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Forest Spirit Army

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They are terrible.  They under-perform for their points, and are limited in options.   But aren't they cool?!


After I finish my beasts for this years OFCC, I'm seriously considering doing 2800 worth of trees for next year.   No matter how much people think they suck, I think a workable list can be done.  Will it be as good as a mixed wood elf list?  Of course not!  But at least it wont have any cry-baby, mother lovin' elves in it!



This is what I'm thinking of putting together for next year:



Treeman Ancient - Level 4, Strangleroot  (Alt: Level for Spell Slinger - Eagle, Talisman of Preservation, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring)

Treeman Ancient - Level 2, Strangleroot







15 Dryads - Champ

15 Dryads - Champ

30 Dryads - Champ



7 Treekin - Champ

7 Treekin - Champ





Treeman - Strangleroot

Treeman - Strangleroot




Looks pretty terrible, doesn't it?   But it will look awesome!   I want to try the list out sometime and see how it works.  Even if it's total garbage I want to built it.  The only change I would make is subbing out one treeman ancient for a level 4 on an eagle with a different lore.  Just having access to more spells might make the army somewhat threatening.  And I'd give her a bow.  Why?  Because f*** it, that's why.


If anyone has something to say, say it now because this is very likely happening.

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less stinky elves, more things to burn... this dwarf approves  :cool:  jk i like the trees.  and i dont think the treeman is a total bad pick tbh even in a regular woodie army.  terrible against a few armies(chaos dwarf, daemons and dwarfs?) but he's tough to deal with in combat!  with all of those attacks and thunderstomp he can take down infantry pretty easily.

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The best part of the list is the Treeman Ancient with the ruby ring!


Honestly, I don't think that's a horrible list.  It's just not the normall shoot-n-move.  Treeman in pairs can do wonders on the charge.  The fact that you can heal them through the use of life is also amazing.  Dryads aren't the things they once were in combat; however, they are still tough to deal with when you are trying to fight dryads with non-elite units.  Treekin are still tough to take down in combat and again, could get healed up through the use of life.


I wouldn't drop either of the Ancient Treeman.  Those lore of life spells will greatly assist you with keeping your units up and running (heck with 3 successful castings you could swing the combat by putting 3 wounds back onto a treeman or by bringing up another treekin).  I think most people underestimate the power of life in a WE monster list.

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I would seriously consider changing the Dryad units from 2x15 into 3x10. You need something to block lanes/sacrifice to get the Treeman and Kin into favorable spots.


I would also consider binning at least one if not both of the Branchwraiths to get the Kin units up to 8. Between the two Ancients you've already locked up the full lore of Life and having a couple extra Regen spells and channeling attempts doesn't seem worth the 150pts to me. Otherwise it looks like fun.


I could also see a Lv4 on a Eagle or Unicorn or something. The mage's area is in danger and it's remote so there's no elves and thus they summon a Tree army.

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@BrotherG - I know right?  It's weird.   At least they aren't elves, so it works for me.


Dropping a branchwraith is a possibility.  I like them for channels and as last minute chances to bump up a units 6+ to a 5+ regen.  Also, the more life spells I cast, the more wounds I'm putting back onto my trees.  



Yeah, I have no problem finding justification for 1 mounted spell slinger.  Besides, who says they can't be modeled as a dryad who rids an eagle?  The benefit here is obvious, but also has hidden bonuses.  The elf gives me 2 level 4s instead of just 1, and if I give her High Magic then she will become a lot more survivable as soon as she starts to get spells off.   A mage on an eagle with a 4+, and 2-4 tokens from high magic will be tough to take down.


*Edit - No I wouldn't, I'd have a level 4 slinger and a level 2 treeman.


The main problem I see is sharing power dice.  With all those spells and no good way to generate more dice, a lot of my points may be wasted.

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Alt list:




Spellslinger - Level 4, High Magic, Eagle, Longbow, Talisman of Preservation, Dispel Scroll, HoDA (Awwwwww, yeaaaaahhhh)

Treeman Ancient - Strangleroots






10 Dryads

10 Dryads

10 Dryads

33 Dryads - Champion



8 Treekin

8 Treekin





Treeman - Strangleroots

Treeman - Strangleroots

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That list is fully capable. Warhammer is about adaptation. Because most people will have never faced an entire forest spirit army, it will give you an edge on where the power is hidden. Again, like you said people SCOFF at tree spirits and wont give them respect on the battlefield. UNTIL they realize that the only way to get points is to kill units outright, with this army, that is going to be a headache. If you can keep close proximity in your advance and get into combined combats, and use simple buffs and hexes in those combats, I feel like this list can maul people. 


My only suggestion would be to keep the dryads at a minimum of 20. They are your ranks and in combined combats you want at least 2 ranks when the fighting starts. Id go 20/20/23. Other than that, I really like this list and think it would be a fun challenge to play, i hope you follow through with it. 

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I will experiment with different sized units of dryads.  They will likely turn out to not be maneuverable enough to be good roadblocks in 10s, so 20s might be a good move.  I think the main tactic will be to hold things in place with treemen and treekin, then try to get into the flanks with other units.  The dryads will be good for ranks, but will need magic to help them compete in combat.  


I'm looking forward to this project, already planning it out for when my beasts are finished next month. 

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That box is going to be my starting point.  I've been keeping an eye on them on ebay.   


Mexican Ninja may have talked me into keeping the level 4 treeman ancient.  It will take some play-testing, but maybe it will be just as effective.


So I will start off this years escalation league with the tree army, and at low points things might be a bit tricky.  I wont be able to take a treeman ancient until 1160 points, and a treeman until 1k (no rares over 100 until then).  That limits me to Branchwraiths, Dryads, Treekin, and Eagles for the first 5-6 games.  Hmmmmm...it could work?  Assuming we start at 750 points, then the first list would be something like this.




19 Dryads


4 Treekin

4 Treekin





744 points, and not too shabby.  It's far from the best list in the world, but I can see it for it's potential. 2 units of treekin will be hard for another 750 list to munch through, but I wont have a lot of hitting power. 


At 1500 I want to work up to this.


Treeman Ancient - lvl 4


16 Dryads - champion

20 Dryads - champion


8 Treekin - champion  (Maybe 2 units of 4)




Treeman - Strangleroots




Should be fun  :biggrin:

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