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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. Awesome, thanks all! I have a meeting on campus until 5. Would it be alright to plan on staring up at about 6:15?
  2. With the deadline getting near, I need to get files submitted for a physical prototype within this month. Because locking down the physical form will limit my ability to make changes, I really need to get this on the table again! There have been some substantial changes since last go-around that I'd really like to try. I feel that it's too early in the design cycle, but deadlines are there for a reason! Any chance I could bother 2 to 4 generous souls to give this a whirl this upcoming Tuesday or the week after?
  3. Sounds good - I should be there sometime between 5:30 and 6:00, and will try to get there early-ish. Feel free to set up a table in the meantime if you like!
  4. Fair enough! Seriously, though, this is now 6 snow days this winter - when will it end? Since Miles is out: Kacy, do you even Ninth Age?
  5. JMGraham


    Best wishes to your brother, RD!
  6. Bah! The weather is glorious, and mostly slush. Let me know tomorrow when you know for sure!
  7. I could be down with trying some Armada after! Just in time for beer, pizza, and conversation? I could imagine it being worse.
  8. I'm playing BB with Miles and, as he said, will be prowling for a second victim opponent afterwards. Otherwise I can board game or provide witty commentary about others' games.
  9. Not to complicate things, but ... Monolith, the maker of the awesome Conan boardgame, is getting set to launch a Kickstarter for a Batman game, using the same system. https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/192002/item/5237688#item5237688 View the previous comments if the pictures don't load.
  10. Come on guys, geesh! The models are gorgeous. I'm not one to encourage spurious spending, but you have 11 days to back that sweet thing. Build a list or two that could work with them and price out what you'd need to get. Then commit crimes until you can afford it.
  11. Gabe and I are playing Ninth Age!
  12. Not a feather in my Empire army, I'll have you know! I shaved them all off.
  13. Wow - those are some gorgeous models. Amazing prices, too. They'd do well as an Empire army, maybe High Elves.
  14. I'm not able to do the tournament, but my plan is to head down at around 9 on Saturday to catch the end of the tournament (wherein I'll be cheering Yarb on to his first-place finish) and hang out afterwards. Safe travels!
  15. Sounds like Sherbert and I have a romantic Ninth Age game for two. I'll bring Blood Bowl too, in case Sherbert tables me early!
  16. Aight, I reckon I need to do that, then! I'll be hunting down folks to playtest in the next couple of weeks, though!
  17. Gabe cancelled on me because he hates me more than his romantic partner. Some mushy V-day stuff.
  18. Also, if anyone's interested in checking out rules, here's the latest iteration (still very much a work in progress): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2taYsfmU0hucUtxcnBCVExxN0k
  19. Anyone up for another go-around this Tuesday? Things have changed somewhat (I have some new curios, some rules tweaks, and a couple versions of a new game board to try), and may change more. I'd love to get in another round with 4 players, if possible. I reckon, with kibbitzing afterwards, it should take about 2 to 2.5 hours? Start at 6:30?
  20. Nice! I'm looking forward to listening to it this weekend. You just got moved to the head of my listening queue!
  21. Pay for it? I'm gonna earn mine the old fashioned way! At Garrett's request, I'm moving this topic over to the main Blood Bowl forum, so that those without access to the 'Hamster forums can find it.
  22. Cool! And, again, apologies. I came up with both a Warriors and a Wood Elf list that I like, so I'm excited to get some Ninth Age back on the table. I'm looking forward to next week!
  23. Gabe - I'm going to have to be lame and bail tonight - apologies! With the kids home from school (but with Western stubbornly open) things are going to be pretty hectic on the homefront. If you'll forgive me, how about a raincheck for next week?
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