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The Warhamsters Gather - 2/28


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15 minutes ago, intrizic said:

I'll have 9th age and X wing

What points is a regular game of 9th? 5k?

4500 is the standard right now. Sherbert would love it to change to 5k and it might with the 2.0 release at the end of the year, but for now 4500. Would you want to get a game in? I'd also be up for helping you out together a list if you want to PM me what you're looking at. 

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I have a Blood Bowl game scheduled against Jim, but there's no way that goes over two hours, so I'd like to schedule a second game so I can get my two games in.  I know Jim needs to get two games in to, so it would be best if there are two people, in addition to Jim and I, who have to get games in.  That way they can play each other, and then Jim and I can swap opponents.

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I will be there with my SAGA stuff.

I believe that I have a game scheduled with Sherbert, but if anyone else wants a go afterwards, that'd be great.

I need to refamiliarize myself with the rules before Adepticon.

I'll bring my Aetius Arthur SAGA supplement with me.  Anyone interested in Great Invasion Age (i.e. Late Roman) SAGA warbands should take a look. 

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1 hour ago, VonVilkee said:

1850? I'm looking to get a little practice for the storm of silence in May.  I'm playing sisters of battle with gray knights. 

1850 it is Corey. I'm not sure we've ever played each other and neither have I ever played the fabled Sisters, so a game of firsts it will be. I will attempt to endure the multitude of melta and heavy flamer shots coming my way. I'll be there about 6 and I'll bring my wolves.

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6 hours ago, SigurdBC said:

1850 it is Corey. I'm not sure we've ever played each other and neither have I ever played the fabled Sisters, so a game of firsts it will be. I will attempt to endure the multitude of melta and heavy flamer shots coming my way. I'll be there about 6 and I'll bring my wolves.

I work till 5 then I'll be straight down. I have one complication and that is saint Celestine I'm picking up the storm of cadia if I can to have her rules on hand.  Mostly she is there to tank wounds for an interceptor squad. I'm gauging if I want to paint all these sisters for May and try to be the best sisters player in the ITC for 2017

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