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Annihilation 5: Age of Annihilation

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  All painted and ready to go!

How many points is the Mournghoul? Where is his Warscroll?


Also, you really want to win, eh? I'm just a bit put off by seeing this list. I have no chance at all of winning against such a list, and as a matter of fact, I'd have an incredible amount of "unfun" seeing so many models brought back every turn, all the wounds I inflict being healed, all your rerolls to hit and wound, all the auto wounds... yeah, this list would just suck to face. 

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The Mournghoul is 400 pts,warscroll is on the app.


My listing above shows the sideboard as well so counting the 100 points for the ghoul patrol battalion,it's a total of 2400 points worth of models.


As to its power level it's hard to say.FEC has taken the title in one major event out of ,I believe 5 since the GH has come out.

It's an army that is pretty much void of shooting,save the breath weapon and scream on the Dragons.If you think my list above looks bad,then I recommend looking up some of the ranged power lists from rats,demons and Bonesplitter.

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Also the points for the Mourn ghoul and all other FW models are listed on the FW site.


And as to "wanting to win",I've kinda given up on making that a goal in miniatures games a long time ago.Starting 40k at the beginning of 6th edition playing Orks turned me into quite the defeatist


Now that Age of Sigmar has competative play,I do intend to play the game with what is deemed as the more competative armies which in most cases is the newer battletomes.But just because it looks as though I have a good strong mix of units to throw down does not mean in any way that I know how to use them effectively.

I will consider my showing to be a success if I can just win one game lol.

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How many points is the Mournghoul? Where is his Warscroll?


Also, you really want to win, eh? I'm just a bit put off by seeing this list. I have no chance at all of winning against such a list, and as a matter of fact, I'd have an incredible amount of "unfun" seeing so many models brought back every turn, all the wounds I inflict being healed, all your rerolls to hit and wound, all the auto wounds... yeah, this list would just suck to face. 

Well the nice thing about most tournaments is, if you loose the first round, you will drop down to a lower tier of opponents.


A few years back I played in a big 40k tournament at GG and lost all 6 games over 2 days. But I still had fun and ended up winning a prize as well.

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Also the points for the Mourn ghoul and all other FW models are listed on the FW site.


And as to "wanting to win",I've kinda given up on making that a goal in miniatures games a long time ago.Starting 40k at the beginning of 6th edition playing Orks turned me into quite the defeatist


Now that Age of Sigmar has competative play,I do intend to play the game with what is deemed as the more competative armies which in most cases is the newer battletomes.But just because it looks as though I have a good strong mix of units to throw down does not mean in any way that I know how to use them effectively.

I will consider my showing to be a success if I can just win one game lol.


From the website:

This an event that emphasizes fun and sportmanship


You don't make it a goal to win, but now that there are points in AoS and it's a tournament, you will play competitively? What is your definition of competitive play? I haven't seen or played against all the local players around here, but the ones I have played against have not had this caliber of a "power" list.


What happens somewhere else with an army has little to no bearing on how it will perform here, locally, at this tournament. Using that as some kind of performance metric to how well it will perform here locally is not a good metric, or even any kind of indicator of it's performance at all unless we all played the exact same armies and played exactly the same way. It's an Anecdotal fallacy.



But just because it looks as though I have a good strong mix of units to throw down does not mean in any way that I know how to use them effectively.

You are joking, right? Are you seriously trying to say that just because your army has the potential to steamroll over everything else that you will somehow play in an inept or incompetent way that will make your army OK to play against? :laugh:


Not trying to be a jerk here, it's just that I was not expecting such an army at an event that "emphasizes fun and sportsmanship", supposed to be a potluck where we all bring food, and share it during the day. My thoughts were that it was going to be a fun time, lots of good game play discussion, throwing some dice, pushing little toy soldiers around, and not really caring about W/L. Your army is shocking to me because it's so focused on winning and will destroy my planned army (Ironjawz) in maybe 1-2 turns. My expectations for this event are obviously not the same as your expectations, so I apologize for trying to guilt you or make you feel bad about your army. If we face each other, I'm still going to offer to shake your hand, I'm going to do my best to keep my opinions to myself and mouth shut, and try to "have fun".

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Tam. I'm sorry but I do not agree with most of your opinion. I can go on on about why but I'm just going to leave it at that.


While I respect your opinion I do not agree with the it.


Sportsmanship is not about what you bring to the game but how the player acts before, during and after. To include complaining abiut another persons list.

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 So now that AoS has an "Official competative" play mode,I should bring a non competative list?


 With players coming in from out of state to play in this event,you will likely see way harder lists that what im bringing,,sheese,mine is a pretty basic FEC list with a Mournghoul added for tanking shooting lists,,,that doesnt always work for that.


 Im not sure how long you have been playing AoS but Steel Angel and I have been at it since the game came out,,we have tried many different armies using all lf the fan comps and I can say that even now with the Matched play system,this game still has a ways to go before its min/maxed out in its current rendition.Though there are some cheese lists rising to the top now,mostly shooting lists like the Skyre Mortal wound shooting spam,or Bonespliters and their 150+ arrow spam shots per turn.Theres also casting lists using that arcane vortex pedestal thing were no one can get the mage into melee.There is of course the Beastclaws with their Thundertusk spam as well.




 Now does this mean that casual narrative play is dead?,,,no way.With all the battleplans out there  its not too hard to put together narrative events were,what would be termed as "power lists" would get friggen stomped.this could be done by using a series of highly varied battleplans,like for instance one from the Godbeasts were the maximum range of shooting is no more than 6" and the armies can deploy as close as 12" to each other...yeah shooting list gets wrecked in that one.There is others were mobile lists would get screwed due to slowing effects from Time of War rules or terrain features,many many more to choose from.This is what I would like to work toward for OFCC next year:)


 Oh and you need to get Steel Angel to post his list,,just a few weeks back he rolled over my Fleshy dudes with a bunch of Chariots.Hes Cheesier than me!!  :p


  The bottom line is that players wanted an official point system for AoS so they could play it competatively,even though myself I was quite happy with the fan comps..now that competative play is here,yes players will be bringing the "cheese" its simple as that.

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I gotta say, being a newcomer to warhammer everything seems pretty equal to me. My list is a mishmash Aelfs that seemed cool to me, no synergy or abilities to speak of and most of my games have been pretty close. from everything I've heard and read, you can take just about anything and give anyone a run for their money if you play it right. The difference between winning and losing is mostly just a few lucky rolls and knowing the tactics of your list.

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I gotta say, being a newcomer to warhammer everything seems pretty equal to me. My list is a mishmash Aelfs that seemed cool to me, no synergy or abilities to speak of and most of my games have been pretty close. from everything I've heard and read, you can take just about anything and give anyone a run for their money if you play it right. The difference between winning and losing is mostly just a few lucky rolls and knowing the tactics of your list.

I have only played a little of AoS as well. But I do really like how every unit is not completely useless like sometimes what happens in 40k. You can have some units in 40k that will do nothing to another unit because they have too low strength of weapons VS the toughness of the opposing unit. Any wimpy unit in AoS always has a chance to hurt the most powerful units.

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Big storm heading towards Portland on Saturday. NOAA is saying 50+mph winds on Saturday, along with a lot of rain. Wind gusts up to 65 mph... I'm gonna be watching the forecast a bit tomorrow, and if it looks like it's going to be bad, I'm skipping the tournament and batting down the hatches to weather the storm. :(



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  Wanted to thank AgentP for putting this event on,with the looming windstorm and the once per year Armies on Parade going on  we certainly took a hit on player numbers with only 6 of us making it to the tables.


  I wasnt able to stay for the third round due to the storm knocking out the power at my house and I needed to get home to the boys and order up some food for them( teenagers /rolleyes).However the two games I did get in were very close against awesome painted armies resulting in 1 very minor win and 1  minor loss.


 Also of the 6 attending,2 were from out of the area,one player was from Hood River and the other from California:)


  Missed ya Tamwulf,this event was proof of the parity among all armies in AoS,,you most certainly would have a chance with any build you can make with your models,,the game just doesnt have those game breaking hard counters like other games,,,at least in the context of a build being able to win in all 6 of the matched play scenarios consistantly.


 Had a great time!

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Yeah, I really wanted to make it. I was working my airbrush like a Lady of the Night at a truck stop.  :laugh: The storm though made me hunker down and weather it out. Too many years (eight actually) living in Oklahoma (Tornadoes) and another five years in Alaska (Volcano's, Earthquakes, Windstorms, Blizzards, etc), plus being a "pilot" have given me a healthy fear and respect of Mother Nature. So when NOAA starts spouting weather advisories/watches/warnings, I pay attention.


Anyways, sounds like everyone had a great time! I really kinda wish Guardian Games had postponed the event. 

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  Awesome writeup!


 I would also like to point out that Sorienor is an experience 40k tournament player who plays 40k Orks in the current edition of the game.His list is rather unremarkable by what many use in AoS now,using pretty much the old OnG legacy warscrolls.With his experience at running horde armies he adds to my point that AoS is NOT about a few armies dominating the game,..though yes there are some unit combos within armies that are rather "hard" they are not unbeatable by any stretch and would struggle in at least one of the matched play scenarios.


  Actually as balanced as your list is and with its excellent board control,I would say your bane scenario would likely be the "Three Places of Power"..though sideboarding would probably help you there(my second GK on TG was just for that scenario,heh)

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I had a great time at this tournament as well. Despite the small tournout, I am hopeful that Bronson will run more in the future. I got one major victory and one minor victory. I ended up the champion of chaos just for showing up, since i was the only person playing chaos haha. The more I play this game the more I realize how much i enjoy it.

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I had a great time at this tournament as well. Despite the small tournout, I am hopeful that Bronson will run more in the future. I got one major victory and one minor victory. I ended up the champion of chaos just for showing up, since i was the only person playing chaos haha. The more I play this game the more I realize how much i enjoy it.

 Perhaps its time for me to throw my hat in the ring and run one so organizers like AgentP can actually get a chance to play in an event:)

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