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Everything posted by Drak

  1. IMO The Lord looks fine. fear is subpar and those particular vampiric powers are rarely taken these days for a reason. having some chance at survivability in combat (and having to challenge) seems like a fair trade off to me. as for the tg scream. give it one wound and you offset the advantage of -1 ld bubble. not game changing.
  2. the section for selecting from the arcanum still needs to be reworded to allow more than 0-2 models.
  3. I think I'd put this around a 3, but haven't faced some of these things so don't know all the tricks :)
  4. best overall (and the claymore) went to Nathan and his beautiful Dark Elves. best general (and the axe) went to me and my vampires. best sportsmanship went to Brehk and his warriors of choas. best painted character to Mike C and I think his Slann. best snack went to Ben and his suishi rolls. (Bronson got honorable mention for the pizza we all enjoyed). Can't recall who got best painted monster/chariot/etc. Nathan got best painted Army for the above mentioned Dark Elves. Wooden Spoon went to Matt and his skaven. don't hang your hat on these as they are from my sugar riddled and warhammer'ed memory :)
  5. you can take models you love (or have spent time creating) and still "soften" them up. does you demon prince have to have flying? does he have to be a level 4? etc. I faced a similar dilemma with my vamp lord. does he have to be lv4, red fury, quickblood, etc etc etc. I'll let other more knowledgable peeps talk about the rest of the list.
  6. eric, is the breaking point going to remain 3 even though we are playing 2k?
  7. agreed, but I would have loved to see mummified horros!
  8. looking cool beats out other things in my book.
  9. i say do what you want to, just know some people may have issues with how it affects line of sight. both for shooting ( if these are archers) and for cover.
  10. I completely agree with your assessment above. I think your current version is a good build. it will be interesting to see what the committee thinks.
  11. I'm pretty sure it has to do with line of sight and how much of the model is obstructed from the shooting models view, partial = soft, 50% obscured = hard. so in this example if the shooting model can see your entire model because you modeled it really talk for whatever reason then I would agree, no cover.
  12. For me as a vamps player when I'm looking at our lists ratings I think "what is it that my opponents have consistently not liked facing?" usually the answer is 1)blender lords 2)TG 3)ethereal/hexwraiths 4)lots of ION the changes you made I think improved your score but unfortunately I think common community perception (not saying the rating committee will do this) will see a blender lord (nightshroud with the great weapon didn't really change much, and may have made him better for most) another vamp with red fury and a tg. it's been my experience that when a single model (be it your lord or your coven throne vamp) can kill 8-10 models at one go (and they very well can with red fury and Danse Macabre) they start to dislike that potential. and that's really what I'm seein with your list, potential. I think your in the right power range of a 3.3. if you wanted to soften it up more you could take one vamp with red fury, or drop one of the elements on the blender lord (red fury, quickblood, str 7) and I think you'd be at a 3. I'm still excited about seeing this list in action!
  13. with lots of mobile glass cannons (Vargs), a mobile blender lord (ogre blade, red fury and quickblood is the net definition of a blender lord) a lot of magic potential, some ethereal, and a TG. I'd say for me I'd rate this around a 3.8. you have decent sized blocks, plenty of resurrection ability to offset skellies weak stats. I like the this, this is just my assessment of why I'd rate it.
  14. also most people will have Word, not the case with Quartermaster.
  15. dang you holiday weekend!! but I'll have time to prep for the rampage on the first :)
  16. looks good, I'm excited to see this one on the table.
  17. yes everything has a weakness, but with the amount of redirectors you have it would take some really poor playing on your part to give. flank up on the gors. I like playing against the army as is, I also can recognize that with lore of beasts both of the units get into the very nice level of things.
  18. I like it as is. good job bringing a fun looking list.
  19. it is a lot, and there will likely be a few armies that will struggle to deal with 50 of them. 1600 points in two fairly hard to kill units puts the list on the tougher side. so your comp may be higher.
  20. the changes your considering do a lot to make this less threatening/discouraging to play against.
  21. playing across from them tonight was fun, the progress is encouraging and it's all looking really good. keep it up!
  22. looking good. the only other thing I'd suggest is either: a) drop master of the dead (only one unit of skellies can possibly benefit from this upgrade) and take the opal amulet or the talisman of protection or the dragonbane gem + great weapon for bsb. this gives your backup caster a little added protection. b) drop the Zeds down a little and look to free up enough points to take a second unit of skellies to really get your money out of master of the dead. pure likely to get two turns of ION before your slow moving core are in combat (the only time you're likely to benefit from master of the dead). so make it worth it. honesty I'd go option a. but you may want to try out that upgrade.
  23. I wouldn't want to play it seeing two canons and a volley gun. other than that it looks fine.
  24. rudra, I will be available sooner. around 5pm tonight :)
  25. the vamp lord is strong but not brokenly so, especially since he still has no ward save, so while he can dish out a lot of attacks and thus kills he is very vulnerable. I think I've seen so math hammer in which they compared quickblood and red fury, if you are going to be taking one or the other I almost always take quickblood. red fury is nice if you are sure to get the kills, quickblood makes sure you get those kills to begin with. also against any of the elves out there it will reduce the number of hits you're taking in return When you take away their rerolls. I would give your bsb a great weapon. big deal if he goes last this will give him punching power to get through a lot of the good armor saves that other characters will have. I would drop most of the champs (keep one for me lucky). and would either make my champ the horror (high tough and regen means he might live) or the hellwraith (the protection provided by ethereal). the skelly and gg champ could be useful to tie characters up in challenges. with the free points invest in more gg (27 is solid number, so with the wight king you can have four ranks seven wide). or invest in further magic items for the corpse cart necro. both of the TG upgrades are a waste, you don't want him in combat, you want him flyin around screaming and threatening stuff. you may want to look into getting a second unit of zombies. with this list, having a few tarpit options will be important and it is all to easy to avoid a single tarpit unit. since you're going to want to be able to pick your combats with the gg and horrors. varghiest are good for their role, which is war machine hunting and clearing chaff (IMO). hex wraiths are better at taking out knights and stuff with good armor saves, and if need be tying up big monsters. I would consider what role you want filled in your list and go with the unit that does that.
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