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Everything posted by savion47

  1. I will be missing this week as I am hoping for free dinner from legislators. Next week will mark my glorious return. P.S. A senator needs to print out GN sheets as there are zero.
  2. Come play some x-wing or I would even bring some BB (I know it is your favorite game). Oh I can make it now. I got home early and was able to take care of my errand.
  3. This sounds like a great reason for another league Burk. I need to start deciding what my Spike team will be this year.
  4. I have to cancel Burk. Don't hate me.
  5. maybe is the best I can come up with for this weekend.
  6. Looking forward to getting even more bits! See you all in a week.
  7. Pictures for the lazy: Keep your eye on Raging Heros as well. They are planning on doing a Dark Elves kickstarter. They do not have a planned launch date yet though/
  8. "just hangin' out my family, havin' ourselves a party!" I have yet to see Birdemic 2, though I worry like all squeals, it will be awful.
  9. I was informed that some are having problems accessing the Downloads section of the site. If you are experiencing any problems please shoot me a PM.
  10. I will hopefully be there for some xwing late.
  11. Canceled on Feb. 1
  12. 4 is better for me as I have to go to bed early now.
  13. Links to dropbox photos do no seem to work. My suggestion would be to utilize the site and create a Member Gallery. The My Media feature makes adding photos in your Gallery really easy. Uploading photos to the gallery is also simple.
  14. As far as I know the HOG has not made a final decision. There will probably be more information released after this weekends meeting.
  15. I am surprised to see the Nurgle list I would have brought would be a 9.2. I was expecting lower.
  16. FYI, Dan fixed the settings on the site and we now can accept international purchases.
  17. It looks like I will not be playing this year and I am very sad about that Hoping things will work out next year.
  18. X-Wing... that is the only game that exists right now.
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