matches. Knights are right out; I can barely afford to buy a $30 kit once a month, much less a $120 one. It's the poor man's dilemma; knights may be cheaper in the long term to play, but I have such a small income that even with a substantial discount from work, I can only buy things a little bit at a time. I hadn't really considered the Scions, honestly. I might give them some thought. Tyranids... I dunno. I can't decide if I like the aesthetic or not. I'm not looking to go sweep ITC tournaments, but I'd like to be able to come to casual and semi-casual environments and still have a decent chance at winning. I'll probably just end up running Imperial soup, depending on my mood. 

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13 hours ago, Sgt. Rock said:

So when I decided to get back into 40k, I chose Space Marines, because they're the most economically accessible army to play. It wasn't until I was already a bit invested that I learned more about the whole Primaris silliness going on. I've never been a big fan of Marines, and that really soured me on things. So once I have enough marines to make a 2000 point list (stupid CA points drop!) I want to start something else, but I don't fully know what. I want an army that's going to be dynamic, because I find static gunlines kind of boring. I don't want a high model count army, so returning to my orky ways of the past is right out. I really enjoy CC. Honestly, if Space Marines didn't have this Primaris BS, they'd be about perfect. As it is, I'm considering Chaos Space Marines, because they have the strong melee, competent shooting, and not hugely high model count (and I already have a few models.) I'm not a huge fan of their aesthetics, though; they strike me as a bunch of try-hards trying to out-evil each other. I'm really intrigued by Necrons, but I've heard they're a pretty slow gunline, so if I want something dynamic, they're probably out. And I have a long-standing prejudice against elves (damn dirty knife-ears...)

Any suggestions?

I honestly dont know how you can go wrong with a Space Wolves force if you like Dynamic, with every element of the game in play meaningfully and the aesthetic there is fantastic.  12 Thundercav, the Thundercav characters (3) and some Wulfen.  Few Blood Claws and some Longfangs.  whammo.  Fast moving, hard hitting and not boring.  Not a lot of models.  striking on the battlefield and striking in close combat...literally.  Hit on 2's o nthe charge.  Ouch.  Super good.

If I ever broke down and actually owned a Space Marine army, it would be that one.  And wouldn't you know it, my daughter loves wolves, found out 40K has them, and she's collecting quite a large number.  Hehehe.  She's massacred a couple people with them.  Strong.

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43 minutes ago, Sgt. Rock said:

I wanted to go Sisters; honestly, the fact that they're FINALLY getting plastics is one of the things that drew me back into 40k. But everybody and their damn dog is going to be running Sisters when those models drop, and for one thing, I don't like being a bandwagon player, and I also don't like running into a ton of mirror matches. Knights are right out; I can barely afford to buy a $30 kit once a month, much less a $120 one. It's the poor man's dilemma; knights may be cheaper in the long term to play, but I have such a small income that even with a substantial discount from work, I can only buy things a little bit at a time. I hadn't really considered the Scions, honestly. I might give them some thought. Tyranids... I dunno. I can't decide if I like the aesthetic or not. I'm not looking to go sweep ITC tournaments, but I'd like to be able to come to casual and semi-casual environments and still have a decent chance at winning. I'll probably just end up running Imperial soup, depending on my mood. 

Custodes... Sisters... Tempustis... Soups done. 

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In terms of actual cash money, the best deals* at the moment, are probably Primaris Space Marines or Death Guard. Both come in the main Dark Imperium  starter set and about a half dozen other sets like First Strike or Know No Fear. But you probably knew that already... And if you don't want Primaris Marines, well, I can't fault you for that. Sure, its what I'm collecting now but I understand the appeal of not being the 24,601st Space Marine player in town.

The Start Collecting Militarum Tempestus box set ($85 MSRP) contains approximately 400± Points, a Lord Commissar (HQ) ten regular Scions (Troops, also configurable as the Command Squad [Elites]) and a Taurox Prime (Dedicated Transport with big gun, also configurable as a standard Taurox). This is a pretty good deal, the regular Scions are $35 per five-man pack, the Taurox is $48.

If you want to be a bit cheaper about things (and don't plan on playing in GW's shops) you should look at the Custom Platoons from Anvil Industries. Their Gothic Void torsos, armored arms and legs, Beret Heads (with gas masks or without), and Tesla Disintegrator weapons make great Tempestus Scions. The Platoon bundle I linked to is twenty-five men for £69.50 (roughly $90 USD). Depending on how you load them, that's approximately 600± Points...

If you want to be really cheap on things, just use the ubiquitous plastic Cadian Imperial Guard (which you can find by the bucket-load on eBay), apint their armor in with some golden bling instead of camouflage, and swap their boring helmets out for some fancy looking heads from Anvil, Victoria, Maxi Mini, Puppets War, etc. Maybe splash some of the "real" GW Scions into the squads as Sergeants, Commanders, and other important muckety-mucks.

* Retail anyway. Sometimes lightning strikes out of the blue and you can snag something amazing on eBay or Craigslist.

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Not super into Death Guard. The aesthetic is too... icky. I'll probably just finish rounding out my Crimson Fists (avoiding Primaris where I can) and then start picking up Scions/Guard, Sisters, and maybe some AdMech to keep myself from being bored. I love the aesthetic of the Imperial Guard; just a bunch of poor dumb bastards who were drafted and given crappy rifles and sent to the front to die. But I really don't want to spend half an hour setting troops up, and then have them stand in one place for the whole game.

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Vigilis Defiant also includes a Specialist Detachment for the Scions, the Tempestus Drop Force which has a lot of nice tricks in it if you're into the idea of having your toy soldiers jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. 1 CP unlocks the whole Specialist Detachment*, getting you some tasty Relics, a nice Warlord Trait, and three killer Stratagems. Having a Valkyrie fire overwatch when one of your infantry squads gets charged? Yes please. Having those Overwatch shots hit on a 4+? Holy s--t. 

* Unlike the Primaris Marine one where you have to pay 1 CP for Specialist Detachment then pay to upgrade each squad then  pay to use the stratagems. Oi.

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Yeah, they were basically "Citadel Miniatures' Elysians" already, with better guns and slightly better armor, as a trade-off to the fact that the Elysians were slightly better at jumping out of planes. Tempestus Drop Force makes them just as good at the jumping out of planes bit, at the cost of a couple of CP... Which even an "elite" Imperial Guard army can still easily have 15+ of in a 2,000 Point game.

Since 8th Edition no longer lets you have a total "null deployment" army -- half your units and half your points must start on the table -- some Lascannon and H-K Missile Sentinels might actually be a worthwhile investment. They can start on the table, shoot the heck out of any enemy Anti-Air assets... and then you cue the Wagner on Turn Two. Hojotoho! Hojotoho! You can model the Sentinels to look like Drop Sentinels and just say they landed earlier and walked onto the table. (Heck, you could also run an Elysian Detachment with actual Drop Sentinels if you wanted.)

Scions don't actually need a Valkryie to jump out of, they can deep strike all on their own so you don't even have to include the model. Great in lower point games and potentially useful even in large games when you do have several of them. Will all of your models be riding in Valks? Will some be dropping in on their own? Will there be a mix? Will some start gasp! on foot!? 

I have zero clue as to how "competitive" the Scions are. But they sure as heck should be fun to play.

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