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Thoughts on putting heavy flamers on the Leman Russ BTs for the hull sponson?  Snap-firing the heavy bolter seems silly, and having something to clear out close combat threats might be useful.  


Anyone do this before?  


I've been giving my LRBTs Heavy Flamers for a while now, and I really like the utility it offers. A single snap firing Heavy Bolter doesn't add much. You won't use the Heavy Flamer often but when you do it really shines.

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I'm not sure what I was smoking, but I thought I ordered an Eradicator and Executioner barrel from a bitz store.  They sent me a receipt and I ignored it.  Upon opening the package and seeing a regular battle cannon and a rando bit for the Leman Russ I was baffled.  


It turns out I clicked on the wrong "add to cart" button for both items (I clicked above the picture when I should've clicked below).  




Also, both of the cannons I WANT are out of stock on their site.  BLARGH.

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Actually, while I was going to dig out the Eradicator bits, I remembered I also have a primed Executioner Turret I could loan you. Paint it up and I'll strip it and repaint after OFCC. It's an OOP FW one, so I don't want to entirely give it up, but I don't see needing it any time between now and OFCC.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The two odd ball Leman Russes on the left aren't going to be part of this force long term (one is due to ChaosGerbil for example).  


Incidentally, Chappy, I ended up trading out a Basilisk box set for a Leman Russ kit so I got the last Executioner part anyway.  I'll still buy you a brewskie, but I'll also return the piece!  :D  


The Eradicator to the far right has the Eradicator bit from WestRider and the multimelta sponsons from Necrontyr.  


All in all, its been a group effort and I'm stoked to see it come together for OFCC!  :D  

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Yeah, 13 Tanks on the board is pretty freaking cool.  I keep thinking about how hard it will be to fit them together in a useful way.  


While the list has no real chance in a competitive environment due to being awful at Maelstrom and worthless at melee, I think it'll be pretty fun at OFCC and the low-key events I play at.  

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I plan on having this all printed out with me at OFCC so I'm not thumbing through 3 different sources for my opponents.  


I have a binder for the Pinkerton Planetary Defense Force.  It contains portions of Storm Troopers, Space Marines, Imp Knights, Chaos Daemons, and BRB, plus all of FWs free PDFs that are relevant to my army.  Pull what I need for a given game, return it to the binder when done.  Beats pulling out 3 Codicies plus the BRB every game. 

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So, FINALLY got to get behind the wheel of this list and tried it out last night against Pumpkinhead's OFCC list.  


He has a bunch of flying Nids (only one dakka-Tyrant though) and the genestealer cult and a big unit of genestealers and 3 units of 10 gargoyles and a malanthrope.  


We played the new ITC missions and rolled up mission 4.  It had hammer and anvil deployment which meant I could deploy deep, but with his flying speed and infiltrating, it was largely irrelevant and I was very bunched up which would help him eventually.  


Here's my big ol' force all on the table:




Here we are after deployment:




Being able to deploy an inch away and having stealth/shrouding turn 1 is pretty slick.  








For the SWARM!












Anyway, I won't bore you with the details of this game, but it was pretty insightful.  


When we were talking about the game, we thought that whoever went first would so cripple the other that that would inevitably decide the game.  


I ended up going first and had a chance to really do some work on those big bugs in cover.  I got my order off with the manticore to get no cover and targeted the malanthrope, hoping to knock it out and give me better odds of downing all those big bugs.  I got my wish and knocked him out in one hit since Saul so kindly failed his 3+ armor save on the only wound I did.  


From there though, cover saves made all the difference.  The only time my beasthunter shells got shots, they got wounds on 3/4 hits, but then Saul made 3 4+ cover saves to keep his warlord and crone alive.  My other units shredded most of the infantry, but his princelings were able to stay out of LOS for the most part.  Overall, I did a lot of damage, but not as much as I thought I would.  


The game came down to the fact that I had ZERO reliable anti air and that the flyrant can kill a tank a turn as long as it can get rear armor.  


I made some serious errors in terms of positioning my tanks and exposing my butt to the flyrant, the biggest one was with my tank commander's unit, I was pushing into the middle after clearing all the infantry to threaten his backfield and contest/hold middle objectives, but I didn't face my tanks butt to butt (If this wasn't Ordo, I'd post a gif from Requiem For A Dream...), so the flyrant flew up behind them and smoked 'em both.  


In the end, in the middle of round 5, I realized I couldn't win the primary as Saul had bottom of the turn to fly down and take objectives, and, even though I had a real shot at winning maelstrom, he also had all 3 tertiaries wrapped up, so even if I tied Maelstrom, he'd win out.  


A very close and interesting game and kinda fascinating in that we both couldn't really hurt each other with the bulk of our forces.  Had we played at OFCC I would've rated it a perfect OFCC game.  


Thoughts about the list:


1.  Unsurprisingly, movement/positioning is incredibly important, most games are won or lost in the deployment and movement phase.  Gonna take practice and learning to break bad habits from years of playing with vehicles with identical facings.  


2.  This army kicks out a colossal amount of fire power.  If it wasn't out of my LOS (and even then!) I was killing it.  Now, these aren't the most resilient units in the world, but the combination of cover negation and low AP in abundance means that I SHOULD be able to dent most things with my shooting.  With that in mind...


3.  Learning target priority for this army is also going to be crucial.  Having NO assault presence is a weird feeling for me and I'm not sure what to make of it.  



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