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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. I intended to do this when I first read the post, but forgot. Sorry! Praise Nurgle for Dropbox. Eli, check your e-mail.
  2. Perfect! I'll bring 1500 of Raven Guard.
  3. I'd be glad to! How many points would you like to play?
  4. I'm up for some 40k, if anyone's interested. @Munkie hinted at being able to play if he could fit in a second game after he plays @SigurdBC, but he's as slow as I am at playing, so I don't hold out much hope there. With that said, Kevin, if you make a firm commitment for 2 hours starting at, say, 7:30, then I'm yours. Otherwise, I'd like to try my Raven Guard with the new Strategem and Chapter Tactic. It'll have a couple of proxies, but I'm happy to play anywhere between 1500 and 2000 points.
  5. Also, it now looks like Ynnari are restricted to armies that take one of the three special characters as a warlord. Without one of them, no Ynnari.
  6. The change to re-rolls is noteworthy. No more re-rolling any of the dice for a failed charge; now you have to re-roll all of them (unless you use a command point for the single die).
  7. I think Jason picked it up from Dark Tower and will be bringing it down. Sorry I'll miss it this year, but know that I'll be sitting on a beach, drinking beer, and wishing y'all well!
  8. Never mind... clearly looks like SftS is included in Tactical Reserves. SFtS is not "set up on the battlefield".
  9. Strike from the Shadows is 1 CP, applies only to infantry (which includes Dreadnaughts, no?). Fair enough! I can't tell how it interacts with Tactical Reserves, though. It appears to be separate, opening up the possibility for some close-to-null deployment armies if folks wanted to burn through the CP. I could see folks arguing the other way too, though.
  10. Genius! I'll be excited to see them when they're done. I don't usually use terminators (though I have some of the Forge World Death Guard models), but if I wanted more, I'd steal the hell out of that idea!
  11. Yea for Raven Guard! The -1 to shoot from far away is great, but that use of command points looks crazy-good. It looks like units deployed this way might still get to move, which would set up very strong first-turn charges. I'm curious as to whether units that Strike from the Shadows will count as deployed, or tactical reserves. If they count as deployed, that'll open the door to null-deployment armies that drop everything their first turn. I also wonder if command points for SftS will be handled on a per-unit basis, or a per-"drop"unit. For example, would two units in a drop pod count as one or 3? Regardless, it's interesting! When does this come out?
  12. Save that you already accepted a 40k CHALLENGE!!!! I'll bring Nurgle for a Kaiju throw-down, if it'll help!
  13. Not having to take morale tests is absolutely bonkers. They're so ridiculously tough to get rid of, and can still dish out some substantial hurt. Plus, with objectives being decided by how many models are within 3" of them... *shudder*
  14. I think Tony plays it ( TPenska on the boards), but I haven't seen him around in ages. Not sure if he's still local. I think Eli plays it as well, but he's still going to "school" in Montana. It looks like a cool game, but I'm not looking to add another 28mm game to my quiver. I do, however, love me some Flames of War for my WWII action. Even though I play it rarely enough that I basically have to re-learn the rules every time I play a game.
  15. DAN! Play Ninth Age! Kings of War was fun enough, but scratched an entirely different itch than Fantasy did. Ninth Age does a really nice job of doing Warhammer, but better and more balanced.
  16. 20 Poxwalkers with Typhus back-up. Resilient, cheap, and they can make more of themselves!
  17. Splooge? Maggots? Those I can handle. Looks promising!
  18. 2k it is! I think I said I'd bring Necrons?
  19. New edition! New models for the old army! I assembled the stock poxwalkers from the new box set, and wanted a Typhus to lead them/ With a few snips, I converted the axe of the Chaos Lord to a scythe, for my Typhus conversion: I was also MORTIFIED to discover that the Great Unclean One in the new book was less resilient and had fewer wounds than the Bloodthirster and the Lord of Change. WTF, GW? Papa Nurgle is big. Papa Nurgle is tough! Papa Nurgle deserves better! A Glottkin, a Chaos Renegade Knight kit, lots of putty, and a couple of days later, and I have a proper centerpiece for the new edition. My Knight Titan conversion. Poxwalker for scale.
  20. In Bellingham, we're mostly doing 2000. It feels smaller than 2000 old-points, but seems to make for a pretty good game.
  21. Ack! Turns out I'm out, even on Monday. I will have a bleak, Warhamsterless week.
  22. Scourges with blasters do look pretty sexy. The lack of d6 damage hurts, but I like the 18" range. Damn, but they look fragile, though. Hellions, I'm less impressed with. They seem to rely on PfP, and I've got a strong preference for weapons with decent AP. Holy smokes, Hemlock Fighters are rad. With the speed and durability of the Wave Serpent, I was impressed with how hit-and-run the Fire Dragons can be. They have to survive a turn outside their transport, but also can potentially benefit from SfD while they do. The fact that they usually kill (at close range) what they aim at means they have a chance to either strike again at a different nearby threat, or get back on board the Wave Serpent. Thanks, all! This helps a lot. My brain gets stuck in one way of seeing things and I lose sight of other options.
  23. When a unit within 7" is "completely destroyed".
  24. Ooh! I hadn't really looked at Harlequins before. Lots of decent strength, high AP close combat attacks. Fantastic weapon selection. Durable as elves get with a 4++. I like that they could add another close combat weapon and, with fusion pistols, require me to get ridiculously close to the enemy. If I dropped the warriors/venom and the windriders, that should give me enough for 5 kitted-out troopers in a transport. That would also free up my 6th fast attack choice if I wanted to split the Shining Spears. I could convert my painted Venom into the Starweaver, and convert some awesome acrobatic pirate-elves for the troopers. Speaking of the Shining Spears... I'm certainly open to splitting them, but with Ynnari, it seems that there are pros and cons to MSU. Obviously, small units die more easily (triggering SfD), and are more resistant to Morale. They also give more flexibility in regards to tactics. When SfD does trigger, however, larger units magnify the benefit to a greater extent than smaller units (e.g., 13 close combat attacks versus 7). Larger units also keep folks together better - you don't need to worry about half of the unit failing a charge (it's all or nothing and makes command point re-rolls more efficient), and if the unit is charged, everyone can fight. It also makes Guide more efficient. I can see benefits both ways, so I reckon the only choice is to try both and see what I think.
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