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Everything posted by andozane

  1. And allow assaults to sweep into NEW ASSAULTS :)
  2. Jim, that Nurgly Aegis Line is PUTRESCENCE IN ACTION...which in the case of Nurgle, means YES CAN I HAVE ONE :)
  3. Chappy and I have a 40K Date :)
  4. I believe 3000 Pts is considered pretty standard. 4K and on up are very large games
  5. yeah, that has actually been bothering me all day now that I know what that place was. I hope ending that robbery stopped whatever the next step was.
  6. I was trying to figure out why some guys that were evidently armed were robbing a uniform place... OK, now I understand much more.... I can imagine the gear they have there is very valuable.
  7. I sometimes wonder at my humanity when I get more sad hearing about a K9 that got killed in the line of duty then many other sad news... :( Either way that story sucks, I hope the officer has a speedy recovery.
  8. I bet you guys liked Promethues too :)
  9. I did watch MoS with an open mind...in fact, when I walked out of the theater I thought I liked it. But my issue with the last two DC movies is they are so overly serious. When a movie is overly serious the plot holes and silly things get much worse for me, unlike say the Avengers or any of the Marvel films, which have gaping plot holes (again, why did Loki let himself get captured? ) but they are all so tongue in cheek, who cares. The more I thought about that movie, the more I didn't like it. Plus that end fight scene went on way too long, and you know, only killed 10's of thousands of people that Superman didn't really bother saving...well, until that one family, when he went all neck breaky.
  10. I saw those earlier...evidently the old metal ork stuff isn't much sought after? At $80 it appears to be an army..not sure how many infantry stands you will get out of it. Lots of Gunwagons (most of those models don't have their own rules any more, I'm thinking you just play them as GunWagons) Stompas, Gargants, good variety. Interesting...same seller, at a glance appears to be same LOT http://www.ebay.com/itm/WarHammer-40K-EPIC-ORK-OOP-Nice-Lot-/181373847646?pt=Games_US&hash=item2a3ab9485e&nma=true&si=97N6XIgxqcB0M1CnJz1T2AD2a70%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 But closer inspection it is different. Also a very large price difference...wonder what is in that previous lot that made such a difference.
  11. That is your best bet for online army building, I have been using it and it is pretty handy. My list that I lost with today :) Need more maneuverability...Going to switch to Steel Legion (the below is Minervan Tank Co) and get some scout units. ARTILLERY COMPANY [650] 9 Manticore SUPER-HEAVY TANK COMPANY [500] 3 Baneblade SUPER-HEAVY TANK COMPANY [500] 3 Stormblade TANK COMPANY [725] 10 Leman Russ, Supreme Commander WARLORD [825] 1 Warlord Class Titan MARAUDER BOMBERS [250] 2 Marauders THUNDERBOLT FIGHTERS [150] 2 Thunderbolts TANK PLATOON [400] 6 Leman Russ
  12. Damn, nice pull! And good terrain too, those are awesome!
  13. I'm so putting in an office supply request at work solely so I can build these...
  14. It is very telling to me that not one person has voted for the Superman VS Batman only option...very interesting. As for the Deadpool movie...that Universe continuity is so messed up it is just silly at this point, so why the hell not? :)
  15. Fox :) Though I believe those licenses are now back in Marvel Studios custody as the chart shows(thus the upcoming supposed Devil's Kitchen Netflix series).
  16. Negative...sadly Fox is planning a FF (I just realized that putting FF 4 was redundant) and X-Men x-over :( It will be terrible. At least, I expect it to be terrible.
  17. To be fair, he said Marvel Studios...FF4 was not a Marvel Studios film. And yes, FF4 was terrible :) That is really Marvel's biggest problem...Disney hasn't been able to or has not tried to regain all the Marvel Licenses. I believe FF4 is still owned by...20th Century Fox (they the X-Men too). Sony has Spiderman and his affiliated characters. Here is a handy chart :)
  18. So, as of right now (some sites say it will probably change) both Captain America 3 and Superman vs Batman are opening May 6, 2016. Now, most likely the studios will not keep this as they won't want to split the box office dollars. But let us say, they do stick to this schedule. Which movie do you go see that weekend?
  19. Oh, and Pluto isn't a planet anymore!
  20. Snowpiercer - 6/10 Interesting movie...weird to see Chris Evans in the role. Actually the whole cast is kind of an odd ensemble, but everyone plays their parts very well in this very dark and dismal future state where the world is frozen over and all life exists on a "super train". In some ways it reminds me of Wool, but only so slightly. Anyway, worth a watch.
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