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nate's turn to the dark side.... the purple people eaters

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so been playing chaos legions for a bit now.  some ups and downs.  overall though enjoying it, much different style than dwarfs that im still adjusting to.  ive been playing lists with some hard aspects(doombull, festus in gor, 3++bsb) and some average aspects(medium unit of bestigor, hellstiders, beast magic, chimera-because i dont know how to use it yet, tuskgor chariots) for legions lists. obviously all would be strong for just regular beasts lol.   now im deciding to test out a stronger list with fewer weaknesses.  bringing a daemon prince with lvl4 slaanesh because i think that it fits my style more than the other lores with DPs.  considering most of my units are purple it also fits the bill!  ive played raindog and his kick butt slayers twice now with similar versions of this list.  made a few changes now though that i think i like more.   the daemon prince having scaly skin has messed up the builds a bit but i think i found a happier medium im ok with now.  future lists will have some chaos knights in them because i just picked up 10 of them and they seem like another aspect of things ive yet to try!

dissect if you can and suggestions are all welcome!

2500 Pts - Legions of Chaos Roster

Ungor Raiders (10#, 70 pts)
   5 Ungor Raiders of Slaanesh, 35 pts (Mark of Slaanesh; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Beastman Ambush; Primal Fury; Skirmishers; Volley Fire)
   5 Ungor Raiders of Slaanesh, 35 pts (Mark of Slaanesh; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Beastman Ambush; Primal Fury; Skirmishers; Volley Fire)

Tuskgor Chariot (1#, 85 pts)
   1 Tuskgor Chariot of Slaanesh, 85 pts (Mark of Slaanesh; Impact Hits (D6); Primal Fury; Swiftstride)
      1 Gor Driver (Spear)
      1 Bestigor Warrior (Great Weapon; Always Strikes Last)
      2 Tuskgor

Gor Herd (45#, 475 pts)
   44 Gor Herd of Nurgle, 475 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Mark of Nurgle; Hand Weapon; Additional Hand Weapon; Beastman Ambush; Primal Fury; Extra Attack)
      1 Foe-Render of Nurgle (Mark of Nurgle; Hand Weapon; Additional Hand Weapon; Eye of the Gods; Extra Attack)

Doombull (1#, 358 pts)
   1 Doombull of Tzeentch, 358 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Extra Attack; Eye of the Gods; Fear; Frenzy; Immune to Psychology; Stomp)
      1 Sword of Swift Slaying (Always Strikes First)
      1 Ramhorn Helm
      1 Talisman of Endurance
      1 Uncanny Senses
      1 Gnarled Hide (Scaly Skin (5+))

Daemon Prince (WoC) (1#, 520 pts)
   1 Daemon Prince (WoC) of Slaanesh, 520 pts (General; Daemon of Slaanesh; Level 4 Wizard; Daemonic Flight; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Armour Piercing; Daemonic Attacks; Daemonic Invulnerability; Fly; Hatred (Daemons of Khorne); Immune to Psychology; Swiftstride; Terror; Thunderstomp; Unbreakable)
      1 Sword of Striking
      1 Charmed Shield
      1 Dragonbane Gem
      1 Chaos Familiar
      1 Soul Feeder
      1 Scaled Skin (Scaly Skin (5+))
      1 The Lore of Slaanesh

Bray-Shaman (3#, 317 pts)
   1 Bray-Shaman of Slaanesh, 105 pts (Mark of Slaanesh; Level 1 Wizard; Hand Weapon; Eye of the Gods; Primal Fury)
      1 Dispel Scroll
      1 The Lore of Shadow
   1 Bray-Shaman of Slaanesh, 130 pts (Mark of Slaanesh; Level 1 Wizard; Hand Weapon; Eye of the Gods; Primal Fury)
      1 Shard of the Herdstone
      1 The Lore of Shadow
   1 Bray-Shaman of Slaanesh, 82 pts (Mark of Slaanesh; Level 1 Wizard; Hand Weapon; Additional Hand Weapon; Eye of the Gods; Primal Fury; Extra Attack)
      1 The Lore of Beasts

Chimera (1#, 245 pts)
   1 Chimera, 245 pts (Regenerating Flesh; Fiend Tail; Fly; Large Target; Regeneration; Scaly Skin (4+); Swiftstride; Terror; Thunderstomp)

Exalted Hero (1#, 240 pts)
   1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch, 240 pts (Battle Standard Bearer; Mark of Tzeentch; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Eye of the Gods)
      1 Enchanted Shield
      1 Talisman of Preservation
      1 Third Eye of Tzeentch
      1 Daemonic Mount (Daemonic Attacks; Fear; Stomp; Swiftstride)

Festus the Leechlord (1#, 190 pts)
   1 Festus the Leechlord, 190 pts (Level 2 Wizard; Hand Weapon; Eye of the Gods; Harbinger of Pestilence; Healing Elixirs; Mark of Nurgle; Poisoned Attacks; Regeneration)
      1 Pestilent Potions
      1 The Lore of Nurgle

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I think the biggest problem with this list is your insistence on listing Core before Lords/Heroes  :laugh: .  Really, there's not a whole lot wrong with it.  I do think a Ramlord would do better in the build as the bull is going to sidecar any of those units.  I'd also drop the MoS on the shamans to give them the option to join the Gor if need be.  Swapping to all LoS on them would also likely be better so you're not so thinly spread across lores (I get that you're likely looking for Wyssen's, but another roll on shadow is likely more effective with its access to Melkoth's on top of getting you that important Okkam's).  Lastly, since you're running Legion anyway, why not swap it to Grand Legion and drop the Chimera for an Abom?  He'd likely do more for the list and getting some random movement is always nice for combat lists.

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I think the biggest problem with this list is your insistence on listing Core before Lords/Heroes  :laugh: .  Really, there's not a whole lot wrong with it.  I do think a Ramlord would do better in the build as the bull is going to sidecar any of those units.  I'd also drop the MoS on the shamans to give them the option to join the Gor if need be.  Swapping to all LoS on them would also likely be better so you're not so thinly spread across lores (I get that you're likely looking for Wyssen's, but another roll on shadow is likely more effective with its access to Melkoth's on top of getting you that important Okkam's).  Lastly, since you're running Legion anyway, why not swap it to Grand Legion and drop the Chimera for an Abom?  He'd likely do more for the list and getting some random movement is always nice for combat lists.

ugh i know. im not doing it on purpose! its just army builder does not put them in order  :angry:  and im far too lazy to organize it myself unless it's a tournament.  ramlord would be great with this list and i actually go back and forth between doing that and the kitted bull with bsb.  withering/mindstupid are both great, but thats honestly something ill probably rarely ever cast range-wise/casting value.  i tried mindrazor once with 5 dice and failed and it just basically ruined my magic phase that i kind of needed something to go off.  ill take miasma the vast majority of times and wildform.  both i can get off fairly easily and are quite effective.  and i can get off most of the DPs spells with 2 dice as well.  festus has a chance at a few decent spells(although i almost never cast with him... he's just there to make the gor better).  also the single beasts guy is great.  i wont necessarily take wildform if i get transformation or spear pending on whats across from me(DOUBLE CHIMERAS!!!!!!).  thing thats great about both lores is the sig spells are effective. miasma probably better though.  so reason why MoS is on there is simple: panic.  chances are one will get sniped quite easily so ill pay the extra bucks to not lose an extra one or rest because they are indeed the fabulous ld7 and i need as many as i can get to feed power dice to the DP.  they wont ever join the gor anyways tbh.  although, could just make the beast one dropped MoS and just make sure the others are 8 inches away... hmmm. intriguing. ill see what i can do there.  as for grand legion: i dont own any skaven models :( that would be awesome! thanks for the ideas kremmet, appreciate it!


rudra, well, you know my record against your beasts.......... so challenge accepted!

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They make these things called inks.

They improve paint skill by 100%.

You probably mean washes. Inks are much less user friendly.


Check out Schnauzerface and Les from Awesomepaintjon on YouTube. Both heavily rely on airbrushing, but the concepts are there. Also anything written by Meg Maples. She's completely insane (in the bad way) and that insanity apparently translates to painting tutorials well.

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thanks so much guys! got through 2 of them yesterday and learned quite a bit.  ill research the rest tonight!

The painting clinic has a lot of stuff, it may take you a while to find what you're looking for; however, a lot of the stuff he does isn't expert level stuff. It just takes practice. It helped me out big time. I would recommend watching his dark elves stuff. Really amazing stuff there.


Also, he uses the Vallejo line which I have found to be much better quality paints compared to gw. The mixing is much easier, the paints don't dry out as fast, more colors to chose from, but I still really like the washes and technicals from gw.

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Best washes I have found are the secret weapon washes. Way better than GW's as well as cheaper

Dried blood, and armor wash are especially nice for beasts (I like the p3 armor wash if you want that sissy looking gleaming armor... I mean if you are can elf player)

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It really depends on what you're using the washes for.  GW's are more like quick shades while Secret Weapon tends to be closer to what a wash is used for in painting in general (light shading and tints that build in an almost watercolor fashion).  Very different functions that suit different projects.


Speaking of gleaming armor, I'd highly recommend anybody who likes the look of a little sheen on their metals but not the full gloss look to add a little satin varnish on them after your dull coat dries.  It adds a small amount of gleam without being distracting or giving things the cheap plastic look that gloss sometimes gives.

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daemon prince/birdbull is coming along nicely.  think i did they basing waay above my regular technique.  body needs some more layering work, he's too dark.  have to finish off my regiment of reknown(bugman's drunk crew) which i just have a few touchups to do so thats not too bad.


played against antanas's empire light coven-esque(light light coven :P) yesterday.  had to rush him really or he would just blow my small wound, big point things off the board.  got first turn and just pushed things fully forward really.  neutralized the hellblasters with magic but had to cross my fingers with 2 cannon shots.  bull took one to the face but got lucky and he rolled a 1 for wounds.  he irresistibled banish but daemon prince survived with 1 wound left.  knew the DP would go down this game so just tried to get the most out of him.  him and the chimera got 2 war machines, alter and hurricanum so good day for the fliers.  he also consistently got off the random mover spells until he died turn 3 i think.  key really was festus getting good spells and getting them off.  assisted heavily in beating 4 demis.  then got halbs.  honestly just got a lot of fortune in that match.  he failed a lot of leadership tests and i dont think i ever even casted phantasmagoria... ill lose to light coven probably 4 out of 5 games so i think that was a good test for the list.  thanks for the game man!

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depends on list really but generally VCs dont worry me as much as other things out there.  antanas actually played my other legion list with VCs a while ago.  grave guard with killy vamp in it would be a challenge.  that combo killed the gor last time(curse of years is a BIG issue), but doombull/bsb combo got revenge.  doombull can take down a vamp.  screamers are probably the biggest problem which is what you are probably thinking.   just have to play them smart.  ive played against screamers a lot back in iowa.  keep chimera and daemon prince 29+ inches away from the ugly bird.  other things would probably just march up.  bsb/bull both have 3++(bsb rerolling 1s), distributed as shooting, so they are not as afraid of screams so id probably push forward, keep chimera/DP behind them defensively.  the bull is a big issue for VCs.  not alot can deal with it... buff the gor defensively.  its definitely an intriguing matchup.  some scarry things, plus slaanesh isnt AS good against them seeing as leadership means nothing.  but random movement can mess them up.  it will be bloody... and thats the best!

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You probably mean washes. Inks are much less user friendly.


Check out Schnauzerface and Les from Awesomepaintjon on YouTube. Both heavily rely on airbrushing, but the concepts are there. Also anything written by Meg Maples. She's completely insane (in the bad way) and that insanity apparently translates to painting tutorials well.

I actually got in an argument with Ms. Maples once on coolmini. She seems to think artists should be paid mountains of money. I actually own some of her work and disagreed with her. I told her its supply and demand.


She also doesn't understand that if you pick obscure models people wont throw money at you just because you painted it.

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