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Everything posted by PumpkinHead

  1. What does your farseer have, mantle of laughing god? or does he run with the bike squad? What models do you have to work with? Or are you willing to go purchase new models?
  2. Create a post with your list and ask for advice. There are lots of knowledgeable people that can assist in list building.
  3. The Lion King is freakin AMAZING!! My 3yr old was so mesmerized he watched the whole thing without stirring. I am still trying to see Book of Mormon, every time it is up in Seattle, something is going on and I can't see it.
  4. And ludicrously sized and shaped Nids still have no easy way to be transported. :(
  5. I don't like planes, so put me on the butt dice list. That and I thought I was already on Loren's secret butt list... I mean... oops.. wrong thread...
  6. PourSpelor, I have some BA you can use. They are just gathering dust on my shelves right now.
  7. LOL... I am S M R T... didnt realize I could buy the comics and read them all the way through without having to wait.
  8. I think a few restrictions are needed. For the points, a revnant Titan is ridiculous! Tack on a few lynx and some ObSec troops in wave serpents and not much is going to put up a fight. Even an AdLance would fall in short order..
  9. Me trying to get a warning point from the mods....
  10. I want to be a cool kid... Bryan, I will bring bacon if I can be a cool kid
  11. Reported for antagonizing an admin.
  12. Yeah Burk, don't be such a duck! And savion47 stop trolling with your made up quotes.
  13. This asshat just checked his PMs and there was nothing there of note. So suck it Traburk! :P
  14. Apparently you can report a post without being logged in... not saying that I tried it... just saying it allowed me to report my original post while not logged in.
  15. What are these warning points, and how do I get one? Are there any ill effects for having them?
  16. As an outsider, who gets to pretend he is a hamster on occasion, I will have to say that y'all are awesome! Except Cory, he lies. He says things like "Don't worry about the squigs, they aren't that dangerous." :P
  17. That was yesterdays comic... still waiting on next week. Stupid week taking so long to pass by.
  18. Venomthropes and Tgants, too. It seems like this mechanic did not just start with the ITC FAQ. Though I do agree with you, the ITC FAQ needs some work and I dislike some of their rulings on issues that don't seem to be an issue.
  19. I think this list got it's name when people started losing to Lictors and everyone was claiming they were crap.
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