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Coping with Magnus?


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Saw a couple of newbs playing casually. One had Magnus the Red in their army. Beam D weapons with unstoppable psychic powers, he's flying constantly, and he's got 7 eternal warrior wounds. Oh, and he's 650pts. Kinda a pain to deal with, any good solutions out there, or has GW still not created adequate AA and psychic defense solutions?

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Dark Eldar have the Crucible which is very economicle if he's playing Magnus+ FMC Rihati flying circus. No save of any kind allowed and acts like Skyfire effectively and given how Magnus's Tzeentch saves work... thats a big deal. REAL BIG. However you still need a way to fight him in melee after hes down. A fearless beastpack is your best choice for this job. Swamp him in invul saves and just sit on him. Beastpack is fast enough to run underneath him when he falls.


Magnus can be removed with a stomp. So when I played against him, I had a Stormsurge with Velocity Tracker and was able to knock him down at which point he had 5 wounds left. I went in to stomp him and Smash him Got 6 chances to stomp but ended up getting no 6's. Still its how I would have to do it if 4 D missiles couldnt help get it done.


Trakktor kannnons are really effective answers. Smack him to the ground eventually and swarm him in endless ork wounds against which his power in melee becomes a bit meaningless.


Sisters of Silence are useful against him. The blessings that feed them more dice is a thing so theres that. Just some ideas

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How to deal with a centerpiece unit is entirely dependent on the mission. Most of the time, you deal with them by focusing on the mission and scoring objectives. Too many people see the big model on the table and let it get in their head and become obsessed with killing it, losing sight of what would actually yield mission points.

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In the game I saw, players were definitely newbs, but at one point he got off that D beam weapon. Rolled a 6 on the D table against a stompa, and a 5 rolled on the d6+6 after that, dealling 11 hull points to the stompa which destroyed it. Beam went on to destoy some other things, but at that point, the others were overshadowed by the loss of the stompa. Granted, lucky rolls, but given that there is no real psychic defense in 40k, presently, it does seem like something I need to concern myself with. And that Ork player was certainly playing for objectives, but even so, losing big units each turn is a substancial loss.


Oh, and I think this is the first GW flyer with a ranged D weapon. FW's had them, but I recall none of them being ITC legal. 

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Can Magnus cast the same psykic power each turn, i.e. he can cast his D gaze multiple time a turn?


Would sisters of silence and that inquisitor that sucks up psykic power dent his power if in range?


Can weapons that cause perils force a perils or is he immune to all perils, or just the perils for casting.

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Hello there,


Mind you (no pun intended) I don't play so *might* be goofed up on the rules... and if I am, my apologies.  Trying to recall some of my codices for this edition...


Magnus the Red has a 4++ invulnerable save and can re-roll 1s, correct?  So if someone were to add the "Grimoire of True Names," which gives +2 on invulnerable saves... wouldn't you get the game's only unkillable model?  2++ invulnerable save and gets to re-roll 1s?

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Can Magnus cast the same psykic power each turn, i.e. he can cast his D gaze multiple time a turn?


Would sisters of silence and that inquisitor that sucks up psykic power dent his power if in range?


Can weapons that cause perils force a perils or is he immune to all perils, or just the perils for casting.

I don't think he cast multiples of the same one, but he harnesses on 2s, so even with a very small psychic dice pool, he can really cast lots of powers. I think he starts with at least 6 psychic powers. He's also immune to perils of the warp, which is the most common anti-psyker option (one that makes psykers perils more often). 


Magnus the Red has a 4++ invulnerable save and can re-roll 1s, correct?  So if someone were to add the "Grimoire of True Names," which gives +2 on invulnerable saves... wouldn't you get the game's only unkillable model?  2++ invulnerable save and gets to re-roll 1s?

He's not the only daemon with a 4++. That Grimore makes broken models very easily. Pretty sure the ITC nerfs 2+ re-rolls specifically. For non-ITC, there remain a handful of weapons that do not allow invulnerable saves, so he won't ever be unkillable, but he's very durable to be sure. 

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Dark Eldar have the Crucible which is very economicle if he's playing Magnus+ FMC Rihati flying circus. No save of any kind allowed and acts like Skyfire effectively and given how Magnus's Tzeentch saves work... thats a big deal.

Got the wording on that one? Sounds awesome. Mind you I don't play DE, but still decent option to know about. 

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In the game I saw, players were definitely newbs, but at one point he got off that D beam weapon. Rolled a 6 on the D table against a stompa, and a 5 rolled on the d6+6 after that, dealling 11 hull points to the stompa which destroyed it. Beam went on to destoy some other things, but at that point, the others were overshadowed by the loss of the stompa. Granted, lucky rolls, but given that there is no real psychic defense in 40k, presently, it does seem like something I need to concern myself with. And that Ork player was certainly playing for objectives, but even so, losing big units each turn is a substancial loss.


Oh, and I think this is the first GW flyer with a ranged D weapon. FW's had them, but I recall none of them being ITC legal. 

Not using big expensive single Models is a start. If that D Beam is just hitting a couple of Trukks, it's way less of a worry.


Also, Psychic Defense against Blessings and Conjurations is almost nonexistent, but for a lot of Factions, it's actually relatively easy to get Adamantium Will and/or Psychic Hoods, which can help substantially against the Witchfires.

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Can Magnus cast the same psykic power each turn, i.e. he can cast his D gaze multiple time a turn?


Would sisters of silence and that inquisitor that sucks up psykic power dent his power if in range?


No unit may fire the same power more than once.  Ahriman is the lone exception that I am aware of?


Sisters of Silence and the Culexus are recommended against it.

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I don't think he cast multiples of the same one, but he harnesses on 2s, so even with a very small psychic dice pool, he can really cast lots of powers. I think he starts with at least 6 psychic powers. He's also immune to perils of the warp, which is the most common anti-psyker option (one that makes psykers perils more often). 


He's not the only daemon with a 4++. That Grimore makes broken models very easily. Pretty sure the ITC nerfs 2+ re-rolls specifically. For non-ITC, there remain a handful of weapons that do not allow invulnerable saves, so he won't ever be unkillable, but he's very durable to be sure. 

If you play in ITC events, a 2+ re-rollable save, when re-rolled is only re-rolled on a 4+.  So that fixes the problem nicely, though it being possible at all is kinda the issue at hand.  Some reasonable precaution needs to be built in to some powers.  Oh well.  I guess the ITC is kind of what you do in the meantime while GW undoes what their old leader did (things have been on the upswing since he left).

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