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Everything posted by andy

  1. Holy crap, are we expected to bring competitive lists? I'm planning on getting trucked every game. Is this not okay?
  2. That's some Texas-sized hair on the Callidus.
  3. Just curious here: Do people play Unbound lists, or is it considered... sketchy? Or, do people happily play sketchy Unbound lists?
  4. "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." -- Marthe Troly-Curtin
  5. Dark Knight Returns is probably my favorite piece of graphic storytelling but that trailer made my far more nervous than excited. It was working far too hard to be uber Dark...
  6. I want 3 of thee puppies, but cha-chinngggg. I'll give in eventually, and sell a pint or three of blood, but sheeesh.
  7. Mere words cannot describe. Oh man....
  8. Daredevil is one of my favorite heroes, glad to hear they're doing a good job with old hornhead. Will have to watch...
  9. A man said to the universe: "Sir I exist!" "However," replied the universe, "The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation." -- Stephen Crane
  10. Well, as the (hypocritical) owner of 'yet another damned space marine army' I heartily endorse something different.
  11. I'd say the Tzeentch army, but I'm not the one who has to work on it.
  12. I was at GG yesterday, they had the third item in the pictures above: GOTHIC CITY BUILDING Small Set #1 I was surprised how heavy the box was -- there's a lot in there I think.
  13. Cool, if it's not a problem, no problem. I better up my potluck game.
  14. Potlucking lunch and dinner seems... difficult. Are there other options? Maybe trying to recruit someone to make a pizza run?
  15. Thanks for the game, Jason -- you truly have terrible, terrible luck
  16. Cool beans, thanks for the tip.
  17. In this case I'd just need to mock up an empty bottle of Ripple.
  18. I should have learned to play by then. Sign me up.
  19. I'm still kicking myself for trading those LatD and Inquisition models to you... and that was YEARS ago.
  20. I really want to play this, but can't let myself get sucked in -- need to spend time on 40k and other hobbies!
  21. So cool, would have been awesome for Battletech
  22. Under the best of circumstances, the Finecast Tau XV8 Battlesuit Commander model is awkwardly posed. My model's legs are bent in such a way that it looks about ready to take a drunken header off the curb. What's the best way to straighten Finecast resin? A quick dip in some extra-hot water, followed by a re-pose?
  23. Sounds great, I'll see you there. And I'm sure I'll win any ineptness-off style competition
  24. I'll be there at around 5:00, looking for a game of 40K at 1850 points or so...
  25. I will take this bogglement to my grave. If my footsloggers are capable of moving 18" in a turn, I expect their lazy butts to do it on demand! Prior to firing their Emperor-granted Bolt Weapon!! Damned slacker super-human space soldiers.
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