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Everything posted by K_DUB

  1. And I see you have replied. PM sent
  2. Check the Rogue Trading section. I have Skorne for trade.
  3. I posted this on CL however this site reaches a more specific audience so I figured I would try here. Some of you know my painting work so you know of how quality the paint job is (however my iPhone4 photos are'nt). Looking to either trade for Age of Sigmar models or straight up cash. 25 Pts of Trollbloods - Trollbloods Battle Group Starter: 2x Troll Impaler, Troll Axer, Madrak Ironhide - Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribe (leader & 3 grunts) - Fell Caller Hearo - Dire Troll Mauler (magnitized for Blitzer & Bomber Options: hands heads back plate) - painted to a high table top quality, all based to a high quality, all come with cards.
  4. I have a NIB Skorne Battlegroup, Paingiver unit, Agonizer & Cyclops Brute. Would be willing to trade for any Warhammer fantasy models or Age of Sigmar models (or 40K Orks). Nothing is primed. Mold Lines cleaned
  5. Do the pilot and rider need to be painted as well or just the vehicle? What colors do you want?
  6. In my experience there are shops in town that dont like ITC because they are against the whole Tourney scene. Yet they bring broken lists to casual play...go figure. It really does depend on what kind of player you are. I like both (rulebook and ITC). Just more ways to play the game.
  7. How are you getting a drop pod on your Centurions? It cant be taken by them and all your other SM units took transports. If you go by CAD then yes you can take a DP as a fast attack. If you are using Iron Hands take the CAD. If you are using say Ultramarines use the DC.
  8. A small plug....Nexus games (out in Gresham) has a LARGE selection of Infinity.
  9. I dont know of anywhere else that sells them. I just got mine directly from them. It is worth it though....
  10. I REALLY like the Frontline Gaming Mats. I have one and they are great quality and rolling dice/ moving minis is so nice.
  11. But how many of these $75 books is GW going to put out? This is what makes me wonder if I should get one or none? How many more do you have to buy?
  12. So I am on the fence if I want to plunk down the money for the Age of Sigmar book (rulebook?). It seems like they just keep releasing a new book every month. With new warscrolls and new scenarios it appears to be cool but for $75 per book that looks expensive. I would be curious to know if it is worth the investment for the initial book or....???
  13. Great! I like the attitude you are bringing to this. Also thanks for moving the time out, this will make travel much easier!
  14. I am rather Meh on the new codex. The artwork is cool in some places but odd in others (Cutout of the Landraider nice but it is the only vehicle that gets that artwork). The models pics are alright but there are painting houses that do WAY better looking paint jobs. As far as the stats go I am happy with the changes. I find it odd that the Legion gets an entry but no real good way of using them in a formation. Kind of a random add on. Guess you can only use them without a formation? Or does someone have a better idea of how to use them. Otherwise it just looks like a normal GW cash grab with the whole "Look at all the free stuff you can take.....but buy the models first".
  15. I do commission painting as well....rates depend on what kind of level of detail you want and size of figures. If there is something you need painted PM me and we can chat.
  16. Book is great. The layout is fun with the background and additional lore. I like the Knight's Relics....nasty!
  17. Meh....I like lower point games anyway.
  18. I think it is KGW that has the video of of the inside of the bridge....that bridge should be be standing...
  19. So a quick question about 10 man squad (1 unit) broken up into 2 combat squads (2 units) in a Rhino: Since a Rhino has two firing points and the rules state a unit may fire out of the firing point how does 2 units in a Rhino work? Can you fire essentially 4 men worth of weapons (4 men out of 2 units)? Or are only 2 men out of 1 unit able to fire and the other unit cannot act?
  20. Yes but a Libby is very squishy....best option for lower pts games is put him in a Predator....
  21. For that matter why not put him in a Land Raider. Good thought though...would be hard to slay that Warlord in a tank...but for 50 points and a BS of 5 that is a great idea....
  22. The rules for the servo harness are the following: you can fire the plasma cutter and flamer in the same round or a servo harness mounted weapon and another weapon...
  23. Oh use Citristrip. Smells great, no harmful fumes (can use indoors), use gloves, and strips paint real quick! Melts plastic also....so I usually put my minis into a glass cup and glop the stuff on.
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