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My 2 cents:We need to decide

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I think Ordo needs to decide on a comp. system we will be adopting so we can all be on the same page ,and can have any chance of using AoS in any events.


While I may agree with AgentP that the rules work right out of the box and that they are fun. It does not work for event or turnies.


Warhammer 40k and WFB work too right out of the box, but we still adopted a comp. system for both that we all used.


40k had ITC,and WFB had Swiss these are what we used for events, and by default what we used in normal games.


There are alot of comp systems popping up such as:


Azyr Comp System






[AoS] Laws of War


just to name  few.


I think and it's just my op. we need to pick something and stick with it.


Just my 2 cents I like AoS and would like to see it in events, but will only work if we have a set system for it.

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While I might agree that it is a casual wargame, I can see the benefit of what steel Angel is talking about creating.


We need common ground so that OFCC or other Ordo events can be fun and less of an unknown for everyone.


Do I have an answer? Not yet and we are all trying to figure it out.


All I can say is keep playing, keep posting, and keep sharing your experiences.

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The difference is fantasy and 40k had/have a base points system to work with.  AoS doesnt have that which makes it very tough.  I enjoy playing AoS as a casual game and it is great for that, but it i see it failing miserably as a tournament game.  Play and enjoy it for what it is (a casual wargame)


See i always wonder about this point cause each game still need a 20+ page system to work for events. Seem that None of these games was any good for events. Till someone tried.

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The AoS rules out of the box are strictly for introducing the game so yeah,we will need some build standard(s) to work with.It should be mentioned though that just setting a time/turn limit and using the out of box rules helps a ton toward having a fun game,but likely wont satisfy the more competitive players.


Personally,I like were Azyr comp is going but it really needs more work and balancing so that will be a while before it can really shine I think.I see this as being the solid point system eventually,but will likely take as long if not longer than Swedish took to become solid.


I also really like how the no point systems are looking.Would like to try out both Laws of War and the AoS addendum rules that were released shortly after the game came out.Laws of War looks very functional but yet may be open for some abuse,while the addendum rules use wounds and a mild unit class restriction system that seems pretty balanced.Laws of War looks especially fitting for the game as it doesn't restrict either wounds or use points yet holds to the original "bring what you want" flavor of the game.


Then theres just adding scenarios to the RAW game play,that does help but still players could bring some really goofy combos making for some real unfun gameplay.This approach could work for events but the TO`s would have to be rather restrictive on their "spot comp" as to what forces could consist of and their size.


Hopefully we can try out some of the systems during the fall GG/OFCC league.I know we will continue to work on it during Tuesday game nights at WoW.


Perhaps we need some discussion threads for each of the current main stream comp systems so players can report their findings.

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Azyr comp was way off.


For 40 points in that system I could bring 30 iron guts - and honestly I can't see much taking that down at a similar point cost.


I think we should give the theoretic point cost system miniwargaming devized a try- as well as the BOLS 'leaked' system a try.


Also- I don't ever see a comp system being very steadfast or something overly accurate. IE I can never see AoS being balanced to the point. Maybe to the+/- 10 points?

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I certainly agree with the need for some type of system, but I am always cautious about being an early adopter.


I think we can learn from the electronics industry on this. For every standard out there, several alternate technologies had to died in the race to become that standard.


I have learned that my cultural references are typically dated, so allow me to make a more universal statement:


"We don't want to back the _______ of the AoS systems"


Please fill with the most appropriate reference for you:

  • 8 Track
  • Betamax
  • HD DVD

I think taking some time to see which system is more universally adopted will serve us well.

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At my shop we have been using the AoS SDK page https://sites.google.com/site/ageofsigmarsdk/pointtables. It is a great point system and after 20 games using 5 different armies I can attest it is very balanced. I recommend it as it is also free and easy to use. In fact there is an excel file with drop downs for each army.


In addition, we have adopted a few house rules to promote fun gameplay with out some of the OP stacks that can be used. Firstly, the system has not auto success/fail on roles. Se we simply added that for hits/wounds, 1s are misses and 6s are hits. Regardless of stacked Mystic Shields and so on. Also we impose that in order to summon a unit, you had to start with a unit of that Warscroll at the start of battle. No summon may summon more than 20 wounds worth of models and for "Kill them All" battles, summoned units do not count toward the total of models that need to be destroyed to gain victory so long as the Heroes are numbered in the destroyed units. Example: VC army starts with 50 models. Summons 30 more during the battle for a total of 80. Opponent destroys 50 models including the Heroes. They are victorious regardless of the fact that 30 models still remain from the VC army. Lastly, a Warscroll able to reinforce must declare which units are set aside for reinforcements and do not have to be played at the beginning of battle like summoning yet follow all other summoning rules. 


Just how we are playing. Working great so far and we start our league next Thursday. 


Mythic Ninja

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I certainly agree with the need for some type of system, but I am always cautious about being an early adopter.


I think we can learn from the electronics industry on this. For every standard out there, several alternate technologies had to died in the race to become that standard.


I have learned that my cultural references are typically dated, so allow me to make a more universal statement:


"We don't want to back the _______ of the AoS systems"


Please fill with the most appropriate reference for you:

  • 8 Track
  • Betamax
  • HD DVD

I think taking some time to see which system is more universally adopted will serve us well.

So if Sony puts out a comp system I should avoid it.

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While yes, they got this one they have had many failed formats in the past:


  • Betamax
  • Digital Audio Tape (DAT)
  • Minidisc
  • MemoryStick
  • Universal Media Disc
While all true the playstation made them more money to easy cover those failers


Oh and true story betamax was better but lost cause sony dint support porn lol

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At my shop we have been using the AoS SDK page https://sites.google.com/site/ageofsigmarsdk/pointtables. It is a great point system and after 20 games using 5 different armies I can attest it is very balanced. I recommend it as it is also free and easy to use. In fact there is an excel file with drop downs for each army.


In addition, we have adopted a few house rules to promote fun gameplay with out some of the OP stacks that can be used. Firstly, the system has not auto success/fail on roles. Se we simply added that for hits/wounds, 1s are misses and 6s are hits. Regardless of stacked Mystic Shields and so on. Also we impose that in order to summon a unit, you had to start with a unit of that Warscroll at the start of battle. No summon may summon more than 20 wounds worth of models and for "Kill them All" battles, summoned units do not count toward the total of models that need to be destroyed to gain victory so long as the Heroes are numbered in the destroyed units. Example: VC army starts with 50 models. Summons 30 more during the battle for a total of 80. Opponent destroys 50 models including the Heroes. They are victorious regardless of the fact that 30 models still remain from the VC army. Lastly, a Warscroll able to reinforce must declare which units are set aside for reinforcements and do not have to be played at the beginning of battle like summoning yet follow all other summoning rules. 


Just how we are playing. Working great so far and we start our league next Thursday. 


Mythic Ninja

For a points system I really like this one and will be looking to try it out soon.


Your League up there sounds great and isint out of my range of travel though ive already signed on for the Friday evening GG one so perhaps if you all do one after the first of the year ill hop in then:).Been meaning to get up there and check out the shop too,heh.


Perhaps you guys could start a thread here with how your matchups are going and how the system is progressing?

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Guest Mr. Bigglesworth

While all true the playstation made them more money to easy cover those failers


Oh and true story betamax was better but lost cause sony dint support porn lol

So you are saying if AoS backs porn we will win against fantasy and kow? First to make salanesh daemon kin army wins!


What might work is new monthly comp test trials.

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