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Everything posted by andozane

  1. Captain America: Winter Soldier - another solid entry into the Marvel movie franchise of insanity. Great action, fun movie. Enjoyed the hell out of it.
  2. Hey, I got a bit trigger happy and ordered too many Imperial Aces boxes.... Anyone need some? $20 each. PM me if you want one please.
  3. If you have played Warhammer its like that but more. Wow...it is more than Warhammer!!!??? And only $60?
  4. andozane


    Best thread :)
  5. Fluger, I don't think you are doing it right...
  6. This invention will end all conflicts...it is far too dangerous to be in anyone's hands.
  7. Torg...be sure to look at Net Epic Armageddon...it is different than NetEpic which is a different rules set. The one we played is the Armageddon version.
  8. So, after acquiring a few epic things, I got to play a partial game of Epic 40K with our good friend Kirby! We used the Net Epic Armageddon Rules which can be found at this link. Essentially from what I gather, these are the last rules that GW published before killing specialist games. The .Net community has added FAQ's and clarifications. We played a 3K point game with pretty basic forces. Though I do feel guilty, as Kirby brought a nice balanced Space Marines list to learn with, I brought from what I could tell was the equivalent of the Tau/Eldar Ally 2++ save destruction list of the Minervan Tank Company :) The game was a lot of fun. At first it is a bit clunky working through the unit rules, but we quickly found our way through them. The alternating activation turn sequence is a fun aspect. I have to say one thing I REALLY liked, and this may sound a bit silly, but I had my X-Wing Starter box...and in that box I put two 3000 Point Armies :) There is something to be said for the compactness of all the minis :) I can't wait to scale it up to 4K and 5K points. We are going to try and work in Titans and Flyers and Orbital Craft into the mix of the game. Planetary conquest is a must!
  9. This dude has them shared on his google drive...feast your eyes on the pretties!
  10. I'm really excited for this film. When I first saw Captain America it was "good" to me but did not really stand out compared to Thor. But, what I have found is Captain America gets better every time you watch it. It is now definitely one of my go to movies to sit and be entertained.
  11. Sadly I gotta work tonight :(
  12. If you can make the trek to Portland, it would be worth your while, Jeff is quality people, and hell, if you are going from Vancouver to Portland at that time, you are reverse to the worst traffic :)
  13. Yeah, that A-Wing card is amazing. Sad we won't see it until...October? But still an awesome card. Tie Advanced definitely need something exactly like that to see the field again.
  14. Just finished Season 2 of Continuum Season 2 started off pretty slow, in fact I stopped watching it because the first couple of episodes were just blah...but it kicked up quite a bit and left off with a major cliff hanger and pretty crazy storyline arc. As with all time travel related endeavors, you always have to give a bit...but so far it is a pretty interesting tale of intrigue and mystery with the powers that be and their parts they play.
  15. Best music thread in ages :) Blu Cantrell - Street Vibes Pixies - Vamos Intro The White Stripes - Black Math
  16. That's a pretty good summation JO I like it :)
  17. Installing now...but very tired, so probably won't play until tomorrow :(
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