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Everything posted by Scarydog

  1. You've lost control Psilence I say the only way to save this Thread it to take off and Nuke the whole site from orbit..... it's the only way to be sure.
  2. Looking to get some of these on the cheap. Pretty much any condition don't need or want the dudes or gun so that doesn't matter. Just want them for conversion project. Have trade stuff and maybe cash if reasonable.
  3. I have the new Nurgle marines on sprue would like to trade for the imperial marines.
  4. I really enjoy your WIP threads, your work is inspiring. Keep up the great hobby work, and keep posting so we can enjoy it.
  5. Very nice man! You did a great job painting him, I think he is my favorite BB model.
  6. I have a just preordered my set and would like to trade the Nurgle for the imperial marines if anyone is interested.
  7. Going to dive back into 40k after a 2 edition hiatus. Starting a new Wolf army with my Wolf Lord and his pack.
  8. Looking for a plastic Rat ogre or a crypt horror. Just need one, something big that I can convert into a werewolf.
  9. I have a small amount of Dark elf stuff bits mainly some cold one riders minus the mounts and some metal witches.
  10. I'm looking for space wolf stuff. Bits, and models if anyone has some for trade.
  11. Does anyone have a Plastic Contemptor dread (built is ok not really interested in one that has paint) they would like to trade or sell? have Necromunda figs old blood bowl misc other stuff. Or cash ?
  12. I will be there with books necromunda models a pile of Orcs some old Blood bowl and a bunch of misc lead figures. Ps Mods I notice it's not on the list of upcoming events.
  13. Thanks for the tip Kirby. oh Dale Roller... :)
  14. Does any one have this model they may be interested in selling or trading?
  15. I probably have the original old turret in my bitz box.
  16. Looking for some metal orc commandos nob especially And looking for plastic bits out of the Flash git set the pirate hat head and coat body
  17. Trade wise really only interested in Super dungeon explore, ninja all star, imperial Assault, xwing. And I would prefer to keep it all together.
  18. I have an owl bear minotaur and I think Etin?
  19. Sweet Mama that's a lot of paints.
  20. The panel in the lower right corner is a free standing brush holder, and the slots in the lower left corner hold plastic drawers. Thank you, and capacity is a down side to mine, I have pretty well maxed it out. My plan is to use the side shelves for some small bins for seldom used paints.
  21. I just built this for my paint area
  22. 35 plastic orcs 9 metal storm boys 14 nobz and metal odd boyz plastic battle wagon wheels off but pretty easy to repair metal buggy 5 biker boyz 1 Nob biker. Extra arms and weapons. Make me an offer.
  23. So happy ? i haven't played 40k in years and really have no desire to again, but I am so in for this. I love skirmish games and conversions. So Win! Win!
  24. I might have some stuff. Post some pics of what your looking for would help
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