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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. Sgt. Rock

    CB News

    That.... doesn't make any sense. They just released a new starter and models last year. The starter, all the Bagh Mari, the Tikbalang, all relatively new models. That doesn't make an ounce of sense. Is this going to be a thing, where they decide they need more space for new models so they just rotate out older, but perfectly good and still relatively recent sculpts? I gotta say, that's just dumb. If CB can't maintain the models for the armies it puts out, they're going to start driving people away.
  2. Cool, good to hear. Hoping traffic won't be too awful, gotta get home from Salmon Creek at 5 and then another 15-20 minutes to the clubhouse. But I'll be there, with some Chaos Marines this time.
  3. I'm going to be there, but I'm having to stay late at work. Probably closer to 7 before I get there. Will y'all still be around?
  4. After playing a learning game with Scott, this game is a blast, and I'm really looking forward to the league! I may have to invest in some new dice, though, because those shiny pretty Ordo dice I bought at OFCC OBVIOUSLY HATE ME AND I SHOULD MELT THEM DOWN.
  5. Sgt. Rock

    CB News

    That's true. I suppose if you desperately wanted that one extra surprise shot/attack, you can, but I'm not sure it'd be worth the order.
  6. Sgt. Rock

    CB News

    Wait. Did Ratniks always have Minesweeper? That's actually kinda cool, a point in their favor. A very minor one, but still. Also, I'm very excited to try out the new Vet Kazak Mk 12 profile. That one should be worth more than a few giggles.
  7. Sgt. Rock

    CB News

    It's up on the wiki now. It's basically a two-shot LGL that barfs out mines instead of templates. EDIT: Derp. It's on the bikers, not the new Muls. Still, that makes it even more awesome. Being so fast and mobile, you can spit mines into your opponent's half of the table a lot faster and easier.
  8. Sgt. Rock

    CB News

    It won't work. If you double check his profile, he has Frenzy; thus, if you kill someone in melee, you've blown your shot at camo, because he can't stay in marker state. It drops to Mimetism. Still nice, but that camo is kind of a one hit wonder for him.
  9. Sgt. Rock

    CB News

    TAK is going to be amazing. Wildcard trooper is just nutty; being able to stick Vet Kazaks and even Voronin anywhere I want is going to be sah-wheeeet... and speaking of Uncle Vernon, that T2 BSG sensor profile actually is pretty nice. There's actually a reason for him to see play time now outside of low-point LI games. Duo on the Dynamos could be very interesting. A 1 SWC Molotok that barfs out mines is pretty sweet, and it's interesting to see a paramedic armed with something other than a rifle. Carmen Jones looks like all kinds of fun. Pavel McMannus is... interesting. Not sure what to think about a Scout with Frenzy. I really like his CC capability, but... I dunno. I don't know where he fits. I'll have to play with him to see where to put him. He's cool, he's got a neat skillset, but I'm not entirely sure how to use him. I. Love. Frontoviks. They look soooo good. The profiles look amazing, and being able to link with everybody else is sweet. Even the base profile... BS 12, ARM 2, Mimetism, Courage, Veteran L1, a T2 rifle, and an assault pistol... for 23 points? [big bad swear word], son, sign me up! I also find it kind of weird that you can field both Kazak Doktors *and* 112s. I wasn't expecting to get both. Vassily Plushenko looks awesome. I'm especially keen on the T2 marksman rifle, though I wouldn't turn away the sniper, either. Also, TWO CoC units in the sectorial. Overall, I'm super stoked for TAK. Once I have the money (and they release the new models) and time to play Infinity again, I'm going to have a ball with these guys.
  10. Sgt. Rock

    CB News

    I'm pretty sure that's the first thing that everyone thought. And I agree about the Securitate box. A Grenzer with a combi+LFT isn't going to see nearly as much use as a Securitate feuerbach. Of all the profiles you could link into there with the Grenzer, I can't really think of any of them with that armament that's worth it.
  11. That's so cool, that you would devote that much time and energy to one campaign for your club. They're lucky to have someone with that kind of dedication.
  12. Ah, yeah, that makes sense. Me being new and all and still fuzzy on the rules, I must have missed that.
  13. Am I the only one that noticed that Aximillion doesn't have a weapon profile? He's got a WS and attacks profile, but it doesn't say what he's swinging with. I mean, I imagine it's probably just something like strength user 0 AP damage 1, but still, would be nice to know.
  14. That's true, I always forget about the Reverends.
  15. Woohoo! I was hoping for something like this. Question: if we miss a game night, will we be able to make it up elsewhere during the week? I'm working screwy hours right now, and I can't 100% guarantee that I'll be available every single Tuesday night.
  16. Ariadna is actually getting nerfed even harder on classifieds now. Used to be that if we drew two hacking objectives, we were basically forced to take secure HVT. Now, that's going to end up being half of our classified scores. There's *one* unit with sensor, and if you don't bring an Antipode pack, you can't do that one. CHA, for example, has no MSV or sensor. From where I'm standing, without have ever played any of this, they're really hitting us hard for classifieds. USARF is getting a massive boost, though. Them, Corregidor, and Druze are all going to dominate this season, I think.
  17. If you end up with more bodies than space, I can bow out. I only have about 1k points of stuff (assuming I get the damn models I ordered this week, if not I may just have to buy some more) and I haven't got any BFG stuff. Playing sounds like lots of fun, but I'm probably the best one to take the fall if you end up with too many people.
  18. And whose fault is that? Rest assured, you were mocked roundly amongst those of us that were there. RD was plenty hungover himself, but he was still there...
  19. It definitely does. USARF and Corregidor are getting HUGE boosts this season. I expect to see the oft-maligned Bolt link see some more use, honestly. @Exile made a very good point when we were talking about it, though, that it could end up being a trap for MI to get eaten by infiltrators and warbands. Still, I think it's going to be a big help for a lot of MI that just never see table time. Previously, you'd never dream of taking MI if you were playing something where they needed to move up the board quickly, like BTV. Now, they actually have half a chance. It also adds a little bit of deployment flexibility for defensive/ARO pieces like Nisse and Intruder snipers; if that perfect sniper's nest is 2" out of your DZ, now you can get up there. Also, it's really nice to see characters get the "veteran troops" classification for things like Hunting Party. (I didn't see, is that one still in there?) Also, yay for the return of objective room missions!
  20. Mondays would work swimmingly for me. I'm in the process of building a Black Templars army, so I can happily join up and mock my fellow Imperials for not purging hard enough. 😛
  21. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to give a hard pass this time. Real life is getting in the way big time right now, and most of my gaming time is probably going to be put on hiatus for a while.
  22. Well, in that case, color me interested. I'll definitely be able to do Kill Team, and if GW will get their asses in order and deliver the scouts I ordered over three weeks ago, I'll be in business.
  23. Man, I wish I had the models I'd need for this, it sounds like a blast. But alas, I'd be hard pressed to put together anything more than a half-assed 1k point list at this point...
  24. Sgt. Rock

    Check List

    As of ITS Season 10, everyone will have access to scavenge with the new Shasvastii merc from the ITS box.
  25. 1. Yes, it's awesome, but very expensive. Probably a consideration to be made. 2. I don't think it detracts from anything at all. There's usually not a lot of overlap between the games, from what I've seen, so I don't think it hurt us too badly this year. 3. Much prefer narrative events. ITS tends to frustrate me. 4. It's a barrier, definitely. I know I struggle with getting things painted. That said, it's really nice to play a tournament where EVERYTHING is painted, even if it's not the best work. 5. I don't know about anyone else, but $40-50 for an event you have all year to plan for isn't too bad. The biggest expense comes from buying food and drinks while you're actually there; those $7 beers in the hotel bar add up in a hurry. 6. I like 200. I can play a 300 point tournament anywhere, and 400 is just too damn big for Infinity, as far as I'm concerned. 7. Not a fan of secret missions in Infinity. Infinity is a game where everything has to be very precise, and you need to be able to tailor your list to the task at hand. You can get away with a generic "all comers" list in games like 40k or AoS, but not in Infinity. We need to know ahead of time to prepare. 8. Absolutely yes! There's a different feel to Ordo events than ITS events, they're a lot less competitive and a lot more fun. Events like the Rose City Raid or other ITS tournaments aren't a bad thing, but they're definitely a different animal, and Ordo events feel more relaxed and fun. 9. As someone who basically has no life, I can't comment on that. 10. 5 is a good number, it allows us to wrap up earlier on Sunday to get everything packed up and ready to roll. 11. I was there, so I dunno. Hit me up in PM if you have any questions, RD. You know that I'm feeling burnt out on Infinity, but I'm still going to keep my hand in, and honestly, Ordo tournaments are a lot more fun for me than ITS, so please don't quit running them.
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