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Sup, Warhammer Fantasy?

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Hey there everybody.   With RD away these threads seem to be dead as of late, which gives me nothing to do while I'm bored at home.


Personally I've been working like crazy, and got back from a week in Tucson to work more.   I'm squeezing in time to paint when I can find it, and am working on getting my army magnetized.  Haven't gotten a game in in about a month, and I am seriously itching for some Warhammer.


Are ya'll still alive out there?  What have you been working on?  Painting projects?  New Armies?  OFCC stuff?

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Well I'm still here but this summer has been active. Haven't had a game in awhile but have been talking with others about having a Mordheim campaign. It's a chace to get my Orcs out to play.


Also just found out yesterday my team was dissolving because of life issues, which I understand but it sucks. Of course now I'm stuck with Empire looking for a team while my Dark Elves sit on the sidelines.


Painting wise I do need to get more busy though most of my army will just be above the minimum with my heros getting the most attention. (Empire is my third army and I don't need to give them too much attention.)


But till the summer cools off I will most likely be doing Mordheim to get my fix.

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I am with you Rudra. I have moved into a new house and still I am unpacking and such. I work crazy amount of hours and still can't find anytime to finish or start my painting back up and getting my display board put together. I think once things start getting back to normal, if that's ever possible. I can start getting my stuff back on track for OFCC.

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