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Warhamsters "Winter" Mordheim Campaign Warband Lists


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Still not landed on a starting list yet, but here are the models I’m working with. Still have some painting to do!


A Witch Hunter Captain and some Witch Hunters:




My starting Warrior Priest (painted) and the Warrior Priest I’ll be working toward once I have cash for a sword and a shield (book).




Zealots with spears and double-handed weapons/




Zealots galore!




Warhounds. I have some painting to do here.




Flagellants. One painted, one not.




Hired Swords: an Elf Ranger, and Ogre, and a Freelance.



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I overestimated how much time I will have to paint. I should be able to get my new Captain painted by next Tuesday, but I doubt I'll get my Roadwarden done.  This leaves me with the choice of replacing the Roadwarden with my painted Elf Ranger or simply playing with an unpainted  Roadwarden for a game or two.


I do like how my Elf Ranger turned out....





But then again, my Roadwarden models are shaping up nicely -I even made reins. e5017366.gif



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A reinforcement from the Moot has arrived to bolster the ranks of my Averlanders. It's funny. New human recruits to the armies of Averland have to serve for a year before they are permitted to wear fancy uniform, but this rule doesn't appear to apply to halflings.


My cobblestone textured sheets of styrene also showed up in the mail today. The sheets are a bit more flexible than I wanted, but they should work well enough.


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The Scions of Nagarythe


"We will be cruel to the Druchii, and through our cruelty they will know who we are."


A small band of guerilla fighters known for their brutal reprisals against the Dark Elves. Their primary mission is the elimination of Druchii, but the high price on their leader's head has brought them into conflict with all manner of mercenaries and killers. For a long while they have tracked a raiding party of their dark kin to the city of Mordheim. With cold hearts and colder steel, they prepare themselves for a bloody affair. Supplies and reinforcements will be difficult to come by in this tainted city, so each Elf must be careful not to sell their lives needlessly.


Eldruin: Shadow Master (85) with Sword (10) Dagger (Free) Elf Bow (35)

Racthelion “Wrath” Caemus: Shadow Walker (60) with Sword (10) Dagger (Free) Longbow (15)

The Black Lion: Shadow Walker (60) with Spear (10) Bow (10)

Calrothir: Shadow Weaver (70) with Sword (10) Dagger (Free)

Taerys: Shadow Warrior (40) with Sword (10) Dagger (Free) Bow (10)

Illyana: Shadow Warrior (40) with Sword (10) Dagger (Free) Longbow (15)


I'm thinking I will cap the ranged weapons at 5, due to the difficulty in acquiring bows that are up to elven par in Mordheim.

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Finally had a minute to put together my warband.


Hrothgar's Hunters (Norse)


Hrothgar Crow Bringer: Jarl- light armor, shield and axe

Olaf the mad: Berzerker- great hammer

Grettir the strong: Berzerker- great hammer

Skoll the untamed: wulfan

Vitharr the young: bondsman: hammer

Horrik and Eric: marauders- hammer, axe

Ivar and Bjorn: marauders- hammer axe

Geri and Freki: wolves

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The Order of the Silver Hammer

Witch Hunter Warband, 4 GC in Treasury


Hieronymous Black- Witch Hunter Captain (60), Brace of Pistols (30)


Matthais Lieberstein - Witch Hunter (25), Pistol (15), Sword (10)

Johann Dieter - Witch Hunter (25), Pistol (15), Sword (10)

Gunther Nacht - Witch Hunter (25), Sword (10), Mace (3)

Wilhelm van Hel- Warrior Priest (40),  Mace (3)


Hans - Flaggelant (40), Two-Handed Weapon (15)

Helmet - Flaggelant (40), Two-Handed Weapon (15)

Faith, Steel, Flame, Fang, and Pyre - Warhounds (5 x 15)


Loreal Greenbough - Elf Ranger (40)

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 The Ironguard of Waldenhof(Reikland Warband)

With Sylvania undisputedly under Vampire control, the last of the vampire hunters were forced to flee Sylvania’s heartlands, pushed to the edges of the province to avoid Von Carstein’s vengeance. Calling themselves the Ironguard in memory of the massacres of the Iron Pass, towns within the mountain of ranges of northeastern Sylvania,  they continued to train, sustaining their weapon-making skills and preparing for the day when they could bring the war back to the Vampire overlords. Now acting as mercenaries, they seek their fortunes to fund their crusade against the Undead.


Giodemar von Kruger, Veteran Watcher of Western Sylvania - 105 gc

  • Captain

  • Light Armour and Helmet

  • Great axe

Harkan the Bastard, The Drowned Man - 65 gc

  • Champion

  • Sword

  • Shield

  • Throwing weapon

Astrid Herzig, Sister of Verena - 75 gc

  • Champion

  • Brace of Pistols

  • Spear

Lars Hammerstein, Sworn Ironguard - 75 gc

  • Champion

  • Crossbow

  • Sword and Axe

Leopold Kleiner, Watcher of the Grim Wood - 50 gc

  • Marksmen

  • Crossbow

Philippe Einhardt, the Bloodied Baron - 45 gc

  • Swordsmen

  • Sword

Reinhold De Avila, The half-son of Estalia - 50 gc

  • Swordsmen

  • Sword and Shield

Theodore Strurmhjart, Cutthroat of the Kadrin Road -35 gc

  • Warrior

  • Halberd
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THE DEAthdealerz


Deathdealer Squik- Assassin(60) w/ fighting claws(35)


Captain Blacktail- Black Skaven(40) w/ warplock pistol(35), sword(10)


Deathpaws Stunty Hacker- Black Skaven(40) w/ fighting claws(35)


Realz- Nightrunner(20) w/ sling(2)


Kil-kilza- Nightrunner(20) w/ sling(2)


The Verminz- Verminkin x4 (80) w/ swords(40)


Thin Whiskers- Verminkin x3 (60) w/ slings (6)


Fat Hamster- Giant Rat(15)

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An excerpt from the journal of Marius von Stroesel, merchant of Marienburg


Ulriczeit 2, 2516

I leave Essen today for Krugenheim and I have never been more relieved. I cannot abide the people of the Ostermark for a day longer! To speed along my journey, I have signed on with a caravan heading south through the forests and catching a ferry along the River Stir. The ferry landing lies near the ruins of the dread city of Mordheim, but the caravan master has assured me that he has traveled the route a thousand times and it is completely safe!


Ulriczeit 14, 2516

I've been captured by Lizardmen! The blasted caravan was beset by a horde of scaly creatures bursting out of the undergrowth and jumping down from the treetops! That accursed caravan master fled at the first sign of trouble along with the portion of our escort that survived the initial assault, but the creatures spared my life for some reason. They've started moving southeast toward the City of the Damned and I fear they intend to take me with them into the ruins! I've never been more terrified for my life!


Ulriczeit 16, 2516

As the lizardmen drug me through the outskirts of the city, the feather-clad leader of the group called a halt and began to blink rapidly while one of his minions pushed me up against a nearby building. Suddenly, a hunting horn blew and the streets were filled with shaggy horned Beastmen charging at us with wicked looking blades and heavy clubs! The skinks were overwhelmed by the assault and though their monstrous brute felled a number of the beasts, the Lizardmen warband was slaughtered almost to a man before my captor threw me to the marauders and fled for the woods. I was certain I'd be eaten, but the armored chieftain of the Beastmen ordered his lessers to keep me captive! As one of their number kept guard over me, I was horrified as the fallen Lizardmen were devoured and their remains used in hideous rituals to their Dark Gods. At one point in the rituals after consuming the flesh of the fallen Saurus Warrior, one of the beasts sprouted a scaly arm from his side and roared in delight as he was bathed in the blood of the fallen! Recalling it makes me queasy still, but I could not look away...


Ulriczeit 17, 2516

The Beastman Shaman took a harsh wound to his leg in the last battle and has taken on the role of my captor as the rest of the Beasts have gone out to scout the ruins. He seems to take a cruel delight in causing me terror and making me cringe back as he laughs a deep gutteral chortle at my cowardice. Sigmar save me!


Ulriczeit 18, 2516

The rest of the Warband has returned with their numbers bolstered and a hoard of weapons and armor that they distributed to the group. I have kept watch for any opportunity to escape, but even when the Shaman sleeps he keeps me under close guard of the viscous pair of hounds that eye me like a piece of steak, ready to gnaw on my bones. I'm doomed!


Ulriczeit 19, 2516

The warband broke camp this morning and traveled deeper into the ruins. I can't understand a word of their gutteral language, but they seem to have a destination in mind. Whatever it is, it can't be good!


Ulriczeit 20, 2516

I'm writing by the light of the campfire as I eat a meal of cooked rat scraps. We were attacked in the middle of the night by a band of Skaven, their yellow eyes and chittering teeth lit up by the greenish light emanating from a field of warpstone shards half buried in the dirt. The Shaman, his leg still wounded from the battle with the lizards, hung back and watched me as the battle raged. The bulk of the fighting took place in a graveyard lit up by the sickly green hue, the huge Centigor smashing apart gravestones and ratmen alike with his massive axe. Before long the rats fled into the night, but they left enough of their number behind to serve as fodder for another foul service to the Chaos Gods with more mutations and bloodshed. On the upside, rat meat doesn't taste half bad...







Krulos, Beastman Chieftain

sword, shield, heavy armor, shaggy hide, 27 xp


Kang, Centigor

greataxe, shield, heavy armor, extra arm, shaggy hide, 16 xp


Rahzar, Bestigor

greataxe, shield, heavy armor, extra arm, 12 xp


Cerebus, Bestigor

halberd, increased weapon skill, 13 xp


Sarnath, Beastman Shaman

sword, mace, eye of the gods, 13 xp


Pigster, Al, and Goatse, Gors

mace, mace, increased weapon skill, 2 xp


Lucky, Barkley II, Warhounds


Marius von Stroesel, Merchant NPC






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Pigster, Al, and Goatse, Gors

mace, mace, increased weapon skill, 2 xp




Warband rating should be 137. The whole henchman group has 6 xp (2 each). 


I know, because I found this cool thing to calculate my warband rating, and realized that I was off by a couple!




Red numbers are automatically processed, and shall not be modified.

Experience must be marked as "1".

large creatures field: 1 if large

Mercenary rating field: starting rating of the hired sword

Campaign sheet: game records

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Warband rating should be 137. The whole henchman group has 6 xp (2 each). 


I know, because I found this cool thing to calculate my warband rating, and realized that I was off by a couple!




Red numbers are automatically processed, and shall not be modified.

Experience must be marked as "1".

large creatures field: 1 if large

Mercenary rating field: starting rating of the hired sword

Campaign sheet: game records


Good to know! I had asked Joey about this on Tuesday and he'd told me to include the "group xp" as a single entry when calculating Rating. Hooray for vague rules!

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Ulriczeit 21, 2516
I've started to pick up scraps of the Beastman language from Sarnath. Enough, at least, to understand that on the latest scouting mission they found something interesting. Something of value in some nearby ruins, they said. Something about an ancient Sorcerer's lab filled with treasures? I hope it's food, we finished off the last of the rat meat last night and I'm famished...
Ulriczeit 22, 2516
This morning near dawn we came upon the Sorcerer's ruins, but we weren't the only ones! No sooner than the warband crawled out from behind an ancient monolith, but a rain of arrows came down upon them. One of the first volley took Krulos, the Chieftain, off his feet and sent the rest of the band scrambling for cover. One of the Gors leapt through a window into the ruined lab, but apparently set off some sort of booby trap as an explosion echoed throughout the structure and he was knocked stunned to the floor. Through the smoke, two nimble-footed figured darted out and charged the remaining beasts. It was then that I finally got a good look at our attackers and identified them as Elves! I'd never seen an Elf before today, but they fought with impressive skill and speed, knocking one of the Bestigors to the ground in the initial flurry, but one of their number was taken down in turn with a swing of Rahzar's heavy greataxe. Archers continued to pelt the advancing Beasts with arrows from a defended position, but the Beasts rushed into the ruins and emerged moments later carrying a heavy treasure chest! The Elves tried to scurry out of their hidey-holes to pursue, but were pushed back by the remaining Beastmen as the Shaman and two Gors retreated to safety with the chest. It is now nearing midnight and the Warband is still reveling around the fire, feasting on Elf flesh. Sarnath brought me in what appears to be a charred leg, but the sight of it makes my stomach turn. I must try to sleep... but so hungry...
Ulriczeit 23, 2516
Elves are more animals than people. Living in the forests as they do, really no different than a stag or boar. I couldn't let the meat go to waste. Mother always said, "Clean your plate Marius or no pudding!"
Ulriczeit 24, 2516
Been studying the map we found. Think there might be more treasure up ahead. Maybe more Elves too? Such succulent beasts...
Ulriczeit 25, 2516
Came upon the site I'd marked on the map, but it was infested with more filthy Lizardmen! Sure I recognized one of the skinks as my escaped captor, but he's meat now! Ha! Scaly monsters were ripped to shreds by Kang and the dogs while the rest of their number tried to make off with a treasure chest from one of the huts. Even with the help of their Saurus, the Lizards were no match for us!




Krulos, Beastman Chieftain
jeweled sword, shield, heavy armor, shaggy hide, 2 attacks, ?? xp


Kang, Centigor
greataxe, shield, heavy armor, extra arm, shaggy hide, horned one, 2 wounds, ?? xp


Rahzar, Bestigor
greataxe, shield, heavy armor, extra arm, shaggy hide, ?? xp


Cerebus, Bestigor
halberd, weapon skill 5, 2 wounds, ?? xp


Sarnath, Beastman Shaman
sword, mace, eye of the gods, weapon skill 5, resilient, ?? xp


Pigster, Al, and Goatse, Gors
sword, mace, weapon skill 5, 4 xp


Lucky, Barkley II, Finnegan, Rolf, Dogster, Warhounds


Marius von Stroesel, Merchant NPC



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I want to thank my three opponents for the great games. 


Munkie, I demand a rematch! e5017365.gif


I'm happy to report that that my newly painted Roadwarden survived all 3 three games, unscathed, and he is currently BS 5 and has 2 attacks. knight.gif


One of my Bergjaeger's leveled up and rolled a skill. I chose weapon master so I can now arm him with a crossbow.  Looks like I have to paint up another model. My other Bergjaeger rolled a +1 WS or +1 BS.  I already feel kind of guilty about how shooty my warband can be, so instead of raising him to BS 6, raised his WS to 3 and equipped him with a sword that I found on a corpse.


Sergeant Ludwig took a dwarf hammer (or was it an axe?) to the head.  He recovered, but he's now hardened (immune to fear) and suffers from  madness, which I played wrong in my game against Joey. I thought that I had to roll at the beginning of each game to determine if he has the stupid or frenzy rule for that game. In the game after the injury he rolled frenzy, but in the next game he rolled stupid. It turns out that after after taking the injury, you roll and the result is permanent.  Too bad.  The way that I was playing it is funnier.  I guess crazy Sergeant Ludwig is now a full-time berserker. 


I also played the ricochet rule wrong. In my game against the Lizardmen my Captain fired his dueling pistol in melee against a Saurus.  The shot ricocheted, took my Captain out of action, and as a result my Captain suffered a permanent leg wound, (BTW, the Sauraus shrugged off the shot). Well, it turns out that the ricochet crit only hits enemy models, so my Captain didn't shoot himself, after all.


For me, the high point of last night's games was my Halfling henchman (WS:2 S:2 T:2) passing up the easy kill with his bow (BS:5) and instead charging across the table to fight Joey's Priest of Taal, the elderly Uncle Cletus.  Of course, Uncle Cletus cheated (Ostlanders are notorious drunks and cheats) by casting Earthshudder, but the dice gods hate hillbillies, so Joey failed his 3+ to wound roll.  After two or three melee phases in which neither fighter could land a wounding blow, Hugo the Halfling rolled a crit with his dagger, stunning the old coot.  Hugo would have dispatched Cletus in the following turn, but the Ostlanders elected to head for the hills.  Uncle Cletus and the wyrdstone shard that he was clutching disappeared in a puff of tobacco smoke, halitosis and farts


The low point of last night was killing Joey's pride and joy, the henchman Ogre, Ma.  To help pay for funeral arrangements and the copious amounts of moonshine consumed at Ostlander wakes, I'm giving the Ostlanders 3 gems worth 10 gcs each.



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Joey, what do you think about replacing Ma with Granny?  I'm thinking that she's an Estalian "princess" that Grandpappy Bodean brought back from his service aboard a Marienburger merchantman, some 50 years ago.  Ostlanders are naturally suspicious of outsiders, but Bodean's bride's love of drink, smoking, lewd jokes, and cursing quickly won over her new family.  Grandpappy Bodean has been in the ground some twenty years now (drunk on Kislev "potato wine" he mistook an open well for a latrine ditch, fell in, and drowned), but Granny is as hale, quick witted, and ornery as ever.


Granny could be a Jaeger armed with a (big) pistol or perhaps a Jaeger armed with a blunderbuss.



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