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Everything posted by Drak

  1. I'm busy cursing my display board, damn thing has sucked a lot of time and energy out of me.
  2. this weekend is bsb, but next Sunday you're on! my next army will be..... VC!!!!! there are plenty of bloodline themes to play around with. I'm not one to diversify my armies, jus what I take within them. plus I'm building up for large (3000+ pts) games.
  3. curious how players who submitted dwarf lists are going to treated? do they have to play with the old book and lists or are they allowed to submit new/modified lists using the new book info (thinking about how things got more expensive etc) -Drak
  4. got my first game in against dwarves as well. they have some nasty potential to crush face. I'm excited to see the kinds of lists brought to black sheep.
  5. this weekend is my kid weekend. no can do. sorry Colin.
  6. is this event in addition to the 2800 pt ordo event for fantasy that weekend?
  7. as for vamps the skeleton knights are accessible to any army you want to take as they are bought out of the special selection. I would stay away from the kit box as most of what you would get there likely wouldn't meet your need of few models. and I don't think you actually save any money compared to buying t piecemeal. vamps are forgiven to a beginning painter as you can make undead look however you want!
  8. low model count for vampires would be built around ghouls as core. from there you could go with just about anything from special/rare selections as they all cost a lot :) our characters can easily take up 50% of the army value if built to optimize.
  9. I'm bring my 2400 brawl list for Colin's fancy lads to face off against!
  10. good build for that point level. this is a better list for the models/units you have. the next step is to get some protection for your general beyond the bunker of skellies he will be hanging out in.
  11. I don't need a test dummy, I already have a buddy who plays HE so I get my practice inquiry him :) 2400 works for me, and I'll likely give you pointers from what I've seen used against me to help you out.
  12. what point value are you interested in playing? 2400 for bsb? 2800 for OFCC? or something else.
  13. this weekend is rough with the Super Bowl. how's next weekend sound? 4pm if Raindog opens it up at that time ?
  14. if you're interested in getting a game against vamps I'll play your fancy lads.
  15. I would be able to make 4 pm more than I do 6. but that's only every other week because of my kiddo.
  16. ahhh an army specific rule that I'm unaware of makes sense. you are likely correct art.
  17. duh! should have caught that. my opinion is still stay with the wk and necro combo. fewer eggs in one basket. vamp heros are nice but with t4 and 2 wounds they tend to die quickly unless you're building them for defense and then you might as well have stayed with a wk. plus a wk in the skellies unit looks good.
  18. adds more of a competitiveness to the bk unit but also fairly cookie cutter (for obvious reasons... ion) I like the wk for theme purposes more
  19. yes?? converted units/models were accepted last year. this is not a gw only event o my knowledge
  20. it's good representation of what VC can bring to the table. your core block size it right now to allow for 2-3 rounds of sustained combat which is crucial. plenty of drops to the match ups you'll want for you knights. I'm not sure about the sword of striking on the GK, it's different but I wouldn't say chuck it. overall I think this list will play for the type of game you want at OFCC, fun with lots I elements but not something that wouldn't be fun to play against (ie too hard or roll over easy) . keep us posted on its performance on the battlefield!
  21. champions can refuse challenges without a penalty. having them is only ever, IMO, a good thing as it provides you options you wouldn't have otherwise.
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