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Everything posted by Drak

  1. if it's anything like last year teams challenge slots will fill up fast, so get'em in early!
  2. selfishly I like the second list because there's no canon!!!!
  3. couple general thoughts: 1) your lord/general is very vulnerable without a ward save. 2) the necro on the cart with master of the dead will be slow (only ever move 4") and master of the dead likely won't bet you any extra skellies. 3) your bsb vamp can drop banner of the barrows (the grave guard can take this themselves) this frees up the bsb to take magic items or a different magic banner of that's what you want. 4) your units sizes are really small, our units loose models by the droves. the Zeds could be split into two units (they can grow beyond their starting size easily) 20 ghouls will only be speed bumps (and expenses ones at that). 19 grave guard will die and crumble before they can really be effective. 5) list two does look like a better choice if taken as is. as another vamp player taking a zombie dragon I appaud your choice :) he does get expensive real quick. also keeping your magic to a few lv 2's you will need to be very effective with that phase as vamps is an army that is made potent through our magic. if you can i would look into give the necro on the cart the book of arkhan.
  4. lol. gotta show moms love this weekend!!
  5. 1) I'm assuming the scoring for each scenarios Win, tie, minor loss, major loss is meant to be variable (100 point separation on some of them, 300 point separation on others) is written correctly and not a typo? along those lines what constitutes a "win" since the other outcomes have variable vp separations. 2) players will be allowed to start with a unit in the tower? is the unit size capped? 3) like last year if your Mr Lucky dies he cannot be resurrected? or more accurately the champion model that is resurrected isn't a mr lucky? also why list what can be rerolled in some of the phases? are they examples or limits on what can be rerolled?
  6. are the hits from the tower going to be considered magical?
  7. can we get an update on how players can take things from the arcanum/storm of magic soon? or confirmation that this info will be provided when the scenarios are?
  8. this needs to be clarified in the rules comp because Rudra ran into a similar question with his wanting to take a unit of (7) bile trolls. as written now it says limited to a "model", not unit.
  9. speaking from experience anything that can win the game turn 1 is just no fun. granted if you take a solo character you run that risk, but it's just too skewd in the canons favor to have much fun playing against them. so either 2 or 3 would be funnier games IMO.
  10. I get why you would add them, the same reason everyone else does. it's just the group think "have to have a canon" mentality that bums me out. are there no other answers in the dwarf book to monsters? maybe there isn't and as someone taking a dragon I get that you would want a solid monster answer.
  11. I'm beginning to think you live here in the forums Jon :) our teams issue is one of the players wants to go WE but we don't even know where to begin on helping him put together a list. that and several of them are wishy-washy (almost think we should rename our team to this) as to what army they think they could have ready in time. so a date would help that aspect.
  12. boooooo, poor choice giving into the mob mentality
  13. you going to field your DRAGON!!! again???
  14. looking at the list as is, I'd say you'd improve the list by sticking to 2 warmachines and using the points to take something "for fun" (not playing dwarves myself I wouldn't know what that might be)
  15. aside from the different uses of the term "bus" I'm getting that the newer version of the list is more aligned with the spirit of the event. thanks for the input, now it's time to model/paint!
  16. having played a few games against the new dwarves I would say your results will likely be about the same (just not a turn 1 win). as far as the list goes, my question is this, other than the miners what in the list is a "seldom seen" choice from the dwarf selection? and while I appaud your not taking 4 war machines, 3 is still on the tougher side and would likely impact my rating of this list.
  17. thanks for your input hero. I'm going to keep the nightshroud as I want my main character to get into the thick of things and have a solid chance at surviving (crumble and all being too devastating to go with less). and while it's a large base effect, it does only effect the front rank (b2b contact). as a character that almost comes on at 700 pts, I think the changes will allow him to do what he should, add the only real hitting power in the list and survive a few rounds of combat. I thought about dread knight but it's entirely to easy to negate this entire model by throwing a champion in front of him to go the "have to challenge route". anyone else have some input they would like to share? many voices make for more fun :)
  18. oh, that has potential to changes things a bit. and if that's the case the wording needs changed in the rules pack.
  19. I agree if (when) Drak dies my army suffers. his ability to survive and be useful is paramount to any game strategy I might have. that being said I love charging him I'm against other mighty characters for the awe inspiring CHALLENGE!!! factor.
  20. the dragon himself dies very easily, with only t6 and a lonely 5+ armor save. most armies have great weapon wielding foot troops that have dealt with him in games I've played. and yes I also expect plenty of people to bring anti-monster stuff as the arcanum and storms is open to us. heck that's in large part what my spirit host are here for!
  21. Rare points may be spent from the army book, or from any monster in the Storm of Magic, Monstrous Arcanum, or Tamurkhan books. Monsters from these books are limited to 0-2 for monsters costing less than 100pts, and 0-1 for monsters over 100 pts or more. Thus, you could take two sabretusks (21pts each), but would be limited to one Arcane Phoenix (205 pts). how do you get 7-8 trolls, I'm confused...
  22. do the trolls come in under the point cap? I'm sure they do as you've included them.
  23. the revised list still has the models I want to field (helpful as I've already invested time into customizing them) while reducing to ott killing power and hard combos. I am playing around with trying out summon creatures in this list but I don't feel like that is a game changer. thoughts now?
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