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New Orkcurion


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Well..it looks fun and all,much like Orks are to be played.


But If that's all they got while other more competitive armies get free transports and objective secure formations...


Once again,just like with the Wolves,Melee is told to sit down and shut up.


Playing a fun list in a competitive meta is enjoyable and all that but getting face rolled and laughing about it gets old rather quickly.

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I dunno- Hammer of Wrath on everything and the ability to Run + Charge every turn of the game are not trivial benefits- putting 3-5 hits on the other guy at Init 10 can be very obnoxious, especially against stuff like Daemons that have mediocre saves, and more-or-less guaranteed charges starting on turn 2 will give a lot of armies nightmares if they don't have enough melee presence to slow you down. The core formation doesn't really have any tax units in it (the Nob/Meganob unit being the closest thing) and its auxiliaries are relatively flexible and cheap in terms of your selection.


I dunno if it's gonna change the game much, but I think it's way too early to be dismissing it as garbage. Losing ObSec hurts, but there are plenty of armies that work just fine without it and simply covering the table so the enemy doesn't have enough physical space to get close to objectives can be an acceptable replacement.

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Agreed. And in order to take Ghaz you HAVE to take his command squad thing which clocks in at about 600 points with minimal upgrades if not more. So It's by no means a guarantee to see ghaz. It looks solid and like it will bump up orkz quite a bit. I'm pleased. Though Ghazzy making your army fearless from turn one and also rocking a 2+ invuln the entire game is kinda nuts.

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What I see is some awesome ways to fill out those last few points so this 'curion can almost always be used. Specialists ( I knows orks do it different on phone and don't want to train it...) is a single unit of what you need/want and you get up to 10 per core! Single units of gretchin are there as well, docs to sprinkle around. This is good maybe not the best special rules but the most flexible makes me very intrigued to play around with it...

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What I see is some awesome ways to fill out those last few points so this 'curion can almost always be used. Specialists ( I knows orks do it different on phone and don't want to train it...) is a single unit of what you need/want and you get up to 10 per core! Single units of gretchin are there as well, docs to sprinkle around. This is good maybe not the best special rules but the most flexible makes me very intrigued to play around with it...

Yeah,was checking that out earlier,,Tank busta spam!

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So bikes get to move run and charge from turn one and every turn after with out having to have Ghaz is nice.


So space wolves and orks can get first turn charges off and move and assult every turn as long as the HQ or said unit is alive... Seams good to me.


People are too used having a turn or two before CC can happen.


We wanted assult to be back in the game now it is. People will have to get use to it again.


Now if my Tyranids can assult out of reserves again on out flank all will be well..

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Yeah, it's a pretty big Core, but not a bad one, and I think this might be the most flexible set of Auxiliaries I've seen in one of these yet.


From running a Gorepack, I've gotta say, Hammer of Wrath Hits do add up, and they're really nice for a little bit to offset the Boyz' poor Init.


There's definitely some potential here.

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So bikes get to move run and charge from turn one and every turn after with out having to have Ghaz is nice.


So space wolves and orks can get first turn charges off and move and assult every turn as long as the HQ or said unit is alive... Seams good to me.


People are too used having a turn or two before CC can happen.


We wanted assult to be back in the game now it is. People will have to get use to it again.


Now if my Tyranids can assult out of reserves again on out flank all will be well..

I do hope you are right about this.


I was reading up about some of the potential threat ranges turn one being as much as 36" from deployment board edge?..I think that was for Stormboys but probably also includes a max charge roll.Have to dig out my book to see,heh.


Even if first turn charges are becoming a thing then it all depends on who goes first.


And just last week I packed up a ton of my unpainted Ork boys to clear shelf space...figures..

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So bikes get to move run and charge from turn one and every turn after with out having to have Ghaz is nice.


So space wolves and orks can get first turn charges off and move and assult every turn as long as the HQ or said unit is alive... Seams good to me.


People are too used having a turn or two before CC can happen.


We wanted assult to be back in the game now it is. People will have to get use to it again.


Now if my Tyranids can assult out of reserves again on out flank all will be well..


But... Bike's cannot run. O_O

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We wanted assult to be back in the game now it is. People will have to get use to it again.


Now if my Tyranids can assult out of reserves again on out flank all will be well..

I am not one who thought assault dead, that's for sure.  this seems like good news for my orks.


And yeah...Outflanking Tyranids that can assault would be PERFECT!

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So space wolves and orks can get first turn charges off and move and assult every turn as long as the HQ or said unit is alive... Seams good to me.


Orks cannot get a first-turn charge with most of their units- 6" move, 6" run, 12" charge is still only 24", which doesn't get you into the other guy's deployment zone. Now, Stormboyz can do it (since they move 12" and run 2d6"), but Stormboyz have a lot of risks associated with them and it essentially relies on your opponent deploying heavily forward and you not getting slowed/killed by Dangerous Terrain tests (which you will likely be taking two of per model in the unit.)


Space Wolves can theoretically get turn 1 charges with their TWC... as long as they roll a '6' on the table every time. Which I would not be counting on.

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Space Wolves can theoretically get turn 1 charges with their TWC... as long as they roll a '6' on the table every time. Which I would not be counting on.

If you take two Wulfen Murderpacks, totaling at least 7 Units, you can get a +6 on the table, guaranteeing the Double Move result every time. That's at least 900 Points worth of Wulfen, tho, plus the TWC you're trying to Charge with.

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If you take two Wulfen Murderpacks, totaling at least 7 Units, you can get a +6 on the table, guaranteeing the Double Move result every time. That's at least 900 Points worth of Wulfen, tho, plus the TWC you're trying to Charge with.

That's easily within the realm of possibility tho, which also makes the wulfen very close behind as well. While the orks have no such shenanigans as double moves.

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That's easily within the realm of possibility tho, which also makes the wulfen very close behind as well. While the orks have no such shenanigans as double moves.

Actually 1050 Points worth of Wulfen, I noticed an earlier mistake and went back and fixed it, but missed the follow-on.


Also, the Wulfen themselves aren't affected by the table, so they're stuck footslogging, not even Fleet. They only have a speed boost on the Turn they Charge.


And then, one way or another, you're going to have some significant tax Units to get the TWC in there, since the update also killed the Company of the Great Wolf with 2 TW Iron Priests as the mandatory Elites. Not gonna have a whole lot of Points left for the TWC to be a real DeathStar.


It's an amusing gimmick, and it will absolutely wreck Battle Companies, but there are plenty of other Opponents where like half those Wulfen are going to be gone Turn 1.

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Looks like footslogging swarm list could be good.And with Ghaz in the mix Loota spam for backfield shooting support could work as well,dont have to worry about them running off the board after a couple go down.


Basically the only thing I see being viable is taking full advantage of a furious army and running all soft green bodies.Though I haven't played in a while and am not sure how much anti infantry firepower is being used now.

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Actually 1050 Points worth of Wulfen, I noticed an earlier mistake and went back and fixed it, but missed the follow-on.


Also, the Wulfen themselves aren't affected by the table, so they're stuck footslogging, not even Fleet. They only have a speed boost on the Turn they Charge.


And then, one way or another, you're going to have some significant tax Units to get the TWC in there, since the update also killed the Company of the Great Wolf with 2 TW Iron Priests as the mandatory Elites. Not gonna have a whole lot of Points left for the TWC to be a real DeathStar.


It's an amusing gimmick, and it will absolutely wreck Battle Companies, but there are plenty of other Opponents where like half those Wulfen are going to be gone Turn 1.

Wrong thread. :)


Basically, you could take the two murderpacks and the new start collecting force.

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