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Everything posted by andozane

  1. That is an insanely reasonable price.
  2. Well that...and no Lasers or Dragons or Pykers or Great Unclean Ones...that always gets me down too
  3. Hobbitron, excellent point. Damn, I thought I had my one thing to complain about, now I have to go back to being a 40K fanboi :)
  4. There is not enough Likes for this one :)
  5. Correct, Pretre read my missing marks...I was excluding D weapons from that ideal. It still bothers me that, as in Fluger's example above, those weapons still have a chance to Destroy said Tank in one shot, but no chance to destroy said Wraithlord/Riptide/WraithKnight/DreadKnight etc in one shot. But yes, it is better.
  6. Personally I still don't think they are addressing the imbalance of Vehicles Vs Wraithlord example they gave...That Wraithlord still cannot be killed from that one major shot that can destroy a tank in shot. That piece still does not make sense to me... But oh well, that is better I guess needing a 7. The whittle down effect though still bones the HP 2 vehicles :(
  7. Supposed to be for the Pacific Theater WWII, but these are really cool pieces
  8. I enjoyed it...but yeah, definitely had to turn my brain off. Still better than the Raimi Spider Man 3 :)
  9. I would say at the beginning of the game, you choose where your powers are coming from.
  10. Sorry, was trying to be tongue in cheek, not caustic. But assuming the worst at first can often make things better once released :) From the snippets we've seen, Tau and Space Marines are no longer buddies...which to me makes sense. Other armies ...who knows.
  11. It is best to assume they all are if you relied on Allies :) Brilliant strategy...encourage allies...people buy partial allies. Deny allies, now people need to fill out those partial armies to make them playable :)
  12. Alright, if this is you and you are on Ordo, I apologize now. So don't take this as an insult, but perhaps an honest critique. So much wrong with this ad... If you are going to advertise a painting service, then take quality pictures. Even with the poor quality of the pictures, I can see very little detail other than swaths of purple paint used to highlight. Perhaps it is the pictures, but the paint looks laid on very thick and the real kicker... The pack of Marlboros with the ash tray in the back ground are just added bonus to ensure my miniatures smell like smoke.
  13. Pretty cool video...these kids did a good job.
  14. Agreed...but the concept was great. I'd also add his Barry White was pretty bad. But all in all, entertaining :)
  15. This guy sings 10 second songs in different styles...pretty awesome :)
  16. Question, what armies have you been facing? What types of players? Sometimes that "kick in the head" may just be a RPS Match up for you...
  17. Sadly I cannot attend this week :(
  18. Few days late, but still a great one...go Blazers! Pssst...note the owner :)
  19. You have been SHAMED!!! You must now convince this person to move to Bellingham and join forces with you. You guys are all pretty awesome (except for that Jim guy, just don't expose him to that guy), so with your combined awesome sauce he will obviously volunteer to relocate.
  20. I think for the open we will play 4th Ed Then first day of OFCC will be 7th Ed Second day of OFCC should be Rogue Trader all the way BABEEEEEE MINDS BLOWN
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