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Poling around to see what would happen and to generate some interest


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Hey guys so ive been wanting to play more competitive 40k for a good long while but really honestly cant afford the massive travel cost to some of the "local" gt's around the area outside of the guardian cup. So if you had an option to play more local to the portland vancouver area would you be interested. I am in talks with my flgs to maybe set up a local gt to get more portland vancouver area players in the competitive scene. And i am trying to plan it so i dont conflict with the bigger tournaments like storm of silence or the guardian cup in may

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Yea i didnt think the whole community was at lvo though. Also while yes there is framework for things. I just cant ever get to travel up north unless i drag some friends along and thats a headache in itself. What my goal was to accomplish is give players in Vancouver and portland a more local tournament scene besides captain A's guardian cups as amazing as those are. Id really like to have some other 2 day GT'S in the local area so that theres more variety.

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Yea i didnt think the whole community was at lvo though. Also while yes there is framework for things. I just cant ever get to travel up north unless i drag some friends along and thats a headache in itself. What my goal was to accomplish is give players in Vancouver and portland a more local tournament scene besides captain A's guardian cups as amazing as those are. Id really like to have some other 2 day GT'S in the local area so that theres more variety.

Well Olympia/Tumwater is quite central to the entire gaming world here.  a mere 90 minutes from Vancouver, maybe less and yes about 70-90 minutes from Seattle.  We already have kind of a signature event here and it could easily be expanded to allow the entire gamut of players to gather.  So I think it's just a matter of the club leaders and unofficial leaders of their respective groups deciding they want to do it more than any true logistical problem.


I consider a 90 minute drive to be pretty much easy as pie for anyone to make for a full on tournament.  So if we were to hold an event in Tumwater (as an example) which is directly off I-5 at one of several possible spots there, I think it would be a simple thing to get a major showing.


There are what...  100 people who attend TSHFT in Seattle and are willing to put up with the parking and all that up there?  I understand that those come from a pretty good radius.


Imagine Tumwater where none of that is an issue, ever.  Lol.  Yet we have everything you could want within spitting distance of it.


Anywho, the first step is simply to identify all the leaders and unofficial leaders and get them chatting.  Once that's accomplished, we can all work on head counts for a "what if" scenario" and start getting an idea of how large it would need to be and start looking for a venue.  I happen to have good contacts in that regard, so this would be the least difficult part of the process.


Just food for thought is all.  Ignore all of it or take pieces of it as you like.  Just trying to contribute to the discussion.

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I understand. I used to travel to Tumwater every month for drill in the army reserves know that area pretty well. Kinda like to stay south though. Vancouver is the area id like to stay in just for the ease of travel. i plan on coordinating with some local high speed rules knowledge guys to see if we can do what captain A Does with the 3 judges.

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