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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. I am in. If people need a lift from the Tacoma Train station I can probably help out.
  2. Yeah, we got lucky Germany missed their PK. I think that may have swung the momentum. That and the foul that gave the USA the PK was outside the box, so we got lucky on that call.
  3. Mark me as tentative. Need to ask the boss lady.
  4. That is because they are playing on all turf surfaces. Hitting the ground is going to tear up their legs super fast.
  5. Not all frat guys are douche bags. Once in a frat you are pledging to do everything they do, and the pack mentality is strong. I have seen some frats be useful for getting jobs and helping kids thru school, and I have seen plenty of guys like BradNardone described. You just have to pick the crowd you want to hang with.
  6. It is sad when the Australian Federation web page comes out blasting the US women's team. Yeah, the USA didn't play well, and were sloppy, but they still beat the Australians...
  7. Assemble, base, and paint: * toxicrene - done for the most part... though I need to find someone with marine paint colors to paint the terminator that's being stepped on. * tyrannocyte - done * Flyrant - based and waiting to be painted Paint: 6 ripper swarms - done Touch up: 3 biovores - done
  8. Hence why I don't play swarm tyranids. Too much to paint.
  9. I just want to drink and learn new things about the Geek-tastic world we live in. If I play, I don't imagine I would get better then last place.
  10. Depending on where you live, there are those of us that have the books so you can peruse them.
  11. it shows as your link is broken. These are the warriors I am looking for. Or the melee ones
  12. My want list: 2nd edition Lictor (pending) 2nd edition Warriors (pending) 3rd edition Hive Tyrant 3rd edition zoanthrope venomthrope
  13. Or, go to the paid teams list, and pick someone at random... could be a great way to meet new people.
  14. If you guys want to get eaten by bugs, let me know. If I have ample time to bribe the wife to let me get away for a weekend I can place a few bugs on the table.
  15. As every game store knows, MtG keeps the lights on, while the table top guys just take up space playing. If you do have gaming tables in the back, why always in the back?, make the boards an extra 18" long so people have a "side board" and a place to put their gear under so it is kind of out of the way. Not to push other peoples products, but the FAT mats are amazing! To get your tables up and running quickly a few of those mats layed out with terrain to match would look nice. Then if you sell the FAT mats to boot, win win. Beer is always a good selling point for gamers, but that takes extra work. I always wondered if Kambucha on tap down in that Portland region would be a good draw... Brilliant!!!
  16. What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer. What do you get when you cross a river with a canoe? The other side.
  17. I see what I missed. It is still only a 13.
  18. If I can do math... PentaTyrant only comes in at 8 cr.
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