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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. Okay, so I figured out the barrel was not updated, it just had the round front sight put on instead of the single blade (barleycorn). It has been counterbored though. On the lookout for a M39. Been debating back and forth if I should try to get a PU, but those are so pricey now it really isn't worth it.
  2. Just got a 1922 Izhevsk hex receiver, 1891 Mosin Nagant. This was a Finnish capture rifle. It seems they updated it to a 91/30 barrel due to the updated sight on it. In seven years, this gun will be 100 years old. Will get to shoot it in a couple of weeks. Very excited. It is a beast.
  3. I only need the topper actually. We'll work it out.
  4. Anyone know of shops around portland where I can find ammo and accessories for historical guns. About to pick up my first Mosin and need a few things for it.
  5. When you finish the campaign, the whole world explodes and the game uninstalls.
  6. Why do I have to wait for December for this too?!?!?! #preordered
  7. Yeah, he knows that...he isn't saying they will surpass A New Hope, Empire, and Jedi...he's saying that will surpass Phantom, Clone, and Sith.
  8. and SW Battlefront video revealed tomorrow. Whoo hoooo!
  9. So wait, you were having great success running the evade imperials...but then the rebels figured out a counter....and now the game is not fun anymore? Suck it up and find a counter to the rebel stress lists. Once you do that enough, they will stop bringing them to counter your new meta. BTW, I don't play X-Wing and it is exactly for this reason. I don't have time to figure out metas and adjust my play for them. Bleah. I wanna go "pew pew pew" and have fun. Maybe just avoid tournaments?
  10. Going to give it another try this week if possible. 1500pts of orcs vs Gordi's KoM. See if more points can even things out for the greenies.
  11. For the most part they did. We forgot a few things, but nothing too major. The disrupted rule is pretty key in the game now. For instance, most cav units now have a rule called Thunderous Charge. It stacks with crushing strength (makes it easier to wound). However, while CS always works, TC does not work if you are disrupted (ie, were charged in melee by an enemy unit). Therefore, if you can get a charge against a cav unit first, then their counter-charge in their turn will be much weaker due to the loss of TC. I'm not quite convinced that the Orc list is well rounded enough. Will be happy to do more testing.
  12. Gordi and I were able to throw down two 1000pt games last night. He brought his Kingdom of Men (empire) army and I threw some Orcs (beastmen) and then Undead at his list. The game was called Domination, where you only got points for units at the center of the board at End Game. Kind of interesting. He tabled the orcs, but took heavy losses as well. Honestly, I feel like he just had too many units compared to me. The orcs in KoW have almost no shooting, and no magic. They are however, fairly tough. But the KoM have plenty of tools and his units were able to survive the initial hits and then counter attack to good effect. Game two had me try out the undead. The game ended in tie, but I feel like the undead should have won that one. He got some great Nerve tests against the undead which saw units go too soon on average, and then an insane courage saved one of his units which resulted in the doom of an undead unit. Whole game flipped on one roll. What really impressed me was how fast the games went. 90 minutes basically for both games. And at 1000pts, KoM fielded 9 units. 4 blocks of 20, a 5 man scout, a 10 man knight units, a cannon, and two characters. My orcs had 2 units of 20, a giant, a 6 troll unit, 5 cav, and a hero. The undead were much closer in units with 3 blocks of 20, a horde 40 unit, 5 cav, 3 mon.inf., a catapult, and two heroes.
  13. Did I sell or trade a large GW hard case to someone a year or two ago? It would have looked like this: I cannot find it for the life of me, but I don't remember selling or trading it. So if I did, please let me know so I can stop tearing my house apart. :)
  14. I have a starter plus extras, pretty much every ship before the scum and villainy came out. Most are NIB. All Sold, thank you Ordo.
  15. So I'm planning on bringing a couple of 1000pt armys for Kings of War on Sunday. I've made up Undead, Orcs (beastmen), and Elves. Using the latest Beta rules - http://manticblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/KOW-2nd-Ed-WIP6.pdf Come on by if you want to learn to play.
  16. Going to take Chaos off the chopping block for the time being. I realized I have other games that I can get rid of first before getting rid of a 40K army.
  17. Here's my WM inventory: PB rule book template set Cryx: HB faction book lich lord asph warwitch denny deathripper x2 defiler x4 canker worm corrupter leviathan + 1 NIB plastic leviathan kit (makes three) reaper slayer deathjack bane knights x6 bile thralls x6 mechanithralls x10 brute thrall necro tech + scrap thrall pistol wraith x3 skarlock thrall warwitch siren x2 banelord tartarus tokens mark II cards Most models are metal, some are plastic. Menoth: PB faction book kreoss high reclaimer Crusader vanquisher repenter exemplar cenerators x5 Judicator cards for above only No pic for the menoth as it is all NIB or in bags.
  18. I've got a decent sized Cryx army that I'd like to sell, as well as a much smaller Menoth force. I'll post up specifics soon. I realized that of all the games I do play, Warmachine is one that I can take it or leave it. So if I have to sell stuff, might as well start with games I rarely play or have little interest in. I do love the models...but the game is just okay. Again, let me know if you are interested in either of these and I will go through the trouble of getting a detailed list and pics.
  19. Was wondering if Super Dungeon Explore, or Relic Knights was worth getting into. Anyone play them and could give a review?
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