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Everything posted by Drak

  1. cool. I'll work on My general's build. charmed shield is sooooo over used I'm going to stay away from that. but retooling him to fir a different role is doable. I don't see horrors in 3x3 formation as a bus, but a solid anvil. and yes they regain wounds but not much when it's (1+ wizard level) per casting of ion (which any and every opponent sees coming) and my biggest wizard is current a lv 2. I had a coach in the list in place of the Mortis engine but the engine gives waaaay more utility to the army than a coach. which is the point of the engine so it makes sense. I've played near a dozen games where the coach is simply a very expensive redirect/chaff staller and almost always fails to charge up(one of it's cool factors, IMO). I specifically want to include the corpse cart for the rarely taken and fun customizable aspect as it can't keep up in a snails race. hell, dwarves are faster than that thing!
  2. hero, that's exactly the kind of honest feedback I'm looking for. thank you. a couple of questions for you: 1) I am dying to play a lord on a dragon, if I rebuilt to a lv 3 Vamps wizard with curse of the revenant (+1 wound) and beguile instead of the stock quickblood+red fury for less overwhelming kill power and more if a survivability role would that be sufficient toning down of my main character? 2) you called the crypt horrors a "bus" and by that I took it to mean you though my lone necro on foot would be joining them. there intended use is as an anvil (3x3). is it the number of them or the addition of the Mortis engine (one more point of regen) or both? that makes them huge combo power? 3) does two units of ethereal chaff make that much of a difference? I've found them to be an annoyance to my opponents but something that can be easily dealt with. 4) any suggestions for keeping a similar list that would be more with your (and anyone else's) idea of an OFCC list would be appreciated.
  3. revised list includes: toned down lord of the dragon, removed 3rd unit of zombies for wolf chaff, removed Mortis engine for Black Coach, modified bsb vamp hero build. Drak on Azul the Twilight Lord (Vampire Lord) lv 2 lore of vamps + Nightshroud + Talisman of Preservation + Curse Of The Covenant + Quickblood + Lance + Shield + Heavy Armour + Zombie Dragon Nyx, Drak's consort (Vampire) lv 2 lore of vamps + Armour of Destiny + Quickblood + Summon Creatures Of The Night + Additional Hand Weapon + Shield + Battle Standard + Coven Throne Franco the cursed (Necromancer) lv 1 lore of vamps + Dispel Scroll + Ironcurse Icon Koffin Wood ghouls (40 Crypt Ghouls) village peasants (30 Zombies) + Musician + Standard Bearer the missing militia (30 Zombies) + Musician + Standard Bearer Felbeasts of the forest (5 Dire Wolves) + Doom Wolf Felbeasts of the forest (5 Dire Wolves) + Doom Wolf Koffin Wood horrors (9 Crypt Horrors) (3x3 formation) + Crypt Haunter Koffin Wood bats (2 Fell Bats) Koffin Wood bats (2 Fell Bats) Koffin Wood bats (2 Fell Bats) Forsaken Souls (1 Spirit Host) Forsaken Souls (1 Spirit Host) the Corpse Collector (Corpse Cart) Asmodeous the fallen (Black Coach)
  4. that seems really early, that being said I've had a list planned since last Oct so I don't mind, and our team could use a kick in the pants to get back into the hobby.
  5. Frazier- last year was my first OFCC experience. my fellow teammates told me about the event with enthusiasm for the fun and friendly gaming environment and well painted and thought-out armies that would be present. I spent months prepping my own forces, complete with a rather detailed display board. When I got to the event I was floored by the skill and diversity presented by the other players from the Pacific Northwest, I invited non-gaming friends just to how them the skill from a hobbying perspective. The event provided me with inspiration to achieve even more detail and cohesion for my own army at next years OFCC!
  6. I don't know about too much. it makes sense seeing as there will likely be lots of monsters from the arcanum and what not. but it also will greatly depend on the other elements of your list (as you well know).
  7. from what I've read about the masters events the term "beer-hammer" is used often. this type of reference encourages me to believe our friendly, sportsmanship and hobby focus found in the existing PNW events would fit right in with what other areas of the nation are doing. having just played in bsb. a new qualifying event for the current west coast qualifier, I didn't feel like bsb and it's comp and attendance was anything that we as a community wouldn't support and get behind for a future PNW region events. having the freedom to establish our areas entry requirements is a huge plus!
  8. I also like ogres for the customization factor. I haven't seen many LM armies with much customization (the occasional dinosaur being the exception). skinks and Saurus offer bright colors but they are fairly uniformed in their positioning.
  9. ogres gets my vote, the low model count means you'll be able to maintain good progress in moding/painting while keeping your HE up to a suitable standard as well.
  10. I would protest against a house rule that mandated players take units in ranks as has been suggested. the junk punch rule covers most scenarios like this well. inform a player that such a such tactic was "douche" and that for furtive games to be an option to leave those shenanigans at home. when it comes to OFCC , I feel the sportsmanship votes cover this aspect nicely.
  11. family stuff just came up, I'm going to have to drop. sorry guys :(
  12. i doubt I would take an all ethereal list. but s couple spirit hosts are usually in any list I out together.
  13. and if challenges are allowed then I accept the dark elf gauntlet!!!
  14. I would magnetize them so if you wanted javilins you could just swap over to whichever you take. then if you have an opponent that is struggling with it you just change it out.
  15. I'll be there with a TNT list as well as other point values invade we have too many or TNT.
  16. 12:30am finish time on the day of the tourney isn't bad right ?? :) had a last minute alteration to the display board come up. hopefully it was worth the time. now let's see how the strategic side of me functions on limited sleep! -Drak
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