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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. Just the Venus pool... there are like 8 other pools to choose from.
  2. I like this lictor list better then the original one. Much mute punch to this one.
  3. You will find one of the frustrating things about nids is the lack of assault grenades. So our scariest melee units become worthless because people just make sure there is terrain in between them and Genestealers or Ravenours. I have seen people having fun with the new Tyrannocyte (drop pod for Nids) loaded up with devourer gaunts. I used to use them all the time. I found when I first started I would get all the biomorphs I could manage. But I have since learned that more bodies are better.
  4. The living artillery node, 3 warriors, 3 biovores, and an exocrine are one of my main go to.
  5. Tyrants with wings, dual TL devourer, and sometimes electroshock grubs. Almost a given in any army. Malanthropes are a beefy version of a venomthrope, but are FW. Worth their weight in gold. Tourney lists are including barbed heirodules, FW, LOW option. Deep striking ripper swarms are great for holding objectives. Dakka fexs are great sources of firepower.
  6. My calendar is free! The wingless nids will stalk again.
  7. I am committed to committing as long as the date committed does not over commit me to my previous commitments.
  8. Yeah, but no conclusion... that is another week I have to wait.
  9. Yeah, I had 3 heavy support choices. 2 of them were the tyrannocytes (moving, shooting, drop pods) the third was the toxicrene that you blasted away with your snap shooting overwatch shenanigans. So yes, you would have been up by one point due to that. I had an awesome time! Thanks to Lord H and Fluger for the games. I have some list adjusting to do, now that I have seen a few weaknesses in my list.
  10. My gaming table is 4 - 2'x4' sections of table that fit together with some supporting 1"x2" to hold it all together and a backbone of a 2x4. I like the extra space built in to the table. It makes it more sturdy in case of accidental bumps.
  11. Saying you can chop out the pages you need from a white dwarf and take them with you rather then lug around a large book.
  12. I will bring my new board, FAT mat, and terrain. Take it out for its first spin :P
  13. Yep, I am in like Flynn. Who ever Flynn is... maybe that cool dude off of Tangled, who duels a horse with a frying pan... that is pretty epic. I will bring beer! So far 6 people? So maybe just 2 growlers.
  14. Happy Birthday!!! May your dice be hot and your beer cold!
  15. The ITC format isn't too bad. It allows for people to bring fun stuff without going over the top. I vote you have a beer hammer round! Also, the BBQ and drinking at your place afterwards should happen again.
  16. I see now that the 40k Open is an ITC event. So I can understand the ruling there. But for the team event I will message BigTal and see what his take is.
  17. Is there a better way to get the HOGs attention and get an answer? Or do I just wait and see if he answers this thread?
  18. Yeah, the tyrannocyte can move and consolidate, just not run and charge.
  19. Instinctive Fire: Each weapon on this model automatically fires at the nearest enemy unit within range and line of sight. The shots are resolved at the end of the Shooting phase before Morale checks are taken. I forgot about the part that says line of sight... but with MCs having 360 line of sight, it makes it hard to say that each gun targets something in a 45 degree arc.
  20. With the ITC format FAQ it states the following: Treat the five weapons on a Tyrannocyte/Sporocyst as if they are hull mounted weapons on a vehicle (i.e. they have a 45 degree firing arc). I find this ruling ridiculous as the Tyrannocyte is a MC and as such has a 360 degree firing arc, no matter where the guns are pointed. So it would just shoot which ever unit is closest to the base with all 5 guns. I am wondering what the HOG will rule for the Tyrannocyte and its shooting. The ruling will help my decision on including them in my army. Thanks.
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