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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. I am not trying to copy your list. I just want to try and make the S. Dule work. I think he has great potential in the current meta. I am going to give him a try and see how he does at the Fluger game days. I was just looking for a little help to get the list as good as possible with it in there.
  2. Vector strikes are 1 hit at S6. Only cones get S8. Would rather shoot 6 TL S6 shots.
  3. That is kind of what the S. Heirodule is for. It can take out a land raider in melee. I can drop the venom, zoan, and t gaunts to get two drop pods.
  4. Back to the main topic: 3x flyrants w/ egrubs Malanthrope Venomthrope Zoanthrope 4x 3 ripper swarms w/ ds 2x 10 tgants 2x dakkafexs S. Heirodule
  5. I liked the old synapse where they couldn't be instantly killed. But I think something along the lines of, for every synapse bubble the unit is in it gets +1 to its feel no pain role. So 1 synapse gives you 6+, 2 synapse =5+, etc.
  6. Making Hgants beasts and giving genestealers some help would be a good step.
  7. My thoughts were that the S. HIERODULE provides a hard hitting melee unit. It moves 12+d6 every turn, it's flamer is 16.5 inches, and can wreck tanks reliably. It trades out a few flyrants, but I thought it was a decent trade.
  8. One of these days I will borrow two flyrants and take the penta-rant list to a tournament
  9. I can fit 5 flyrants and a scythed dule into a list, with minimum troops, but that means table or lose in maelstrom games
  10. The objective of having the malanthrope and venomthrope, is to be able to split the army and have shroud coverfor the first turn.
  11. Nid horde would work, I agree, I just don't know how you move 120 models regularly and fit it into a tournament scene.
  12. Yeah, was thinking of getting some deep striking rippers in there to help, and bertha should help get more models on the table. Not sure how to get more models while being effective.
  13. I feel the flyrants will do the work the fexes would do. Plus staying in the boundaries of ITC while finding room for podded fexes only gives me the option of getting rid of the S. Hierodule.
  14. I am trying to stay in the boundary of ITC. I was thinking of changing out the mucolid for some deep striking rippers, and adding hive commander to a tyrant to allow the tervigon to outflank, but that seems like a ton of points sunk into one flyrant.
  15. I have been playing with the B. Hierodule for a while and it has been fun. Though the more I look at the scythed hierodule I think it is far superior in this meta. It has a S6 AP3 hellstorm template, 7 attacks base, and if there is no target to charge, it gets a run move. The issue I run into when trying to come up with a competitive list is the lack of tank cracking. I am thinking of the following list for 2k: 3x flyrants w/ egrubs 1x Malanthrope 1x Venomthrope 3x Hive Guard 1x Tervigon w/ CC, AG, egrubs 30x Tgants w/ 10 devourers 1x Mucolid 1x Scythed Hierodule This leaves me with 40 ish points left over to do something with. What are everyone's thoughts on this list? What would you tweak?
  16. I vote we have a terrain day. I know I have a few pieces of terrain that I would like to build and paint. Stealing off of Koyotes terrain and advice. Would give me a full table set up to lend to the WarPorch.
  17. Those are pretty sweet looking!
  18. What time are you looking to start this party? I may not be able to make the whole thing.
  19. Venue was good. And I agree, a balcony was kind of cool.
  20. I cared... but no one listened to my whining. They kept telling me to drown my sorrows in the beer. I can bring a FAT mat and most of a tables worth of terrain. Also, are we doing 2k lists for 40k? or something a bit smaller?
  21. My partner and I are still playing in the doubles event on Friday. Just confirmed it with him.
  22. PEE-khan pie is good, not the best, but good. Also, peanuts in ice cream is where it's at.
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