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Everything posted by wisetiger7

  1. Anyone up for Firestorm Armada 2.0 that weekend? I have the book in pdf if anyone is interested in checking it out.
  2. I second Devo. I had bought 200+ gnoblars (kept losing track of what I bought on ebay and just kept buying 'cause they were super cheap) and thought about a gnoblar army. Design-wise, I thought about 4 gnoblars hoisting up a fifth, decked out in armor and gold on a 40x40 base, and have that represent as my "Ogre Lord", do the same for a BSB, and put 8 gnoblars holding up a spiked battering ram (impact hits) with gnoblars riding on top to count as mournfang cav, replace the ogre on the skycannon with the two gnoblars (one standing up on the other's shoulders model) etc. It wouldn't be a true gnoblar army list, but it would use the models, plus the customization could get you points.
  3. I recently purchased The Underway on my iPad. And while $8 was worth the amount of content it had (very surprising to me, since they require $5 for a battlescroll with 1-2 pages of content), it is the most inconvenient book layout ever. They do it so it will be un-pdf-able. There are several 'clickable' words or phrases (mainly special rules) that open up the definition of the rule (making it hard to pirate), which is fine. But then there are other 'clickable' things that flip you to other parts of the ebook for reference. So you click on it. And then there's no [big bad swear word]ing way to go back to the page you were on, aside from flipping through the god damn pages. Also, some of the pages have 'slides'. It is one page, but you flip through slides within a page, and there can be anywhere from 8-12 slides, maybe more, which is great. There are even fillable pages, so you can record wins/losses/stats, as well as fun stratagems and corresponding charts. There is a ton of content for $8. But you will end up throwing your iPad at the wall in frustration because it seems when GW had the meeting on how to organize the content, someone brought a monkey and had it throw the content in, much as it would throw its own feces: messy and discouraging.
  4. The book is pretty cheaply made. The pages are nice, but the hardcover is somewhat lacking, and the glue binding is made of dry plaster or some such, causing the binding to crack and break the cover. Pretty cheaply made for the $40-50 price tag. I got it for $34, so I don't feel so bad. I created a pdf of the entire 2.0 book (13 MB), so if anyone wants it, pm me your email address. *Admins: Is it okay to post stuff like this?
  5. So I just got my Directorate Patrol Fleet and the Rulebook 2.0 a couple days ago. Haven't played 1.0/1.5, I'm brand new to the game, so I'll probably be looking for games in the future. My cousin got a Dindrenzi Patrol Fleet, and his brother got both Sorylian and Relthozan Patrol Fleets, but they're down in Salem, so I'll probably only play once a month with them. I could use some people up here to play with. Here's the video that got me hooked for you trollers: http://youtu.be/Pz_3gmNqOPU
  6. Look at the size of the round the guy is holding. If your sperm were the size of a grapefruit, you'd have a hard time shooting it out your urethra. They need to scale [big bad swear word] better.
  7. I agree that the Gyros look weird. The old gyros were more wright-brothers-rickety. The new ones look too steampunk. I do like the magazine of bombs sticking up in the back though, hilarious! And the rules for the Gyros seem balanced and fun though! I did read an idea on the forums, however, to paint the metal plating to look like wood paneling. I thought that was a great idea, and it could look awesome!
  8. Belegar Ironhammer 305 points M3-WS8-BS4-S4-T5-W3-I4-A4-Ld10 Stubborn Revenge Incarnate-Once per game, at the start of any Close Combat phase, Belegar can harness the power of his ancestors. For the remainder of the turn, he doubles his Attacks characteristic. Magic Items The Hammer of Angrund: Magic Weapon. The wielder of this weapon has the Always Strikes First special rule, and Attacks made by the Hammer of Angrund receive a +1 bonus To Wound. Shield of Defiance: Magic Armor. Shield. The Shield of Defiance grants Belegar a 4+ ward save. Additionally, this shield makes Belegar immune to the effects of the Killing Blow and Heroic Killing Blow special rules, treating wounding hits that would automatically slay him as a normal Wound.
  9. I think mathhammer is important to a degree. It can help you decide what you want to put in your army by knowing statistically how they are going to do. But the problem is math only takes you so far. Most games aren't cut and dry; they are purely based off circumstance. So in the end, you end up taking what works for you. People tend to change tactics when they take a unit that isn't an auto-take. I didn't know how to use seaguard or reavers when I first took them, mostly because most people didn't take them so I didn't absorb any advice on them. But I kept taking them even though most people told me spears/archers were better because they were cheaper, and that eagles were better than reavers (which they are, but it doesn't hurt to have both). And now I swear by them. Obviously they won't be in every list, because I like to change things up. And they might not be for everyone. But when you develop your own tactics, tactics that maybe people haven't considered before, you gain confidence in their usage. Mathhammer doesn't account for versatility. In a game based off circumstance and chance, versatility can help you win a game otherwise lost.
  10. wut. If anything. Martial Prowess makes the desire to run horde more prominent. 5 ranks of attacks?!? Yes, please! And if you played high elves since the last book, you would know that our core sucks, but that a single spell on them could turn into a serious force to be reckoned with. I am one of the few who have sworn by seaguard and reavers since before reavers were core. My experience in playing high elves, as well as playing in all-comers tourneys, I have learned to rely on high elven versatility. And there is nothing more versatile than seaguard and reavers. The chance to shoot two rounds, then get into combat (possibly stand and shoot as well), and the near-eagle versatility of roles that the reavers bring, make them both solid choices. I have run seaguard as msu, mmu, and horde of 50-60, and all to good effect, and can say that they all have their utilities. Horde is great if you just want massive number of shots, and can even put on the extra wound or two against heavily armored units/monsters, as well as dish out tons of attacks. This unit can be useful for a variety of purposes, including a solid anvil that can contribute in the shooting phase, an aggressive unit with a buff, a steadfast unit to tie up combat, and a unit to kill other hordes (I used to play against skaven a lot). And OMG Mindrazor. Most of the time, I run them 25-30 as a mage bunker for an L4 High. The mage gives them the ward save, and they offer okay shooting and combat. Yes, you don't want to put a mage bunker into combat, but they can take out the occasional ambush/scout unit that looks to threaten it because of their asf. The only reason to take spears is if you want a banner on a core unit for some reason, and also for some reason are taking moranion's wayshard. Other than that, in my humble opinion, Seaguard should be your go to infantry (Archers are also good because of the extra 6" range).
  11. Heh, that's cause Space Marines & Friends is mostly Space Marines, which is mostly 'good' Space Marines. The dynamic between forces of order and chaos are drastically different in 40K. I do have to say that fantasy-wise, it is blatantly obvious that GW prefers the forces of chaos, which I won't go into. I don't know if this is because of the lack of evil forces in 40K, or if they just prefer it that way in Fantasy. Even looking at the Chaos Space Marines models, they look absolutely fantastic, far above the design quality of any of the other SM chapters. The gold filigree interlaced in the CSM armor, the alternating bits to show mutated deformities, and even the larger models have incredible ornateness to them. Don't get me wrong, they've come out with some stellar models for forces of order too. The monsters for LM are badass. I actually like the phoenix models from the HE book, as well as the Swiftfeather Roc that pulls the stupid dinghy (don't get me started on the tripping squid chucker or the hermaphroditic two cent tranny). But the CSM release was pure, unadulterated awesome.
  12. While true, every bit of news that comes out of GW lately just gives me another reason to hate them. Look at their steadily increasing prices, their books with less and less actual content, their crazy ass prices for certain kits like a flying chariot or a box of core, the fact that they favor forces of chaos over forces of order which is backed up by every release this past year (including the battlescrolls for the advent calendar - two vampires, a chaos, and a daemon prince), and putting important codices as ebooks only, and the unforgivable lack of FAQs since April '13. Trust me when I say, I was plenty mad before I read that rumor. My teammates can attest to that, as I bombard them with my hate-filled vents on wechat. Not to say they don't have their positives; it's just easier to focus on the negatives. With the lack of business ethics and fiscal organization, they are on a downward spiral. So when you come across a financial statement where they lost a huge chunk of profit from the year previous, then hear the following rumor that they are slashing some armies, it can almost be believable. Almost. Side note: Drak stated vehemently that he wasn't going to follow suit and get into Warhammer when I started. That is, until I bought him a Mannfred model as a present... Maybe I should buy him a Karl Franz model so he'll start another army... Of course then he'd probably just convert it into a dead body and use it as a unit filler...
  13. Very true. I definitely don't argue that point with you. But I see Faeit as more of a town crier; they're doing us a service of relaying rumors. And true or false, at least they are letting you know right out of the gate that they are rumors and should be taken with a grain of salt. I honestly don't believe that they will cut the four armies. But GW is known to have done this in the past, so it isn't completely out of the ballpark that they might cut armies. 4 is really pushing it towards that realm of impossibility though...
  14. You realize that you're basically saying two fifths of all his rumors come true. With the sheer volume of salty rumors this monger relays, that's still a lot coming true. And parts of this rumor is already expected or has some semblance of truth to it, ie. dropping finecast, restructuring GW stores in Germany, and so on. Find me at OFCC and we'll do a shot of Glenlivet together
  15. Frickin vampires. You need another army Drak! I do agree that OFCC is a much more friendly atmosphere for allowing non-GW sanctioned books, with Chaos Dwarves, Norse, and recently Cult of Ulric. I think that's what differentiates it from stricter tournament formats.
  16. Supposedly Belegar Ironbeard, King of Karak Eight Peaks
  17. Thank you for contributing to the conversation with that brilliant observation. Truly, that point needed to be emphasized. Without that point, this thread would have evolved into utter chaos. Thank you. Thank you for making it worth while. I think I can die happily with the knowledge of having read this statement. Angels have rained down their choral harmony upon our souls and prevented the end of days because of your magnificent remark. I think it cured cancer. Cthulhu has forever been banished; he read that statement and thought, why, why should I ever infest a world with such elaborate poetry? Says the person with a Vampire army, and no other. Of course you wouldn't care if any other army got cut. Very interesting points. I am glad that FineCast is on its way out. And I think we can all agree that the GW store in SE is just dead weight. They can't be doing enough business to bring in enough to keep that store afloat. A month or so after it opened, GW changed their policy to have only one employee, which made them have really weird hours (Tuesday and Wednesday closed??). Plus their lack of space made it really awkward to even play games, let alone have a hobby center and any tournaments larger than 6 people. Just a bad idea altogether. The placement doesn't help at all either. Most people who live around that area don't have the money to spend on a hobby as costly as Warhammer. They put it next to a Walmart for god's sake. I probably wouldn't mind if Forgeworld took certain armies over. With GW, FW and Black Library getting closer everyday, I can see that happening. And let's face it. For the most part, Forgeworld makes much cooler looking models. And updates their FAQs at least once in awhile. And since FW products are going to be carried in GW stores now, it might end up being just fine. Again, that is if rumors even come to pass, which is unlikely, at least for the foreseeable future.
  18. Most of Scared Hitless is fairly well along in the hobby aspect, and getting a lot of games in, fine-tuning for OFCC. I, on the other hand, just started my wood elf army. Cut out all the bits of two boxes of dryads. I am hoping to have them put together by the end of this month, as well as a character, and two eagles. My plan is to put together and paint around 400-500 points a month, although this will be slightly hampered by the anticipation of the new release expected in April. I'm trying to predict what models will not have new kits upon release, so I can start on those, while I wait for the new kits to come out. Can't make it to Brawl this year. spending too much money on warhammer as it is, and the fee plus room was a little too much. I think a couple people from Scared Hitless are going though.
  19. I honestly think they just need to hire proper marketing and finance specialists to restructure their wholly unorganized business model. There are so many elementary mistakes they are making. There's a 15 year old girl in Texas who is a self-made millionaire selling flip-flops and is rocking it. GW needs to take some lessons from her.
  20. First, let me point out to you that they are just rumors, and all rumors should be taken with a grain of salt. I understand that. But telling someone to stop being mad at GW? I was mad at them long before this latest Faeit post. Trust me on that. (No FAQs since god damn APRIL?!?) The only 'rumors' I take as gospel are from Harry and Hastings. Secondly, 41%?!? That's pretty god damn accurate for someone who just gathers together the spit and spittle of the internet rumormongers. I tend to think that Faeit is closer to around 25% on rumors, although it seems like 40-50% because they constantly put up so much volume that some of it is bound to be right. There's a reason people browse rumor sites and threads: it gives people a sense of what's coming and what could come. WH is not a hobby taken lightly. You invest thousands of dollars into it, hundreds of hours painstakingly putting these tiny effing things together, spending hundreds more for paint and supplies just to make it look good, and you have the gall to say "Just stop" getting mad at rumors that have a 41% accuracy rating?!? In finance, you pay attention to 41%. That is a huge effing number. But, here's the reason I'm mad(der). GW has done this $#!+ in the past. Not only that, the rumors reflect what is currently happening with the GW restructuring. Yes, GW is a publicly traded company. And it is because of this, because of the last half-year financial report, and because they have to answer to a board of investors, that GW is scrambling to cut its losses. This gives these rumors viability. Now will they actually happen? Probably not. But (as I stated in the OP) IF IF IF they do, it's going to piss a lot of people off, me included. I have a beastmen army, and am starting a wood elf army. I'm sure we all have people we know who play these armies. Even with the likelihood that wood elves are coming out in April/May, that doesn't necessarily mean GW will support it in the future. To ultimately quell these rumors, GW NEEDS to issue a statement saying that they aren't going to leave players high and dry for future editions. Nothing's worse than spending thousands of dollars and hours upon hours of time investing in an army that isn't going to be supported. If they don't issue a counter, people will be apprehensive to buy a failing product, thus cutting GW's losses deeper, and forcing them to cut the army anyway. They need to issue the statement to prevent the lack of confidence inflating from rumors, especially from a financial aspect. Plus it's just good form.
  21. Ya... They're just rumors... And it's off Faeit212 (not too reliable as a source)... but IF they turn out to be true... What. The. Eff. A lot of things will change at Games Workshop 2014: * LotR and the Hobbit francise will be handed over to Forge World * Forge World products will be available over the redesigned Games Workshop webpage * no more Fincecast products * Wood Elves, Bretonnia, Beastmen and Khemri products will no longer be produced, updated or supported * roughly 30% of the sortiment will be come webshop exclusives * all Games Workshop stores in Germany will be closed While these are just rumors, they are given a lot of credibility by verified news earlier this evening that GW HQ in France, Germany and the US are being cut back. This change was apparently already on 16 January 2014 at the same time implemented with the announcement of the results of the semi-annual report.
  22. That is exactly what I am trying to argue. I don't even play Dark Elves. I don't even like druchii scum. But I know value when I see it. and 63 S9 attacks with ASF/rerolls and poison is it's own survivability. No 4+ saves needed. You should be able to take out most units with that many attacks at S9, striking first. I'm not saying Corsairs suck. In fact, if I were to play dark elves, Asuryan forbid, I probably would use corsairs over most other core. They are a good solid defensive anvil, and they have their role, and even offer slight versatility. But opinion and preference should not come into play when looking at something objectively. And objectively speaking, the sheer offensive output can in most situations compensate for the witch elves' lack of armor.
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