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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. I love that game, and an excuse to get my painted models on the wastelands again would be welcome. However, I'm in and out much of this month and next, and can't commit to a 4-week campaign. I'd still love to get a few games in, though!
  2. Depends on who wins! I think I might be helping Brad playtest Damage next week, and I'll be at a track meet the following Tuesday. Maybe sometime after that, though? This year is going to be a pretty busy one for me, but I'll try and make it out as much as I can.
  3. Excellent! One group of mutant loyalists versus another!
  4. Anyone up for taking on the Raven Guard in a 2000 point 40k game?
  5. Yup. It was used for blind testing before and during KublaCon. It worked well enough, but is in need of a major over-haul now.
  6. Thanks for the help last night, gents! I have a short list of tweaks to try out from last night, but nothing to get in the way of revising the rulebook (which I've been dreading). It's getting close!
  7. Fair enough. Infinity percent more clockwork beavers!
  8. Legs are the rarest part of a space marine! I'll peek, but I'm almost positive that I don't have extra legs. It's the one piece that even gets used for most Forge World kits.
  9. I've got to get this Dark Curios run-through finished, but I am getting desperate for some more 40k action. If y'all can stand the might of the XIX, I'll be up for some 40k in the coming weeks.
  10. Thanks, gents! Room for one more if need be, but 3 will work fine, as well. I'll plan on setting up shooting for a 6 or 6:15 start time, if that works for folks.
  11. Awesome! That's super nice, Koyote. Slippery models are always needed, though, are his other skills good enough to overcome the greatness that is David Bowie, the Goblin King?
  12. Why am I starting this thread so early, you ask? Why, because I want to rope 3 to 4 of you into playtesting a round of Dark Curios,. I've made some modifications following Kublacon, and have some updated components. There are a couple of rules that might change mid-game, and I want to give it another shot before I finalize the rules and start shopping it around. It shouldn't take longer than an hour and a half, maybe 2 hours max if the conversation goes long. Any takers? Don't forget, Dark Curios has 100% more Clockwork Beavers than any other game on the market!
  13. I'm celebrating my youngest daughter's tenth birthday!
  14. I adore Relapse Records videos. The Diplomat was fantastic, as well.
  15. I'm in for playtesting! Specially seein as I'm gonna be hitting y'all up for some Dark Curios/Siege action in the weeks to come.
  16. I hope so! I had a bowl of the best colcannon I've ever had there one week, followed by a tasteless bowl of cold mashed potatoes and spinach the next week. They had serious promise, but were really off and on with food quality. Loved the ambiance and the beer selection, though. They are the ones that introduced me to Delerium Tremens (the Belgian ale, not the side-effect of alcohol dependence).
  17. Not so amazing that it didn't shut down a while back! Welcome to B'ham! See you Tuesday?
  18. What the hell, Joey! Emergency appendectomy? I hope all is well! It's Middle School curriculum night, so I'll be hanging out in the 8th grade tomorrow. I'll be back next week!
  19. And immune to Morale tests, to boot. Damn. Looks like infantry is back on the menu, boys!
  20. Having already demonstrated my superior space-merchanting skills, I'll be playing 40k with Taco.
  21. I sold two of thousands of space bucks-worth of rock videos. Humans win!
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