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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Everyone had a good time and that is the most important thing. That means you did great!
  2. good games...good people....mediocre TO....
  3. Depends on the role you want them to play (as anything in xwing). if you just want fodder, then another tie at 100 points is probably better (swarm), but i found their dial and the shield to be worth the extra 3 points. that 2 green turn really helps them after they stress. before that you best manuver you could do to shake it was a bank...and that is not how I play ties....I want to turn hard and change directions.....that 2 hard green really helps with that.
  4. Thats actually a pretty close quote......
  5. Gonna try out the new ties with sootir and tur today at portland game store tourney (assuming they still have space as I am walk in)
  6. Link? Or is it not out yet?
  7. Shane, You have me playing the same team I played in week 3....i mean I can...but should I?
  8. 'cause I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is giving a high five
  9. IPhone 6+....nothing but the best....when the company pays for it.
  10. i will be there at 3 for practice games.
  11. LOSER!!!!! seriously though, I am in the car. I like leaving early, but that is just me....the rest is cake.
  12. if i remember correctly after each game you get to give 1 player a roll: yep here is the rules: .
  13. Burk

    WoW 08/16

    there for my blood bowl game at 3pm. hope dont panic can make it.
  14. Why not play some after senate meeting
  15. its not the aquilla....its the whole package.
  16. isnt thsi the start of the BB season?
  17. K10br, I will be at WOW at 3ish for our game.
  18. I got a human team. You can use any and all models. It is not the gw team but scratch built empire but it's ties ton use for the league. Remind me in Monday and I will bring It Tuesday to wow
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