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Everything posted by Murphy'sLawyer

  1. You're right, it could be to good to be true but from what I have read of the rules and watched of the game play the rules appear good to solid and even if the models are only half as good as the pics make them out to be the game is still worth the $75. Also the only issue I have had with Zombicide myself is the late shipping of the second half of my orders. The box set arrived on time for season 2 and season three's box set came early. Still waiting for my stretch goals in season 3 though. (This is mostly do to the Longshoreman strike in Cali.)
  2. Why do I think of Gwar when I see these models. These were designed by a man still wearing a mullet and blasting Manowar in the background. Oh yeah, he has a tattoo of a skeleton tearing out of his skin next to his Bart Simpson tat. Seriously these are straight out of a 1988 heavy metal dream.
  3. Cool Mini has always had good quality mini's for their board games. I got two seasons of Zombicide and the quality has been top notch for board games all around. The only issue I can even think about is you may need to get card sleeves to protect the cards becuase they tend to be thin. But I do that with my games already. Also didn't Cool Mini do Super Dungeon Explorer? The plastic in the game is good plastic if I remember right.
  4. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1sQGkHpmO0w
  5. So Cool Mini has a new Kickstarter game called Blood Rage which is a Viking themed game. Wow! That is all I got to say. Just goto this link and you will seriously be wanting to pledge. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coolminiornot/blood-rage
  6. +1 A new Wyvern would be sweet, though I have seen amazing kit bashes of the current plastic kit.
  7. It's too bad Chaos is not my thing. They have been getting a lot of attention this year and I am ready for a new model for any of my armies right now. Heck, just give me a Plastic Grimgor so I can get rid of the Finecast one.
  8. How about a 4 legged Dryad carrying items on its back. Or a wolf.
  9. Well I have my Son tomorrow so I won't be able to come down, but if the Dark Riders are still available after the sale send me a PM.
  10. Playing the Devil's Advocate? Well you're in good company. Even if GW isn't a good company at times.
  11. Wisetiger7 I am not saying your concern is not valid but I just want to point out the latest sources are saying that the previous batch of rumors where not really wrong but lacking context and some parts where misunderstood. There is a rumored skirmish game or rules for one that will go Along with the regular battle rules. So it is not going over to a Skirmish style of play for the whole system. So I am having hope that the previous rumors where just over reaction from the rumor mongers, then us, and that the truth is much more tame.
  12. It looks like aside from our preference in fluff we all pretty much agree. WHFB is not losing popularity, and is even getting more players back, and it is also solid scene with good players bringing deverse lists. I can totally live with that. On the extra bright side the latest rumors are pointing to the privious rumors as being over stated and the changes are not going be as drastic as mentioned. They say there will be 'some' models on round bases but they are not manditory. Army books will not be out right combined but there will be units and characters that can join a Forces Of Good or a Forces of Chaos. A more limited version of allies. And old models will not be invalidated. But these are rumors, so yeah, salt.
  13. That was my point. There are not really Netlisters in the NW WHFB scene and it is one built on players bringing what they want to play. If he has played in the 40K scene he would know what I am talking about. (More at the LGS, not so much WOW.) As for playing Dark Elves I never wanted them to conquer the High Elves and when reading the fluff I always disliked Morathi more than any other elf. But I am not playing them for the fluff. I also play Orcs and find some of their fluff fun but I don't want them destroying the World either. So there is a difference in playing an army and hoping the fluff is all about them winning. (Also what do you think Maruders and WoC do when they descend on a town. They not only kill everyone but they also torture, rape and sacrifice souls to the dark gods damning their souls for eternity. That is seriously bad in my book. I have read several books with chaos characters in them and they make anything you can think of look tame. I mean.... just down right nasty [big bad swear word]. Eww. Read Sword of Justice and Sword of Vengence to see some really really twisted [big bad swear word]. And I mean stuff that you can't forget. So when I think of what happened to the cities that fell I remember the books I read and what happened to the citizens of those towns and think a quick death would be mercy compared to what Chaos followers want to do to them.) But I don't mind the world being pushed to the edge, I just want to see some hope for humanity soon.
  14. That part I can not disagree with. Despite my concerns this is still an exciting time for WHFB. Not to mention most of the Fantasy players can take a barrel of bad apples and make lemonade from it. Wait... What? So expect WHFB events to fill up quick and to see many different armies that do not follow the Netlist. Just don't expect us to agree with each other all the time. So ignore our Doom and Gloom, we're gamers, we get mellow dramatic from time to time. (The fun part sometimes is watching a conversation go from a positive one to someone complaining to someone complaining about the person complaining to someone complaining about the person complaining about the other person complaining. By then you can stop following the thread becuase it has been so derailed there is no point to it.)
  15. Like I said, I don't care for Chaos and seeing it control the world. I like stories where humanity fights to survive but killing all hope and leaving the world adevils playground would totally kill the fluff for me. I don't like reading stories where a murderer, rapeist, religous killer is treated as a hero and given to final victory. In my eyes chaos is all those and then some and doesn't deserve to win anything besides minor victories. It is a story prospective for me, I can enjoy an antihero from time to time but from a story prespective routing for Chaos would be like me routing for the Nazis or ISIS. I like the heros who protects the children and fights for a brighter future for them. (I have always been like this even before my son.) So seeing every culture besides the Skaven culture (I don't see chaos as a culture but more as a colection of fanatical killers traveling together.) is getting to be a bit much for my taste. There needs to be some hope to cling to and a hero to follow for the story to be a good story by the classical sense. This kind of got side tracked and this is just my opinion based on my taste in stories, but everyone is different. Heck I have friends that liked to read stories about mass murders that I wouldn't even pickup, but they enjoyed them.
  16. The meta is bigger now and the ET might have something to do with it, moving the story forward was needed. I am not even sad to see the characters killed. Yet I still think ET reads like a Chaos player's porn mag. I am just hoping the End Times doesn't leave off with no wins for the 'good side?' but once again swings back to a stalemate were both sides are fighting for an upper hand. I maybe biased since I don't care for Chaos and would love to see Grimgor beat Archaon to a bloody pulp again before leaving him there to be dragged off by his followers to the North again.
  17. Just thought I would mention this thread is three years old. The Trolls are long gone.
  18. What will 9th look like, we are not sure. That being said WHFB will continue to be played. Also being a WoC player you are in a good position since they will be an army that has been getting lots of support in ET and will be a major force in 9th from the looks of things. Also if you are new to fantasy there won't be any sacred cows for you when the new rules come out and you will be learning the new rules with the rest of us. I may be on the more negitive side of things in most of these discussions but that is only becuase of my concern for a few armies 'rumored' to be condensed into single books (possibly limiting the number of units) and the future of Lizardmen. In the last few weeks rumors have been actually good but still don't address the Lizardmen. To recap the latest 9th will not be a small scale game but one with less focus on warmachines and more magic. ( probably some rule changes to cannons and more magical items or units with access to magical abilities.) The other rumor is one that may point to a new Mordhiem game to come out around the time of 9th. Again these are Rumors but coming again from similar sources as the previous ones. So have your salt ready. As for the round base rumors I am wondering if the beginning of it started with the picture of the Skaven Bell on a round base in the background of a picture and may actually be an artistic choice that started the rumor. (Pretre has been right many times before) And since the round base rumor has died down it very well maybe false. (I am so praying for it to be false.) So my point is if you are starting a WoC army you should have no worries, aside from possibly having some Daemons and Beastmen to add to your army when the new book comes out. Just stick to buying WoC for now though. And no matter what there will be players like Mexicaninja and myself that will still be playing 9th. So yes, WHFB will continue on.
  19. They were suppose to be here already, like back in Jan, but have been sitting in the harbor for sometime now. But yes, I have heard sometime between 2/24 and 2/26. We'll see.
  20. @NtK. You know that is what I like about him, he is a solid model without being "OMFG" crazy. Some of the ET characters are over the top crazy, and about 1000 points, and the list is built around them. Grimgor is half their cost and you don't need to build the army around him. Also Grimgor's bond spell is a nice touch to the O&G Lores. It doesn't cost much, just like most of O&G's spell and makes your opponent have to make a choice. "Do I throw my dice at the Hand or save them to stop the buff spell. Also since it is an augment spell you only use it when you are in close combat and you can't use you offensive spells.
  21. To think all this time I have been over concerned about Purple Sun is kind of funny. Still messes up my Orcs bad but at least someone like Grimgor wont die turn one to a bad I test. Intresting to see how the Fluff unfolds but honestly I am glad this is the last ET book. Now we can see what will be left for when 9th comes. My one question is does being an Incarnate make a Human immortal as far as aging goes? I mean do you think these ET characters will be in the new army books? (I know more speculation. But I am still curious.)
  22. Not going to deny that, just saying that compared to the Buffs many of the End Times characters got his seemed like just a mild bump. Even though the 3+ ward is going to be annoying. Again I am reading this in a vacum so on the table he maybe worse than he appears. As for Grimgor I didn't think you got look out sir for Purple Sun. I haven't been PS'ed a lot and I didn't roll for LOSir and my opponent didn't mention it. Opps played it wrong. Guess I should use Vortexes more to learn their rules better. Knowing this I feel better about my Orc characters that I thought were just one inititive test away from dying.
  23. Honestly I am glad End Times are now wrapping up. But so far I have not seen one new model for any armies outside of the armies of Undeath, Skaven and Chaos. Now I know they don't need to make new models for every army but only the armies that follow the Dark Ways got new toys. Everyone else lost their homes, people and future. Well I guess the Empire got Karl and the elves got Malekith and we will see what happens with Tyrion. So when I look at Archaon compared to Karl, Malekith and Tyrion the Avatar of Khaine I kind of think "awwwe, isn't he cute? Don't cut yourself too much now, that thing is sharp."
  24. Sometimes I feel that number of topics was started by about five thread members. (You know, those of us who get bored in the middle of the day.) But in truth it is the cummunity here as a whole that keeps us coming back. That and the half chance we might see a thread get so side tracked we forget what the origonal subject was. Speaking of which, do you think Purple and Black is a good color scheme for DE?
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