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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Make Infinity Great Again by Checking it out!
  2. Raindog

    OFCC Pictures

    Just all so fab!
  3. Oooh! I hear the new HASSASSINS starter box has three Daylami, an Ayyar, a Farzan, and a Muyib.
  4. Cody Burkett did me a solid at the OFCC and game me a care package of Infinity Boxes. I was super happy. I use them to make tokens for the Rampage. If possible can you save me the whole boxes and bring them to me or Pete Harper at the club or a local event, so I can make tokens for new players and use the art images on the sides as civilians to rescue? Thank you, RD
  5. When: August 5th, 10AM to 6 PM Where: Glimpses of Wonder & Warfare 16771 SW 12th St Suite D, Sherwood, OR 97140 Get directions Per the metro area's newest warcor Adam, B. "Time for our August tournament! Hot on the tail of OFCC, we are playing a Special Operaions mid-tier tournament! Bring your 300 point lists and prepare to play Antennas Field, Capture and Protect, and Tic-Tac-Toe! 12 point Spec Ops, not Limited Insertion. $10 Entry and a lovely ITS pack for prize support, lets rumble!" Please go and support the OFCC Sponsor, Glimpses, and Adam. He would love to have you all come and play.
  6. Raindog

    Game Night?

    I am out this weekend. Pete or Jay will run the show. However, heat will be a factor. The club will not open if it is too hot outside. We simply cannot cool the interior to make a tolerable gaming experience.
  7. First, I would PM NakedPanda and Khail for places to play in Seattle. Between the two of them, they can point your in the right direction. As to armies, what do like the looks of the best. There are no rock paper scissors armies. Most are slightly better at one set of stats than others. For more information on the overall fluff, I would look at Mayacast's backlog of podcasts. They highlight each army by fluff and units. Pan-O is the super tech, hyperpower. They have the best gear and tech. They are the best at shooting, but are the worst at button pushing to complete missions with their low will power. They have space knights and jungle fighters. Nomads live on space ships. They are the money and elbow grease of the human sphere. They take what other people throw away and make them better. They have grizzled, zero-G troops, good robots, and hacking. One of their ships is the Las Vegas of the universe with an anything goes, body mods, make your self into furries vibe. It is the most anime of the factions. The Combined Army is like the Dominion (from Deep Space 9) meets the Persian empire. They want to take over everything and kill what does not surrender to their needs. They are the aliens. They have Klingon like troops called the Morats, robots, and a mish mash of races helping out the greater cause.
  8. Fat Yuan-Yuans are on Clearance. as is the Yu-Jing starter box
  9. New Check List: Done New Booty List: Done Planning new scenarios......
  10. Is it wrong that I am writing plans for the Rampage and next year's OFCC already?
  11. You are always welcome at Ordo!
  12. Thank you for coming. I am sorry your trip down was awful.
  13. There are some on Face Book under WGC Infinity. Evan has some great comments to go with the photos. Feel free to add yours.
  14. Thank you Chris, Ian, and Will. You are the spirit of the OFCC.
  15. Jeff, Thank you for bringing the Pride of Rodina team together. Thanks to Kyle for coming from Missouri. And thank you for putting up with my teasing and terrible jokes. To everyone else, look at the Pride of Rodina blog. It is a fun read.
  16. This year's OFCC was a huge success. With 36 players it was the one of the largest events for Infinity on the west coast. Your tables and armies were amazing. Everyone was on a good mood. Thank you for helping tear down the event so quickly. Every member of the club was impressed by everything we did. I would like to thank George Spenser for all this hard work as the Head of Gaming. He has grown the event and invented the narrative scenarios. Next, I would like to thank the sponsors, Corvus Belli, Pride of Rodina, Fate & Fury Games, Darron Forbes, Battle Kiwi, and Marsbarn Designs. You are all generous and appreciated. Thanks to my opponents, Andy Brandt, Alex Sinkowski , Kyle Randolph, Ian Craick, and Cody Burkett for putting up will me . Finally, I would like to thank Justin Morgan and Evan Secan for being my second set of hands and diving into every task as well as rallying others. Their attitude, great swag, and display boards made my weekend effortless. Congratulations to: EMOJ FUC, Chris Matthews, Ian Craick, and Will Martinez for winning Best Overall. Uncle Vernon and the Haqqi-Slams, Evan Secan and Justin Morgan for winning the Marshal Johnson Award for Bests Sports. Make Infinity Great Again, Obadiah Hampton, Nate Kapke, and Adam Bienvenu for winning Best Painted! Weeaboo Wizard Van, Riley Nadeau, Tom Rolling, and Cody Burkett for winning the Achievements Award! and Joe Bumgarner and Pork Chop Express for having the Best Table. If you did not see it, it was a Big Trouble in Little China Table. I hope to see you all next year, at game night, or at your local event.
  17. Well the first day is done! Tony Fern won the Face Punch ITS by edging out Kyle Randolf in the last game. Brian Boese won best painted. Will Martinez won best sports. The tables teams have brought are amazing. Chris Matthews has a gorgeous table. Andy Brandt and Erik Grey are rocking Comanche Warsenal. Brian Boese, Andrew C, and Alex S have beautiful Top Down Terrain. Joe Bumgarner has a Big Trouble in Little China. Kremmet and the War Hamster's table are really cool. Kyle Randolph has his Ariadna table featured on his blog. There are some of the best table I have ever seen.
  18. With the help of Justin, Evan and I, George set up 6 tables. Jay set up three. Kyle Randolph set up the Pride of Rodina Table and I set up my table. There are placards for each team table. See you all soon.
  19. Now, if I only had time to make shirts...... infinity pixxxxx 2 2.pdf
  20. It is set up day! I am helping picking up the club's table tops at 4 PM. Set up Starts at 6 !
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