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Everything posted by MexicanNinja

  1. I don't think VC are that hard to play. It's just a different learning curve. This army is much more forgiving than most when you make a minor to small mistake. There are many things VC players have at their disposal which harrass their opponents in many ways before having to deal with the large unbreakable units. All I was pointing out with the above statement is that the build is the common build for competitive play when trying to min max. However, in an army without hexwraiths a single unit of the 10 skeletons with 2 cairn wraiths isn't that cheesy when you could face three of those plus double hexwraith units.
  2. Have you looked at how the points work for your army? In order to get low ratings you really need to focus on the multiple modifiers for certain things.
  3. Against the right, or wrong, opponent that wall could be hard to deal with. If they don't have any magic weapons, it only takes a few wounds to counter the fast crumble. Yes, core is meant for meat shields for casters. I guess the best choice for a core unit for nothing more than being used to hold a unit in place would be a unit of 25 zombies and then just get two IoN on it to increase the size. However, that will still crumble eventially. Special and Rare is what start to make the VC more reliable in close combat turns.
  4. Yes, you could make it harder. The somp system works extremely well and is a good calculator to see how tough your army is before rolling any dice.
  5. The sweedish comp system is extremely easy to use. If you are wanting to try for the hardest list your army can bring, the goal is to get a 0.
  6. I'm sure you know of this, but here's the cheap unit holder for VC: 10 skeletons with 2 cairn wraiths- you put them in ranks of 2 and stick the ethereals in the front.
  7. Not to mention both units suffering from the crumble. Losing 5-9 models from one unit is bad on its own. It's just unfortunate that VC with the current book relies so heavily on characters for effectiveness. The only other answer I see, if you didn't go the blender vamp route, is to spam necro's and hope for superb magic phases to keeping the units up and running effectively.
  8. Come on, haven't we all learned not to apply common sense to this game?
  9. Khan (attacker) vs. Gonzo (defender) Gonzo win Khan's warlord died Mission was Emporer's will with the follwoing VP- Gonzo 6 (controlled objective, first blood, slay the warlord, line breaker) Khan 4 (controlled objective, line breaker) It was a great game and a new learning experience in fighting nids. Once the smoke settled from all the launchers, the Space Wolves defended their portion of the map, secured the ruin priest, and are now co-ordinating their next assault on the planet. The wounds have healed on the priest, the hivemind was too much for him, and will be leading the next assault. An incomming transmission has been received and Grey Knights are expected to take to the field to ensure eradication of the xenos is carried out in full.
  10. I fully agree with that statement. Unfortunately, for VC, you NEED those crazy character builds to backfill what the majority of the army lacks. The combat effectiveness to negate crumbling in mass quantities. You hit the point perfectly with the 50 man unit. After two turns, most opponents will know the outcome in the future rounds.
  11. Oh snaps, I forgot about a board. I don't know if I'll get one done in time though.
  12. Here's the problem with the CT: 1) It's not meant for competitive play 2) Once the roll of the character on the CT is figured out, it can be a good combo setter and still packs a punch in combat (lots of ASF, if I remember correctly, and high WS/S attacks). However, it won't have the same impact as say the kitted out combat lord of death and destruction on a steed in a unit of BK. Like you stated though, this would be an amazing piece for the OFCC and the model does look magnificant. It does take a lot of patience in learning though. The special ability is hit or miss. Although, when it works it is very frustrating for your opponent.
  13. You want the results posted here or in a PM?
  14. It's not that the BK are bad. It's just the common delivery system for the triple mounted characters. You stick one of the most feared close combat machine in the game in the unit, and a combo of necros/vampires, and the unit either dies in one turn or is still alive at the end of the game. if you were to take BK and a WK I don't think it would be all that bad in your list. It's not the "norm". I tested the Coven Throne a few times. It's fun and can either go full support, full combat, or a mixed combo.
  15. I need to paint a ton of Maruader Horsemen. When I say ton, I really mean 30.
  16. Sweet! As a sidenote, I should be attending some game nights on Sunday's shortly. I have just been waiting for the rest of my army to come in the mail.
  17. Are you going to be attending Food for the Blood God!?
  18. That list is far from over the top. While it poses a threat to opponents you have none of the following units: Black Knights Mounted Vampire spam Ethereal Character spam Crypt Horrors Terrorgheists The list you have is perfect for representing a competitive list at a non tournament envirornment. You have included units which would not be used in non-comp score tournaments.
  19. Yup, first the brawl then OFCC fine tuning. I just need one model for my OFCC army to be complete.
  20. I skipped pretty much every post on this thread. I just wanted to say, until I see the final product, I believe nothing of what I hear, read, or see.
  21. I have a few questions for Scenario 1: 1) It states that units must charge to collect a token. Is there anything that prevents a unit from ending its move on top of the token without claiming the token? 2) If you have a token, what happens if you break from combat? Does your opponent's unit get the token? If your opponent does get the token, what happens if the unit that broke you doesn't have fortitude? Is the token dropped on the table where the unit contolling the token broke from? 3) If you have a token, what happens if you flee? Do you drop the token from the spot your unit flees from? 4) If you do drop the token for the above questions, would you need to roll to see if the token explodes? 6) If you don't drop the token when you break in combat, if you've been completely wiped out in combat, or from fleeing, do you still control the token if your unit is fleeing but not fled off the table at the end of the game? 7) What models/units are able to control table quarters?
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