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Everything posted by andy

  1. I printed this Mind Flayer on an Ultimaker 2 at work. It came out pretty rough, particularly around the tentacles. I'm going to try again, but at a lower temperature...
  2. Was thinking of using it, but was worried it'd only hold for about 4 hours
  3. How does GW expect you to mount the Hammerhead's railgun such that it doesn't droop? Did I miss a step when building it?
  4. I'm going to try printing the Mind Flayer tomorrow at work. An amazing amount of work put in by that guy...
  5. Dang. I just primed my Knight with Vallejo black primer through the airbrush, and am blown away how smooth and beautiful the primer goes on. Definitely the right way to do things.
  6. I ended up going with one of these. I like the idea of the tank, but decided that it'd be just a bit too much of a hassle and there'd be times when I felt like painting but just wouldn't want to mess with it -- with the little compressor, I flip a switch and I'm painting. I haven't tried painting with it yet, but I did turn it on to hear how loud it is. It certainly isn't silent, but I think it is quiet enough for what I need. Thanks for all the advice.
  7. andy

    Dice Masters?

    I know nothing of this game. The above paragraph blew my mind.
  8. As someone who bought a hundred+ dropper bottles for my GW paints a decade or so ago, I completely get this. That said, if the GW paint quality was WAY better I could persuade myself to buy a big bag of plastic pipettes.
  9. Which way do I want to go with airbrush paints? Is Vallejo still >> GW?
  10. I'm going to try to get all my unassembled/unpainted Marine models built & 3-colored, get my orks built (but not painted -- need to keep this achievable ) and get more games of 40k in.
  11. Following up on Under the Skin, tonight I rented: Alien Raiders: Terrible, terrible title but a very fun (8/10) flick. One of the most Delta Green movies I've seen. Recommended.
  12. Under the Skin - 9/10. Haunting and fascinating. It's gonna stick with me for a bit...
  13. It's a "Stormtrooper temperature-control body glove" thank you very much.
  14. Thanks for the ideas. I could run a hose from the garage to my hobby room, but that'd require drilling a hole in the floor and I think it'd be easier to convince my wife to bring the compressor in the house than it would to go that route ;-) The air tank suggestion is a good one, I'll do some research.
  15. "Fierce devotion to newfound friends"... in his braincase.
  16. My copy of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary arrived from Amazon today. It's kind'a goofy, and targeted at kids, but it does fill in a lot of the un- or semi-answered questions from the movie. For about $10, it's totally worth it.
  17. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good quality airbrush compressor? Something that doesn't pulse... My wife doesn't like the idea of me bringing my noisy 7 gallon compressor in to the house from the garage
  18. You can buy them from vendors -- they aren't cheap, but they have them. You'll also come across them in generators around the region.
  19. Having reached the end of my first playthrough (lvl 50, main faction questlines completed) I think I've found the main weakness (imo) of the game: replayability. I really have no interest in trying a different build in another playthrough... not even in short runs with a few different approaches. This is unusual for me... for example, I completed Skyrim (all factions) with three different builds. I can't put my finger on exactly what Fallout 4 is missing. Variety, maybe?
  20. This is an interesting rundown of many unanswered questions. Lots of speculation of course, but helpful.
  21. While not *exactly* Artificer Forge material, I thought this relevant enough to be worth posting :-)
  22. I've lost Dogmeat a couple of times. He's pretty clumsy, often falling off ledges and getting snagged on terrain. If you are on the PC version, you can retrieve him via the console: Enter console (type: ~) Type: prid0001d162 <enter> Type: moveto player <enter> Exit console (type: ~)
  23. I've been trying to avoid spoilers, but I'm really glad I watched that...
  24. Ok, I'll just airbrush it over. Thanks for the advice.
  25. Does anyone have any advice regarding stripping assembled vehicles? I have a blue Landraider that really needs to be yellow...
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