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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. Nope, will be shrimping and burning a slash pile. Which means, fresh cooked shrimp and s'mores. :)
  2. Westrider, if you want to bring bugs, I can fill out your roster so you don't have to paint so much.
  3. Korean BBQ is still the same, we have not had ramyun.
  4. Really? It has never been offered. But then again they make sure we have plenty to drink while eating. Had a traditional beer ish substance today. It was pretty good. Since today was a slew boring day of testing they took us to Sudeoksa temple. Which has some fascinating history.
  5. Oh yes, soju and beer for every dinner. I am even planning on bringing some soju home for the wife to try.
  6. Since there are list restrictions that we arent being told about, your guess is as good as mine. But I would think one large D is better then many small Ds. Plus if it is large enough the unit might be considered a double D. And who doesn't like double Ds?
  7. It is very true. 3/4 of the test engineers I have talked to play either LoL or SC2. Korea has a tv channel dedicated to e sports. Man, I am not normally a seafood person but I have decided not to starve. Their traditional food is very tasty. I have also had the pleasure of eating in the traditional way for dinners. Cross legged at tables only like 10 inches off the floor. Man do my legs hurt after a meal. We had Korean BBQ last night, best freak in food on the planet!
  8. Saturday will be our only free day in Seoul. I am with two co workers, so we will see what I can get in.
  9. It all depends on the load out for each model. Do the fexs have devourers, scything talons, something else? Also, are they give guard or tyrant guard? The roll they play is very different.
  10. Dang... totally forgot to bring a shirt. :(
  11. Netflix doesn't work here.
  12. Now I am in Honsong doing a factory acceptance test on some transformers. Not much here. Could be interesting
  13. Seoul is like Seattle, but in a different language
  14. Starbucks does not open until 7 am... what is this world coming to?
  15. I get off the plane and walking through the terminal I see a McDonalds. I figure, it's just an airport thing. After getting to my hotel I get the chance to walk around outside and there is a 7_11, Starbucks, subway, and a McDonalds all with in a few blocks of my hotel.
  16. I think at best I would take 1 tyrannofex and 1 dakkafex. If you have the pod you can decide per game on which to drop in, but I have to agree with huggies01. The Tfex is just too expensive for what it can do and gets tar pitted way to easy. Against hordge lists, yes it would be amazing to have 2 Tfexs drop in with pods, but against anything else, you are wasting the points. Plus against hordes, it is cheaper to field 3 biovores to drop large pie plates every turn, rather then risk missing 1 or 2 turns of flamery goodness.
  17. If you want to ally with Tyranids I can loan you some Flyrants for anti air. :)
  18. Beware non euclidean geometry and abstract algebra. How did you pick those two schools for your undergrad?
  19. Going for explosives engineering? Montana has a great school for that. I agree a Loren, if I could have a do over, I would be a lineman too.
  20. Washington State has the DMB boys. UW is in Seattle, so close enough to some cool people. You would have to track down BeaverBeliever, but he went to Oregon State, and could probably point you in the right direction for the gaming club down there. OR just skip college, go into the trades, make money while you learn your craft and get paid! Journeymen linemen can go where ever they want and find work.
  21. If you are parting things out, I am interested in a few items. Namely the flyrant, one malanthrope, and NIB Tyrannocyte. Also, if those are the plastice gargoyles I would be interested in them too.
  22. Never mind... you can ignore my last post. It is stated in there,no VSG.
  23. Koyote brings some of those to the Fluger game days.
  24. I haven't finished reading the DMBBrawl page yet, so this may not be a smart time to post... but its the internet so I am going to post anyways. I have been following the facebook discussion, and I do not see on the DMB page where it states you will be excluding the void shield generator.
  25. I still want one. I wouldn't mind being the test child to see if others can see the warning points. :)
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