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Order of the Ebon Chalice OFCC


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Hola Ordo. So, I have been alluded to that my team is full of 3's and 2's, so it falls to me to make a 1. I wanted to do Khorne, but the models I own do not lend themselves to that endeavor. So, Sister of Battle it shall be.


Looking for a 1 Rating. How did I do?



Blade of Admonition, Inferno Pistol, Rosarius, Melta Bombs



Mistress, 9 Repentia, Rhino with Laud Hailers


Battle Sisters

Veteran Superior with Combi Flamer and Meltabombs

Heavy Flamer, Flamer, 7 Bolters

Immolator with Heavy Flamers


Battle Sisters

Veteran Superior with Combi Flamer and Meltabombs

Heavy Flamer, Flamer, 7 Bolters

Immolator with Heavy Flamers


Battle Sisters

Veteran Superior with Combi Flamer and Meltabombs

Heavy Flamer, Flamer, 7 Bolters


Battle Sisters

Veteran Superior with Combi Flamer and Meltabombs

Heavy Flamer, Flamer, 7 Bolters



Veteran Superior with Combi Flamer and Meltabombs

4 Flamers

Immolator with Heavy Flamers


Seraphim Squad

Veteran Superior with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol and Meltabombs

2 Hand Flamers, 7 Bolt Pistols


Seraphim Squad

Veteran Superior with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol and Meltabombs

2 Hand Flamers, 7 Bolt Pistols



Veteran Superior with Boltgun and Meltabombs

1 Simulacrum Imperialis, 4 Heavy Bolters, 2 Bolters



2 Vengeance weapon batteries with Quad Icarus Lascannons and 4 Barricades


1996 points total.

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Re: repressors since we were talking about them



Shame the Repressor kit has been out of stock for ages...

I feel like I repost this every couple pages or so, but here we go:


In my army, I have:

Rhinos - Normal rhino kit painted SOB

Immolators - Immolator kit painted SOB using Immo Turrets

Repressors - Immolator kit painted SOB using Immo Kit Cupola with SB/HF on it, Leman Russ Dozer Blade and Penitent Engine Driver magnetized to front


Basically, my immos and Repressors are the same vehicles magnetized for swapping.


You can see an Immo and 3 Repressors in this pic:





Automatically Appended Next Post:

Here's a close-up from before I swapped the dozers to be more sizeable.


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