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For jim and mike, not pretre


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We’ll be looking at some of the awesome new miniatures over the next 7 days, as well as giving away some free wallpapers (we are good to you!). Naturally, we’re starting with Nurgle’s mightiest Daemons – the Great Unclean Ones:


Very soon, the Great Unclean One will be reborn, combining the classic aesthetic you love with the very latest miniatures design technology. This gargantuan beast now lives up to its size in the lore of Warhammer, a living mountain of rotting flesh that’ll tower above the rest of your collection.


Of course, if the Great Unclean one looks familiar, there’s good reason for it – while the design might be modern, it hearkens back to some classic art from Warhammer’s history – most notably, Wayne England’s iconic depiction of Nurgle’s favourite servants:


Of course, good things come in threes, and you’ll be able to use this kit to build one of three variant Great Unclean Ones, each carrying a different set of equipment. The third is a new special character known as Rotigus:


Rotigus is worshipped in the far corners of the Mortal Realms and the 41st Millennium as a generous, life-giving deity of prosperity and fecundity. While Rotigus certainly is generous (as all servants of Nurgle are!), the gifts he gives are foul in nature, and any who pray for his patronage soon see the error of their ways…

You’ll find datasheets and warscrolls for these guys in Codex: Chaos Daemons and Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle, updated to properly reflect the expanded weapon options (not to mention bulk!) now available in the kit.

That’s not all – here’s a free wallpaper for you to download and celebrate your love of Nurgle:


There are more gifts on the way, so tune in tomorrow for another look at a new Nurgle kit…

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The Third Day of Nurgle: Heralds


It’s the third day of Nurgle – a very special day indeed, given the significance of the number 3 to the God of Plagues! Today, we’re checking out a couple of the new Heralds available to Nurgle armies:

Previously, Nurgle only had one kind of Herald available, known appropriately as a Herald. However, these guys only represented some of the myriad servants available to the God of Plagues, and with the new Codex: Chaos Daemons and Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle, Heralds are getting more diverse than ever.

Our favourite has to be the Sloppity Bilepiper, a miniature that sums up the repugnant jollity of Nurgle perfectly. Armed with a set of jolly gutpipes and a marotter (crafted from the remains of the previous Sloppity Bilepiper), these Heralds are the victims and carriers of the Chortling Murrain, a disease that causes its victims to laugh themselves to death. Sloppity Bilepipers cavort and joke with Nurglings, Great Unclean Ones and Beasts of Nurgle (but not Plaguebearers, who lack a sense of humour) and strike horror into the hearts of their mortal foes.


Meanwhile, the Spoilpox Scrivener is a downright dour creature by comparison… It’s the job of the Spoilpox Scriveners to ensure that Plaguebearers meet their tallies, a job they accomplish by relentlessly browbeating and bullying their counterparts with a barrage of insults and commands. On the tabletop, the Spoilpox Scrivener will ensure that your Plaguebearers fight harder, making them a handy strategic lynchpin for the rest of your army.


Make sure to come back tomorrow, when we’ll be taking a look at some of Nurgle’s more mortal (but no less deadly!) servants. In the meantime, here’s your free wallpaper for the day:


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14 hours ago, Nathanvoodoo said:

I don't dig him too much either but he's a massive improvement over the old herald model

Too true. The current nurgle herald looks too much like an unaltered Plague Bearer to be bought as it's own kit. These look worth adding to a collection, even if they remain imperfect. 

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