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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. So the KoW Mega Forces are pretty sweet deals right now, I see them on FeeBay for about $120 shipped right now. I'm thinking of picking up the Goblin one, and wondering how this "lists" looks like utilizing the box contents, and what would be the best ways to expand upon it. Here's what I've got now, comes out to 1415 points, with the only upgrade being adding Bane Chant to the Wiz: Sharpsticks (Horde) Rabble (Regiment) Rabble (Regiment) Spitters (Regiment) Spitters (Regiment) Fleabag Riders (Troop) Fleabag Riders (Troop) Fleabag Riders (Troop) Fleabag Riders (Troop) Troll (Horde) Mincer Mincer King Biggit Wiz (Bane Chant) Definitly would like to add another Horde of Trolls to give the army more punch, as well as some warmachines. Not sure on unit upgrades, I'll have to sit down with my book later and figure it out.
  2. He gives the Merc vets stubborn, pretty much the only reason he's there, heh. I found in 8th that stubborn Maneaters where invaluable at tying up units and sticking around when I combat didn't swing my way. If Bodyguard didn't require a character, I would probably drop drop him, add a 6th Merc and some more bodies.
  3. ...and I forgot how canons work in 9th Age, heh. Probably would drop the Thunder Cannon and and bring the Bombardiers up to 6 strong, with 10 points going into something else.
  4. So I've been toying around with my Ogres, seeing about translating them to 9th Age. This is what I'm sort of looking at at the moment, based off of the models I have and kinda what I'm use to playing. Biggest loss, in my mind, is the not having Crown of Command to make my "Bruisers" Stubborn. Scepter of Dominion is a poor substitute, but I'm sure that's the point, heh. Kinda makes Path of Butchery a must have, IMO. Since "Marrow Drinker" isn't the signature spell anymore and it's pretty important, took Tome of Arcane lore to hopefully guarantee that I get it, bar any crazy bad rolls. Lords Great Khan 180 Bluffer's Helm 35 Talisman of Greater Shielding 25 Scepter of Dominion 30 Great Weapon 20 290 Great Shaman 245 Lvl 4 30 (Path of Butchery) Tome of Arcane Lore 25 Obsidian Rock 30 330 Heroes Khan 105 BSB 25 Mithril Mail 25 155 Khan 105 Razor Blade 5 Hardened Shield 5 115 Core 9 Tribesmen 237 Iron Fists 54 Full Command 30 321 10 Bruisers 408 Full Command 30 Standard of Discipline 25 463 Special 3 Bombardiers 120 Musician 10 130 5 Mercenary Veterans 245 (Bodyguard / Immune to Psych) Ironfists 35 Full Command 30 Gleaming Icon 5 315 Sabertoon Tiger 40 Sabertoon Tiger 40 Rare Thunder Cannon 150 Slave Giant 150 2499 Non-BSB Khan goes with Mercenary Veterans to give them Stubborn; along with Immune to Psych and Gleaming Icon, should allow them to operate away from the general / BSB without so much risk. Great Khan / BSB roll with Bruisers; run them 4x3, Great Khan in the front to help smash more face. Great Shaman goes with Tribesmen and supports where needed. Slave Giants seem much better than old GW Giants, heh.
  5. Tried to look you up, but just came up with a million different variations on "Michael." Maybe add me? ID = Andrewgeddon
  6. Currently working on getting my Ogres in a position that I can try them out for 9th Age. Lore of Alchemy has got me pretty excited, heh.
  7. So I had been reading through the Vermin stuff (aka "that Fantasy army I always regret not playing") prior to the 0.99 release, so that's my only frame of reference, but some interesting changes. From my limited research, it sounded like the Vermin Demon needed a nerf. Costing 400 points and losing the ability to have both T6 and any kinda save outside seems pretty rough though. Not sure what Plague Ridden does though? Edit: nevermind, found it! My original idea for a list was going to be sort of a "monster mash/combat" list; Vermin Demon w/ some magic, Chieftains on Monstrous Rats, Abominations, and a big block of Vermin Guard, along with some other bells and whistles. Cheaper cost on Chief is nice; 179 points for him on a Monstrous Rat w/ a halberd. Monsterous Rat getting Immune to Psych is probably the biggest boon, IMO. Like the new shooting attacks on the Wheel, 18" makes it much more usable I think. Also like the added Impact Hits on the Plague Pendulum, give it a little more punch.
  8. Picked up BB 2 last month as I had a Steam gift card, glad I jumped on it when I did and get access to the new teams. Loving it so far, looking forward to some Nurgle grossness!
  9. Updated! $5 off any board game purchase to anyone who comes and picks it up in Vancouver (Salmon Creek area); turns out shipping board games is a major pain! If someone wants to buy all 3 of them and help me clear out room, I'll sell them all for $80! 65% off of retail!
  10. Awesome, looking forward to it! Plenty of time to practice and get the team up and running :)
  11. Question: when are new coaches permitted to join the league? I'm expecting a call tomorrow that will bring me from 2 "all over the place" jobs to a single, steady one. With that will come the actual ability to get out of the house and do some hobby, and I've been keen to get some Blood Bowl in my life :)
  12. I've only played one game at 1K points, so I would be fine giving 1.5k a go. I've got 3000-ish points (in WHFB terms) of Ogres. I've got a friend with "Rats" whom I've played before, i'll see if he's interested so we can don't have anyone left out. If not, I can certainly observe a game between you guys (Nick and Bham) if we end up with an odd number of people :)
  13. I know it's probably a long shot, but if anyone is willing to sell trade only part of a set, I'm looking to pick up 1 or 2 Aberrants to use as Mordheim conversions, but I would be willing to pick up all 4 if need be. Paypal or trade!
  14. Looks like we are looking at the 22nd actually, although it's possible we might be able to arrange something next Thursday (the 10th)
  15. I may have tentative plans with the other guys in my gaming group for next Tuesday. How about the Tuesday after though (15th)?
  16. I think a lot of them went on to other, non "fantasy" style gaming systems. We seem to have small groups for AoS / KoW / 9th Age, but I think a lot of the guys went to Infinity. Speaking for myself, I pretty much just went back into 40K and GW specialist games (Blood Bowl / Mordheim). That being said, I've played a game of KoW and am eager to give it another try. I've also been mulling over trying out 9th Age, just haven't had a ton of time for it lately.
  17. Would love to sir! My work load is less these next 2 weeks, we'll have to figure out a time / day to make that happen :) Thank you for the advice! I mostly use Vallejo Model Air paints, straight out of the bottle, although I have used a few Vallejo Model Color paints, watered down. Probably need to invest in some flow aid. I seem to have issues with that same nozzle! It's usually the first place I check to make sure it's clean, heh. I seem to have paint handing out on my needle often (even after wiping it off / running fluids through the brush), I should probably invest in some cleaning brushes, heh. Have also been contemplating picking up an ultrasonic cleaner at some point to run after use.
  18. So I'm trying to make a push on my Tyranid force and start really doing some painting. What I would like to do, ideally, is use my airbrush to base coat everything, and then shade / highlight from there. My airbrush seems to be giving me so many problems that it almost makes it not worth it though; it seems I spend more time trying to get it to co-operate than using it to paint. Now, I bought it for $80 on Amazon, so I'm not expecting the moon here, but it would be nice if I could more use out of it. Looks similar to this guy: Biggest issue I have is that, no matter what I seem to do to keep the airbrush clean, I almost always have issues getting paint to come out when I first use it; sometimes it comes out is very low volume, sometimes the flow will come-and-go, sometimes I won't get any paint. I usually run a 1/2 cup (airbrush cup) of both Windex and isopropyl alcohol through the airbrush before I put it away after use (actually, usually Windex > alcohol > Windex again), making sure everything is flowing smoothly. Despite this, I usually will have to take my airbrush completely apart and put it back together to get it working. Also, compressor is pretty much always loud. I know there is no air tank on it, so I expect it to be noisy. However, when not in use, it is constantly running and stopping (refilling for a few seconds, stopping for a few seconds, refilling for a few seconds, stopping, etc). Wondering if anyone had some tips or tricks? If anything sounds unusual, or if this just just "par the course." I'm wondering if a new airbrush / compressor would solve any of my woes, or if it's just user error on my part. Thanks!
  19. Updated! Reflected stuff that is gone, trades that are pending. Close to "finishing up" my Nids, interested in picking up some Khorne Daemonkin stuff!
  20. So a couple other guys in my mostly-weekly gaming group were interested in maybe doing a mini-Blood Bowl league in Vancouver. Been playing a bunch of pick-up gaming and have been enjoying in immensely, but until I can get down to 1 job I'm not able to make it to Portland twice a month to play. So we were tossing around the idea of trying to put something together this side of the river. Currently there are 3 of us, so we're hoping to get at least 1 more person, although I'm sure the more the merrier. We usually game Tuesday evenings, so if that works for people we could just have one Tuesday a month where we all get together and play. If not, we can just figure out pairings and people would have a month to get their game in. We usually play at Mythic Realm in Salmon Creek, but one of the guys comes over from past Cascade Park, so I would be open to meeting at Dice Age or whatever store is out east these days (Super Salty?).
  21. Updated! Added some Wreck Age / Hell Dorodo blisters and some board games!
  22. Hello, and welcome to the forums! I meet up with my gaming group on Tuesday evenings up in Salmon Creek at Mythic Realm. We play a wide variety of stuff: Mordheim, Blood Bowl, X-Wing, Imperial Assault, 40K / Kill Teams, etc. I've been wanting to get more Kings of War in, if Tuesdays work for you :)
  23. Ok, so either my Google-Fu is weak or Forge World is just not making it easy for me; does anyone know what book the rules for the named FW Great Unclean One are located in? All I was able to find was the old experimental rules for him. Gearing up for an Apocalypse game / BBQ over the summer, looking at getting some stompy toys to loan out to the Chaos player(s).
  24. Updated with pending / gone items. Added Blood Bowl stuff to Haves, added Glottkin to Wants.
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